4 Uncommon Ways to Shine in Your Job Search

Are you tired of using the same old job search strategies with no luck? We are here for you! With the recent surge in applicants flooding the job market, it’s more important than ever to stand out from the pack. We understand your frustrations and want to offer some unique tips to help you shine in your job search. It’s not just about having a polished resume, but also about highlighting your genuine self and making sure you’re visible to potential employers. Utilizing the power of networking, showcasing your extracurriculars, and continuing your professional growth are all ways you can set yourself apart. We believe in the power of transparency and the importance of making an authentic impression. Don’t let frustration hold you back – take control of your job search and find the position you deserve.

Here are 4 unique strategies to stand out and land your dream job:

1. Curate Your Resume

When crafting your resume, understanding what to include and what to leave out is crucial for catching the eye of potential employers. Begin with your contact details, a compelling professional summary showcasing your strengths and goals, and pertinent work experience and education. Emphasize relevant skills and achievements concisely. You may also include certifications or professional development to enhance your resume.

However, there are elements best left out to maintain professionalism and relevance. Personal details such as age, marital status, or photographs aren’t necessary and can detract from the content that truly matters—your professional qualifications. Additionally, avoid listing every single job you’ve had; focus on the roles that are relevant to the one you’re applying for. Steer clear of cliches or buzzwords that don’t add real value or specificity to your capabilities. And remember, honesty is paramount; never embellish your accomplishments or skills. By mindfully curating the content of your resume, you’ll position yourself as a compelling candidate ready to step into your next role.

2. Utilize the Power of Networking

In the pursuit of your dream job, don’t overlook the immense potential that lies within networking. Making connections isn’t just about collecting contacts; it’s about building relationships that can lead to opportunities not listed on job boards. Attend industry meetups, participate in webinars, and engage with who you know. Connect with recruiters and contacts at companies you’re interested in. Make sure to share your aspirations and listen actively. You never know who might have a connection to your dream job. Often, it’s through these conversations that one stumbles upon leads, learns about openings before they are advertised, or even gets a personal recommendation. Remember, networking can help piece together your career path in unexpected and fulfilling ways. Keep your approach genuine and open—every interaction is a step towards unlocking new doors.

3. Highlight Your Extracurriculars with Confidence

Sure, polishing your resume is important, but what about your activities outside of work? A standout applicant knows how to leverage their extracurricular experiences to their advantage. Demonstrating your skills, creativity, and dedication beyond the confines of traditional employment is key. Whether it’s volunteer work, sport teams, or hobbies that have taught you valuable skills, don’t be afraid to showcase them. Participating in meaningful activities not only showcases your passions and well-roundedness, but it also demonstrates essential soft skills such as time management, teamwork, and adaptability. These are qualities that employers are always looking for in top candidates. Sharing your experiences also weaves a personal narrative that aligns your passion, growth, and dedication with the job you’re aiming for. This approach makes for engaging conversations with potential employers, painting a vivid picture of your character and capabilities. So don’t shy away from highlighting your extracurriculars with confidence and pride, they could be the missing piece to landing your dream job.

4. Never Stop Learning

Continuous learning isn’t just for professional development; it’s a powerful strategy that can make you stand out during your job search. By actively staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends, you showcase your commitment to growth and improvement. There are plenty of online courses, webinars, and workshops available that can help you expand your knowledge and skills. Additionally, don’t be afraid to learn from others in your field; networking events and mentorship programs can provide valuable insights and connections that can help you in your job search. But learning isn’t just about gaining new skills; it’s also about developing a growth mindset. This means being open to new ideas, taking on challenges, and embracing failure as an opportunity for growth. Employers are always looking for candidates who have a passion for learning and are willing to adapt and evolve.

Supporting Your Success

In an era where cookie-cutter candidates blur into one, these four strategies can help you carve out your unique place in the professional world. Don’t just be another name in the application file – be the standout that hiring managers can’t forget. Remember, the key is to stay genuine and strategic, and the right opportunity will undoubtedly knock on your door.

By partnering with Award Staffing, you can unlock endless possibilities for your professional growth and success. Our tailored approach and transparent hiring process make us the go-to resource for job seekers looking to stand out in a crowded market. From understanding your skills and preferences to matching you with exciting opportunities, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve your career goals. Take the first step towards your dream career by browsing our current job opportunities and apply today.

5 Vital Skills to Learn This Year

In this era of rapid technological changes and industrial transformation, staying on the cusp of new skills is not just beneficial, it’s essential. Whether you’re angling for that next promotion or eager to excel in your current role, it’s clear that the ability to adapt and grow is what sets apart thriving professionals from those who merely survive. We’ll delve into the most sought-after skills that promise to bolster both your personal and professional development, providing you with actionable insights to help you stay ahead of the curve. So, let’s embark on this journey of continuous learning together, and turn growth into your career’s greatest ally!

Here are 5 essential skills you need to excel in the workplace:

1. Soft Skills

Soft skills are important in the workplace because they allow you to work with others, build strong relationships, and handle challenging situations. Building soft skills in the workplace is a dynamic and ongoing adventure that can enrich your professional journey in profound ways. Start by engaging in active listening – truly hear what others are saying and respond with empathy and understanding. Embrace opportunities to collaborate, be it through group projects or informal brainstorming sessions; these instances are valuable exercises in teamwork and adaptability. Don’t shy away from challenges, as they often provide the most fertile ground for problem-solving and critical thinking to flourish. To keep growing, solicit feedback from peers and mentors, and reflect on it constructively. Remember, building soft skills is about fostering a growth mindset, where every interaction is seen as a chance to learn and improve. So, step forward with enthusiasm and a willingness to evolve, and watch as these vital skills bolster your career development and enhance your professional relationships.

2. Resilience

Resilience is the capacity to adapt and succeed despite facing daunting or stressful circumstances. In the context of employment, resilience is critical for personal development and maintaining a strong, positive work ethic when facing obstacles. Being resilient means being able to bounce back from setbacks and continue to grow and achieve your goals.

Adaptable employees are invaluable to organizations, particularly as job roles and functions evolve in response to technological advancements and market shifts. Being flexible means you’re open to taking on new challenges and can pivot your focus when necessary. In the workplace demonstrating resilience often means staying positive and solution-focused, even when challenges arise. It’s about showing up with a can-do attitude, ready to tackle problems head-on. Employers value resilience in their employees because it shows determination, adaptability, and a willingness to learn and grow. Incorporate resilience into your professional skill set to cultivate strength and become more effective in your field.

3. Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is your secret weapon in your job search, truly setting you apart from the competition. It’s not just about what you know, but how you apply that knowledge. This skill allows you to evaluate opportunities critically, make informed decisions, and solve problems creatively. It’s what makes you a standout candidate, as you demonstrate the ability to analyze tasks, foresee challenges, and devise effective solutions.

Employers are on the hunt for individuals with sharp critical thinking skills because they view such talents as the fuel that drives innovation and productivity in the workplace. When you exhibit strong critical thinking, you’re not just a job seeker; you become a problem solver who can navigate complex situations and lead teams to success. Employers highly value candidates who possess the ability to challenge the status quo with compelling reasoning and innovative perspectives. After all, these individuals are the trailblazers who will drive their company towards success. Critical thinkers add unmatched value, bringing a proactive approach and a readiness to tackle the unexpected. So shine bright with your critical-thinking prowess, and you just might be the game-changing talent employers are eager to onboard.

4. Building Camaraderie

Camaraderie is not just a feel-good bonus—it’s an essential skill that underpins successful collaboration and teamwork. When employees forge genuine connections and mutual respect, they pave the way for a thriving workplace culture that celebrates diverse inputs, innovation, and problem-solving. It’s this sense of shared purpose that catalyzes a team’s ability to tackle challenges head-on and reach new heights of productivity. And there’s more—camaraderie in the office has the added perk of boosting job satisfaction, reducing stress, and fostering a sense of belonging. When you step into a role where camaraderie is valued, you become a valued member of a dynamic community that support each other’s growth. So, take that first step, and become an integral part of a workplace that values not only what you do but who you are.

5. Creative Problem Solving

Creativity is a coveted trait in virtually every professional field today. When you’re able to think differently and craft unique solutions, you become an invaluable asset to any employer. Imagine tackling unexpected challenges with agility, employing a solution-focused mindset that not just draws from your depth of knowledge but also applies it in inventive ways. This sort of innovative problem-solving can lead to groundbreaking opportunities and drive progress within your company.

Creativity is not spontaneous; it requires a specific approach and developing certain habits over time. Firstly, embrace curiosity. Ask questions and seek answers from different perspectives. Be open to new ideas and diverse thinking. Secondly, collaboration is key. Engage in brainstorming and collaborate to generate fresh ideas and gain new perspectives. Next, practice critical thinking. Analyze problems, identify root causes, and break them down into manageable parts. This approach helps find effective solutions. Lastly, be adaptable. Remember, there’s never just one solution. Stay open-minded and try different approaches. Incorporate these tips to develop and enhance your creative problem-solving skills.

Cultivating New Skills

As we’ve seen, the skills that are most important for employees in 2024 are those that foster adaptability, problem-solving, and positive relationships. Cultivating these abilities through continuous learning and personal development not only benefits you as an individual but also adds value to every organization you work with. With the ever-evolving job market, it’s crucial to stay ahead of the curve and continuously improve your skill set. By constantly learning and developing new skills, you not only become a more valuable employee but also showcase your dedication and drive for growth.

Finding the right job can be tough, but with our job board and recruitment process, it doesn’t have to be. Our six-step process will guide you through every step of the way, making it easy to find the perfect job. So why wait? Complete our online application today and start the process of finding your dream job.

How to Set Achievable Goals in 2024

Setting goals can be an essential part of achieving success as an employee. It can help you stay focused, motivated, and productive throughout the year. As we approach 2024, now is the perfect time to evaluate your progress and set new goals for the future. Whether you want to improve your work performance, learn new skills, or achieve a promotion, a well-thought-out goal setting plan can help you get there.

In this blog post, we’ll explore how to set achievable goals, so you can thrive in your career.

1. Evaluate Your Work

Before you can set meaningful goals for the future, it’s crucial to thoroughly evaluate your performance from the past year. Take a deep dive into your accomplishments, challenges, and areas for improvement. Reflect on whether you exceeded, met, or fell short of the expectations set by your employer. What contributed to your success, and what held you back? Were there any specific projects or tasks that proved to be particularly challenging or rewarding? How did you handle conflicts or obstacles that arose? Be honest with yourself and consider asking for feedback from colleagues or your supervisor.

By conducting a comprehensive review of your performance, you can gain valuable insights and identify specific areas where you need to focus on personal growth and development. This self-assessment will serve as a solid foundation for setting realistic and achievable goals that align with your aspirations.

2. Set Realistic Goals

Once you have evaluated your work, it’s time to identify what you want to accomplish in the upcoming year. Whether you want to develop a new skill, increase productivity, or earn a promotion, setting specific goals can help you achieve your desired outcome. When setting goals, it’s essential to be realistic. While it’s tempting to aim high and set lofty objectives, it’s crucial to ensure that the goals you establish are achievable within a specific timeframe. Unrealistic or overly ambitious goals can lead to frustration and disappointment, which could hinder your motivation and progress.

To ensure that your goals are realistic, use the SMART method – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. This framework will help you create goals that are clear, quantifiable, and relevant to your career aspirations. Specific goals are well-defined and clear, giving you a concrete idea of what you need to do. Measurable goals allow you to track your progress, using tangible evidence to determine if you’re moving closer to your objective. Achievable goals are realistic and within your capabilities. Relevant goals align with your long-term career aspirations, providing you with a sense of purpose and motivation. Lastly, Time-bound goals have a specific deadline, allowing you to stay accountable and focused.

3. Break Down Your Goals

Large, long-term goals can seem daunting or overwhelming at first glance. To avoid feeling discouraged, it’s helpful to break down your goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. By dividing your objectives into achievable chunks, you can stay motivated and track your progress as you work towards your ultimate goal.

Start by creating a timeline that outlines the steps required to achieve each goal. Then, set deadlines for each task and regularly review your progress. This will help you stay on track and make any necessary adjustments along the way. Additionally, celebrating small wins and milestones can provide a sense of accomplishment and boost your motivation to continue working towards your larger goal.

Another helpful tip is to categorize your goals into short-term, medium-term, and long-term objectives. This will help you prioritize which tasks to focus on first and ensure that you are making progress towards all of your goals. It’s important to remember that setting realistic deadlines and expectations for yourself is key. Don’t be afraid to adjust your timeline as needed – the most important thing is to keep moving forward.

4. Get Support from Your Colleagues

Seeking and accepting support from others can tremendously aid you in your journey towards achieving your career goals. It’s not only a sign of strength to admit that we all need assistance from time to time, but it also helps open up a multitude of avenues for growth. Colleagues and peers in the same field can provide invaluable insights, advice, and perspectives that you might not have considered. They could introduce you to new opportunities, help you network with influential people within the industry, or simply offer a listening ear during challenging times. Moreover, sharing your goals can help create a sense of accountability. When colleagues are aware of your aspirations, they can provide encouragement, check in on your progress, and offer constructive feedback, all of which can help you stay on track. The collective wisdom, experience, and moral support that you can gather from your colleagues are valuable resources that can greatly enhance your motivation, perseverance, and ultimately, your chances of success.

5. Celebrate Your Achievements

Finally, it’s important to celebrate your achievements along the way. Whether you reach a major milestone or simply make progress towards your goal, take the time to recognize your hard work and accomplishments. Celebrating your achievements can help keep you motivated and focused on your long-term career goals. One way to celebrate your achievements is by treating yourself to something special. This could be as simple as indulging in your favorite meal or purchasing a small gift that you’ve been wanting for a while. The important thing is to acknowledge and reward yourself for your efforts. Another way to celebrate your achievements is by sharing them with others. Whether it’s friends, family, or coworkers, sharing your successes can bring a sense of joy and fulfillment. Furthermore, it may even inspire others to pursue their own goals and dreams. Finally, don’t forget to take some time to reflect on your journey and how far you’ve come. Appreciate the challenges you overcame and the lessons you learned along the way. This will not only help you stay motivated but also provide a sense of gratitude for your achievements.

Going Forward

Setting achievable goals as an employee in 2024 is a vital part of advancing your career and achieving success. Taking the time to evaluate your work, setting realistic goals, and make measurable steps towards your goals can help you achieve your desired outcome. By seeking support from your colleagues and celebrating your achievements along the way, you can stay motivated and focused on your long-term career goals. With the right mindset and a well-thought-out plan, you can thrive in your career and reach your full potential. Looking for a new career opportunity this year? Check out our open positions and fulfill your career goals.

5 Reasons to Make the Leap and Start a New Job in 2024

As we roll into the new year, we reflect on our goals and aspirations. It’s a time when many people decide to make changes in their lives, especially in their careers. Reflect on if you are satisfied and happy in your current role. Would there be anything you would change? Maybe you’re overworked, frustrated with micromanagers, or feel stuck in your current position. Starting a new role in 2024 presents you with opportunities to take control of your job satisfaction.

Here are 5 reasons why you should embark on a new career this year:

1. Control Burnout

Burnout is a real problem in the workplace. It can happen to anyone, and it’s more common than you think. Burnout can occur due to a myriad of reasons. One of the primary culprits is excessive workload. When employees are consistently overloaded with tasks, they often feel overwhelmed and drained, leading to burnout. A lack of control or autonomy in one’s work can also contribute to burnout. Employees who have little say in their work processes or schedules can feel helpless and stressed. Lastly, a poor work-life balance, where employees are unable to take time for themselves, pursue hobbies, or spend time with loved ones due to excessive work demands, can also lead to burnout.

If you’re burnt out from your current job, it’s time to take a break and find a new position. Starting a new job in 2024 will give you the chance to start fresh and re-energize yourself. Working in a new environment with new people and new challenges can be just what you need to get your motivation back.

2. Experience an Inclusive Company Culture

If you’re not feeling included or valued, it can be hard to perform your best. Starting a new position in 2024 can give you the opportunity to join a company that values diversity and inclusion. Companies that promote diversity and inclusivity often have a better work environment and a sense of community. Such a culture encourages diversity, values individual differences, and ensures everyone feels respected and valued for their unique contributions. One fundamental way is to foster open communication, encouraging employees to express their ideas and concerns, and ensuring that all voices are heard. This fosters a sense of belonging, boosts morale, and promotes a positive work environment. Therefore, employees are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and satisfied with their jobs.

3. Gain Transparent Leadership

Transparent leadership nurtures a culture of trust, encouraging employees to be proactive, driven, and engaged. When leaders are open about the organization’s goals, strategies, and challenges, employees feel valued and included, which promotes a sense of belonging and loyalty. Moreover, transparency in leadership fosters an environment of open dialogue and constructive feedback, where ideas are freely exchanged and innovation thrives. Clear communication between leaders and employees also facilitates greater understanding and alignment within the team toward common goals. Finally, leaders should focus on building relationships with their team members, showing genuine interest in their welfare and career progression. These signs of transparency greatly improve the overall work environment, making it a more positive and productive place to be.

4. Opportunities for Career Advancement

If you feel like your career has stalled, it’s time to find a new position that can give you the chance for advancement. Starting a new job in 2024 can offer you the opportunity for professional growth. A new role provides a fresh set of challenges and experiences, contributing to both professional growth and skill enhancement. It brings forth a unique learning curve, allowing individuals to acquire new capabilities and expertise, which can prove invaluable in scaling the career ladder. Moreover, moving to a new job often comes with increased responsibilities and roles, which in itself is a step forward in one’s career journey. Therefore, embarking on a new job paints a promising picture in terms of career progression and personal development.

5. Find Meaning in Your Work

Embarking on a new job opportunity can be a transformative experience that injects deeper meaning into your work and life. Such a transition often acts as a catalyst, enabling you to align your skills with your passions and goals. It’s a chance to redefine your professional identity, to contribute to a mission that resonates with you, and to impact an organization in a way that matters. More than just a fresh start, a new job can reveal unexplored facets of your potential and allow you to foster growth in new directions. The sense of purpose that emerges from this alignment of your personal and professional paths can be a profound source of fulfillment and motivation, making your work-life journey all the more rewarding and meaningful.

Start 2024 Right

If you are unsatisfied in your current position then a new opportunity in 2024 may be just what you need. With every new year comes new possibilities, and if you are willing to take the leap, a fulfilling and impactful career could be waiting for you. At Award Staffing we consider your career goals, skill set, and interests to form your unique job search. Contact our team today to explore your new possibilities and increase your job satisfaction. View our current job openings to start 2024 right!

Is a Career in Manufacturing Right for You?

When it comes to choosing a career, there are a multitude of options. From healthcare to education, technology to hospitality, each industry offers its own unique advantages and challenges. One industry that many people may overlook is manufacturing. With the current job market and increasing demand for skilled workers, manufacturing is becoming a more viable option for job seekers.

A survey conducted by WTW found that 53% of employees are open to changing jobs, with 44% having actively searched for a new job in the last quarter. The manufacturing industry is no exception, with a growing number of opportunities for those looking to enter the field.

Here are 6 reasons that a career in manufacturing might be perfect for you:

1. You Have Technical and Analytical Skills

First and foremost, manufacturing requires a certain skill set. While it may seem like a more low-skill industry, the truth is that manufacturing workers need to possess a variety of analytical and technical skills. It’s important for workers to be detail-oriented, have strong problem-solving skills, and can work with complex machinery. In the manufacturing environment, these skills could manifest in the ability to troubleshoot equipment issues, analyze production data for efficiency improvements, and make informed decisions when faced with production challenges. Demonstrating these skills can set a potential employee apart and prove their value in the fast-paced and complex world of manufacturing.

2. You Have Transferable Experience

Hiring Managers look for candidates who have a stable work history and the necessary skills for the position. You’d be surprised that several careers translate well to the manufacturing industry. For example, if you have experience in customer service, you may find that you excel in a manufacturing setting due to your ability to work well with others and deal with customer concerns. Cashiers would be great at mail processing due to their high attention to detail and team-focused mentality. People working in the food industry would be great at order fulfillment because they are task-oriented and can select necessary components. These are just a few examples, but it’s important to consider your own experiences and how they may be valuable in the manufacturing industry.

3. You Want Job Security

Another advantage of a career in manufacturing is job security. With the increasing demand for products and materials, manufacturers are always in need of skilled workers. Additionally, many manufacturing companies provide benefits such as healthcare and retirement plans, which can make for a stable and secure career path. As technology continues to advance, it’s likely that the need for skilled manufacturing workers will only increase, making this industry a valuable one to consider.

Additionally, manufacturing plays a pivotal role in the economy, contributing significantly to GDP and employment. It forms the backbone of any economy, driving growth, enhancing productivity, and fostering innovation. This sector is particularly crucial for providing job security due to its consistent need for skilled labor. The demand for manufactured goods doesn’t wane, even in economic downturns, maintaining a steady need for a diligent workforce. Consequently, a career in manufacturing can offer you a level of job security unmatched in many other fields, making it a compelling choice for those seeking stability and growth in their professional journey.

4. You Work Well in a Team Environment

Working in a customer-facing role demonstrates that you are capable of collaboratively interacting and communicating effectively with a team. This experience, where you often work hand in hand with your colleagues to deliver the best service possible, is a clear testament to your teamwork abilities. Daily interactions with customers help you hone your skills in listening, empathy, and problem-solving, all crucial elements in a manufacturing team setting. Furthermore, dealing with a variety of customer needs and expectations equips you with the adaptability to work alongside diverse team members, contributing positively to team dynamics and overall productivity in the manufacturing environment.

5. You Are Dependable and Reliable

Dependability and reliability are highly valued qualities in the manufacturing industry. The nature of the manufacturing sector demands strict adherence to schedules and precision, which can only be ensured when team members are reliable and dependable. A reliable employee consistently meets their deadlines, is punctual, and is rarely absent, which directly contributes to the smooth operation of the production line. Dependable individuals follow through on their commitments and can handle responsibilities effectively. This combination of traits not only ensures that the manufacturing process stays on track, but also builds trust within the team, leading to a more efficient and harmonious working environment.

6. You Have a Good Attitude

A positive attitude is an essential trait for those aspiring to excel in the manufacturing industry. This sector is characterized by dynamic environments that require resilience, adaptability, and an eagerness to overcome unexpected challenges. Individuals with a positive mindset are more likely to develop creative solutions, embrace new technologies, and work effectively as part of a team. Employers value those who bring a can-do attitude to the workplace and are willing to learn and grow. Remember, a good attitude not only benefits yourself but also makes for a better work environment for everyone. Keep an open mind and maintain a positive outlook, and you’ll be sure to impress potential employers in the manufacturing industry.

Succeeding Together

A career in manufacturing can be a highly rewarding and fulfilling choice for individuals who possess the right skill set and mindset. With its emphasis on precision, innovation, and problem-solving, the manufacturing industry offers a unique blend of job security, benefits, and potential for professional growth. Moreover, the transferable experiences gained in various fields can be seamlessly applied to the manufacturing industry, making it an attractive option for career seekers from diverse backgrounds.

If you are intrigued by the prospects of a career in manufacturing, we invite you to explore our wide range of open positions. Each opportunity presents a chance to contribute to the industry’s growth and find a role that resonates with your passion and ambitions. Don’t miss out on the exciting possibilities that await you in the dynamic world of manufacturing!

Top 6 Manufacturing Jobs: Build Your Dream Career in the Industry

If you’re looking for a manufacturing job, then congratulations: You’ve taken the first step toward an exciting and rewarding career. Manufacturing is a field that offers countless opportunities to utilize your skills and knowledge in transformative ways. From entry-level to skilled, you’ll find rewarding positions that will help you grow and develop. Whether it’s building life-saving devices or operating machines, your career prospects flounder in the diverse roles a manufacturing job can offer. This makes them an excellent option for those who are looking to build their skillsets and gain valuable experience in the industry. Plus many of them are temp-to-hire opportunities, increasing the likelihood of transitioning to a full-time role.

In this blog post, we’ll explore 6 important types of jobs available within the sector and how they might be the perfect fit for your next job venture.

1. Medical Assembler

One of the most interesting and rewarding manufacturing jobs you can find is Medical Assembler. Medical Assemblers are responsible for assembling, fitting, and installing parts that form subassemblies and final assemblies of medical devices. Your duties may include picking the necessary hardware items, assembling custom components, and operating machinery and equipment. Candidates who excel at this job have basic computer and math skills, as well as basic knowledge of hand and power tools including inspection equipment.

This job involves attention to detail and accuracy as medical devices play a crucial role in saving lives. If you’re the type who loves to be a part of something that makes a real difference in people’s lives, medical assembly is perfect for you.

2. Manufacturing Associate

Another great manufacturing job to consider is a Manufacturing Associate. This role is responsible for assembling products, using microscopes and tools, and removing scrap material from molded parts. Desired qualifications for this role include great attention to detail, and ability to learn basic data entry. This position may also include cross-training in different departments and learning various skills in the manufacturing field. This way, you can progress further in your career by transitioning to different roles with a broader understanding of the industry. This job is great if you are looking for stability and potential for career advancement.

3. Machine Operator

If you have a high mechanical aptitude, then being a Machine Operator might be the perfect fit for you. Machine Operators are responsible for setting up, operating, and maintaining machines that produce goods. This also includes general assembly, setting up sheets and blue prints accurately and measuring parts for accuracy. Requirements for this role are basic computer and math skills, high hand-eye coordination, and ability to work quickly and efficiently. Benefits of this role are the potential for advancement as manufacturing jobs are becoming more technical and require a higher level of expertise.

4. Vault Custodian

Vault custodians play a vital role in the manufacturing facility by managing and inventorying tools or parts. They meticulously keep records of the tools and materials, ensuring optimal utilization. With their keen attention to detail and strong hand-eye coordination, they excel in maintaining inventory accuracy. Additionally, they lend a helping hand to the Shipping department whenever necessary. This position offers an excellent opportunity for career growth, as successful candidates can seamlessly transition into a Shipping Lead or Manager role. Embrace this role, and unlock a world of possibilities in the realm of inventory management and logistics..

5. Shipping Clerk

If you enjoy handling logistics and coordinating with customers, then a Shipping Clerk job might be perfect for you. Shipping Clerks are responsible for tracking orders and shipments and maintaining records and reports. This job involves coordinating with customers or clients and arranging delivery appointments. This may also include dispatching local cartage, managing containers upon arrival, and notifying carriers when empty or loaded. Skills required for this position include strong attention to detail, computer skills, and strong customer service skills. Successful candidates tend to possess a strong sense of urgency and highly efficient problem-solving skills. Candidates find this job meaningful because they can see real-world results each and every day. Your efforts translate into something tangible, giving you visual proof about how hard you’ve worked.

6. Robot Welder

A Robot Welder is a skilled manufacturing job that involves welding and machine maintenance. This career entails a variety of responsibilities and demands a diverse skill set. Your primary duty would be to load parts into appropriate fixtures and operate a robot welder while upholding the prescribed productivity rates and quality expectations. You’ll be expected to inspect welded sections for any flaws and rectify any unsatisfactory welds that you come across. You’ll need to reference diagrams and work instructions to ascertain the correct materials, tools, resources, and procedures to efficiently complete your tasks. Alongside this, you’ll conduct in-process quality checks using various tools to ensure parts align with customer specifications, demonstrating your attention to detail and commitment to quality. Your role might also require minor machine adjustments and preventative maintenance. To thrive in this role, you’ll need strong mathematical skills, computer literacy, and an ability to interpret and work based on diagrams, work orders, specifications, and verbal instructions. All these skills will contribute to your career growth and skill-building in manufacturing.

Let’s Work Together

If you’re interested in working in the manufacturing field, there are plenty of job opportunities waiting for you. Manufacturing jobs offer the chance to learn new skills and master technical aspects of the industry while also providing room for advancement. From entry-level positions to skilled jobs, there’s always a manufacturing job that suits your interests and skillset. We hope this article will help you make an informed decision on which career path in the manufacturing industry you’d like to pursue. Check out our open opportunities to begin your dream career today!

6 Reasons Why Warehouse Jobs Are Perfect for the Holidays

The holiday season is just around the corner, and businesses across various industries will require an additional workforce to keep up with the high production demand. As manufacturing increases during this festive time of year, additional employees may be needed to efficiently carry out all the extra work and ensure timely deliveries. Among the top jobs that are in high demand during the holidays is that of a warehouse worker. Working in a warehouse provides an ideal seasonal job opportunity for those who are seeking an entry-level role with potential for growth, a flexible schedule that accommodates personal commitments, and an active work environment that keeps you on your toes. Warehouse workers play a crucial role in ensuring smooth operations, organizing inventory, and fulfilling customer orders, contributing to the overall success of businesses during the bustling holiday season.

In this blog post, we’ll explore 6 reasons why you should consider working in a warehouse this holiday season.

1. High Demand

Companies experience an upsurge in consumer demand before the holidays. Therefore, they need to ramp up their production schedules and increase their output. As a result, they require additional laborers in their warehouses to meet the rising demand. This means there are plenty of job opportunities available for those seeking seasonal work. Warehouse positions offer various roles, including shipping and receiving, packing and fulfillment, inventory, and many more. The companies usually announce vacancies four to six weeks before the holidays, allowing job seekers sufficient time to apply and get the position.

2. Great for Entry-Level Roles

Warehouse work is great for those wanting to start their career journey. A seasonal warehouse worker position could be an excellent starting point for you. The job requirements typically entail physical and mental stamina, a willingness to learn, and attention to detail. Additionally, many warehouse supervisors prioritize attitude over experience, and they offer on-the-job training. Therefore, if you show a willingness to work hard and a desire to learn, you can quickly secure a job in the warehouse industry.

3. Variety of Tasks

One of the things that candidates enjoy about warehouse work is the variety of tasks they get to perform. Warehouse workers can be involved in a wide range of activities, from stocking shelves and packing boxes to operating forklifts and managing inventory. This variety helps to keep workers engaged and motivated, as no two days are the same. The variety of tasks also leads to a diverse array of roles as well.

  • Pickers and Packers: These individuals are responsible for picking products from the warehouse shelves and packing them for dispatch. The job requires attention to detail, as they need to ensure the right products are selected and the packages are correctly prepared for shipment.
  • Forklift Operators: Forklift operators are essential to warehouse operations. They move heavy pallets and packages around the warehouse, load and unload vehicles, and ensure goods are stored correctly. A special forklift license is required for this job.
  • Inventory Control Specialists: Inventory control specialists monitor and maintain the warehouse’s inventory to ensure that there are enough stock levels. They are involved in counting the warehouse items, tracking the incoming and outgoing products, and even predicting the future stock needs.
  • Warehouse Manager: A warehouse manager oversees the warehouse operations. They coordinate the warehouse staff, ensure safety regulations are adhered to, manage the budget and logistics, and often have a say in hiring and training personnel.

Each of these roles plays a critical part in ensuring the smooth running of a warehouse, particularly during the busy holiday season. And the good news is, there are opportunities for everyone, regardless of your level of experience or skills. So, if you’re considering a seasonal job, a warehouse role could be just the ticket!

4. Flexible Scheduling

One of the most attractive benefits of warehouse jobs during the holiday season is the flexibility they offer in scheduling. Whether you’re a night owl looking for overnight shifts, a busy parent needing to work around your child’s school schedule, or a student seeking to earn extra cash during break, warehouse jobs can accommodate a wide variety of schedules. Many warehouses operate round-the-clock, especially during the busy holiday season, making it possible to find shifts that fit into your life. This flexibility allows you to earn income without sacrificing your personal commitments. The key is to communicate your availability clearly when applying so that the employer can match you to the most suitable shifts.

5. Active Environment

Working in a warehouse proves to be a fantastic fit for individuals who thrive in dynamic, active environments. Unlike desk jobs, warehouse positions keep you on the move, accomplishing tasks that involve physical activity. This activity not only staves off the monotony of sitting at a desk but also contributes to overall fitness. It provides a kind of “on-the-job” workout that keeps you fit, busy, and engaged. Plus, the hustle and bustle of the warehouse, the coordination of tasks, and the satisfaction of seeing your work in action contribute to a stimulating workspace. This can be particularly appealing for those who enjoy fast-paced roles and find satisfaction in staying busy.

6. Opportunities for Growth

Taking a seasonal warehouse job during the holidays can also open doors to long-term professional growth and career advancement. Upon completing your seasonal work in the warehouse, you will have acquired valuable skills such as teamwork, time management, and communication. These skills, coupled with your ability to adapt quickly to change and work in a fast-paced environment propels you to be an excellent candidate for advancement. Demonstrate your capability to your employer, and they are likely to extend a permanent employment offer to you.

Start Your Journey Today

In conclusion, warehouse positions are an excellent choice for those seeking to step into the industry. They offer great pay, flexible schedules, and various entry-level roles to suit any preference. Working in a warehouse environment provides a platform for growth and merges an active workplace with the opportunity to earn extra income. Therefore, consider applying for a warehouse position to kickstart your career journey. Check out our job opportunities to find the right fit for you.

How to Determine the Best Culture Fit

You’ve applied to multiple companies, and now you’re receiving job offers. How do you decide which ones to accept? Money is an essential factor to consider, but equally important is the company culture. Culture fit is critical because it’s what helps you enjoy the job you’re doing, the company you’re working for, and the people you’re working with. The right culture is a major contributor to job satisfaction and is one of the leading reasons why people leave their jobs.

Here are 5 ways to determine company culture so you can find a job that is fulfilling and enjoyable.

1. Research the Company

Before you accept a job offer, research the company thoroughly. This includes the company’s values, mission, and work culture. You can find this information on the company’s website, social media, or Google reviews. Google reviews reveal public opinions about the company including their treatment of employees, the work environment, and their business practices. This information can give you a better understanding of the company’s culture and whether it aligns with your values.

A company’s values, mission, and social outlook are critical indicators of their culture. The values generally reflect the behavioral norms and guiding principles that shape the decisions, interactions, and work practices within the organization. The mission, on the other hand, serves as the company’s roadmap, pointing out the overall direction and defining its purpose. A company with a strong social outlook typically prioritizes corporate social responsibility, demonstrating a commitment to making a positive societal impact. Together, these factors help paint a picture of the company culture — whether it is competitive or collaborative, innovative or traditional, socially conscious or profit-driven. Understanding this can help you determine if you would thrive in such an environment and align with its culture.

2. Review the Job Description

The job description plays a crucial role in assessing culture fit. It provides valuable insights into the work environment through specific keywords and phrases. For instance, words like “fast-paced,” “dynamic,” and “entrepreneurial” indicate an energetic and innovative culture that thrives on constant change. On the other hand, terms such as “team-oriented,” “collaborative,” and “inclusive” suggest a work environment that values teamwork, cooperation, and diversity..

By paying close attention to these descriptive elements, you can gain a deeper understanding of whether the job aligns with your own preferences and strengths. It’s important to consider how these qualities may impact your ability to thrive and contribute to the organization. Taking the time to assess culture fit can ultimately lead to a more fulfilling and successful career journey.

3. Evaluate the Interview Process

The interview process gives you a glimpse into the company culture, and how they treat their potential employees. Take note of the interviewer’s tone and how they treat you. If they ask about your personal life and interests, it’s a sign that the company values its employees as individuals. If they only ask about your professional skills and experience, you could be working in a company that only values your work output. Furthermore, pay attention to how they communicate and the kind of language they use. This can indicate if there are open lines of communication between employees and if the work environment is friendly. Make sure to prepare questions about the company culture as well:

  • How would you describe the company culture?
  • What do employees enjoy most about working here?
  • How does the company promote teamwork and collaboration?
  • Can you share an example of a recent project that demonstrates the company’s values in action?

Asking these questions not only shows your interest in the company, but also allows you to gather firsthand insights from current employees. Their responses can provide valuable information beyond what is available through research alone.

4. Check Out Company’s Social Media

Many companies have social media pages that show their company culture through posts, videos, and employee spotlights. Check out their social media pages, especially Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to see how they promote their culture. The kind of content they share online can be an indication of how they treat their employees and their workplace environment. If they share posts about team-building events, birthdays, and company achievements and awards, it’s a sign that they value their employees and teamwork inside the workplace.

Another green light is if they update their content regularly. It shows that the company is active and engaged with their employees. On the other hand, if there are no recent posts or updates, it could indicate a lack of communication and engagement within the organization. Social media can give you an inside look at what it’s like to work for the company, so make sure to take advantage of this valuable resource.

5. Trust Your Gut

Lastly, trust your instincts. The best way to determine if a company is a culture fit is by trusting your intuition. Always consider if you have a good feeling after researching, interviewing, and checking the company’s social media. Does the company give off a good impression, or not so much? Do you see yourself fitting in with the company culture, or does it feel like a mismatch?

It’s important to listen to these feelings and trust them. If something feels off, it’s better to listen to your gut and continue your job search rather than accepting a position that may not align with your values and goals. You don’t want to start a new job and then realize it isn’t like you’d thought it would be. Your happiness and satisfaction at work are essential for your personal and professional growth, so don’t overlook the importance of culture fit in your job search.

Determining the best culture fit among job offers is crucial for job satisfaction and retention. Research the company, review the job description, evaluate the interview process, check out their social media, and trust your instincts. Remember that company culture is something that is unique to every individual. Finding the perfect culture fit can be challenging, but it’s worth it in the long run. By using these tips, you can select a job that aligns with your values and work style. If you are looking for a career that aligns with your skills, goals, and values, Award Staffing is here to assist you. Check out our current job openings today!

Award Staffing Receives 2023 ASA Cares Award

We are proud to announce that we have been honored with the esteemed 2023 ASA Cares Award by The American Staffing Association. This prestigious recognition is a testament to our unwavering commitment to social responsibility and making a positive impact in our communities.

Our Highlighting What Matters initiative, which earned us this accolade, was designed to give back to our community and create a lasting difference in people’s lives. By partnering with local, non-profit organizations we ensured that its efforts made a tangible and meaningful impact in our local communities.

Since launching our philanthropic program in January 2021, we have seen great success. We were truly amazed at the response from our employees and their enthusiasm for giving back to the community. Not only has this program allowed us to invest in local organizations that need it most, but it has also positively impacted employee morale and engagement. Over the last two years, we have raised over $50,000 to local organizations. These included our wonderful partners at The Link, Every Meal, Amherst H Wilder Foundation, YouthLink, Bridge For Youth, and Feed My Starving Children.

Throughout the initiative, we organized and conducted various donation drives, as well as engaged in volunteering activities at organizations that provide vital services to our community. These efforts were further extended through our recruiting initiatives and business development endeavors, reinforcing the company’s commitment to creating a positive influence at every level.

For example, The Associate Support and Accommodation Program (ASAP) at our company provides vital support to our associates, particularly during difficult times. Recognizing the diverse paths that lead individuals to our organization, we are committed to fostering an environment of safety, learning, growth, and meaning. Our ASAP initiative empowers recruiters to offer emergency assistance to our associates, addressing their immediate needs. This may include a $10 gas card to get to work, non-perishable food items for lunch, or winter gloves and hats. The objective of ASAP is not just to provide immediate relief but also to instill a sense of comfort and encouragement among our associates, reinforcing their decision to continue their journey with us.

As far as business development, we want to work with like-minded businesses with a similar vision of social responsibility and impacting the community. Our business development team actively shares our company’s involvement in any philanthropic projects with potential clients to show that we are not just a staffing agency but an organization committed to making a difference. This ultimately allows us to select the best clients for our candidates and helps our business development team cultivate deeper relations with those we are working to fulfill their staffing needs.

At Award Staffing social responsibility is deeply ingrained in our company culture. This award is a testament to our ongoing dedication to being a responsible corporate citizen and a catalyst for change. We remain steadfast in our commitment to creating a better future for all and look forward to continuing our journey of making a significant difference in the years to come.

For more information about Award’s social responsibility initiatives, please visit Award Cares.

Developing a Healthy Relationship with Your Job

Work is an inescapable part of our daily lives for the majority of people. Whether it turns out to be a positive or negative experience hinges on the nature of the job and the work environment. Irrespective of the kind of work one engages in, it is important to foster a healthy relationship with it.

Developing a healthy relationship with your job is paramount for several reasons. First and foremost, we spend a substantial portion of our time at work, making it a significant part of our lives. By cultivating a positive and healthy work relationship, we can enhance our overall job satisfaction and boost our morale. This, in turn, can lead to increased productivity and work quality, benefiting not just the individual but also the organization as a whole. Moreover, a positive work relationship also fosters an environment of open communication, collaboration, and mutual respect among colleagues, which is key to a thriving workplace. Lastly, a healthy work relationship can also contribute to better work-life balance and promote an individual’s well-being, both physically and mentally.

According to a study by Gallup, engaged employees – those who are enthusiastic about and genuinely committed to their work and workplace – are 59% less likely to seek a job outside of their current organization over the next 12 months.

However, an estimated 85% of employees worldwide are disengaged at work, siting a high level of dissatisfaction as the main factor. Nearly 70% of employees said they would work harder if they felt their efforts were better recognized.

In this blog, we will discuss 6 essential aspects of a healthy work relationship that will guarantee your job satisfaction and a fulfilling career.

1. Fulfillment

Your work should provide a sense of purpose and meaning in your life. Do you feel that you are making a difference with your work? Do you feel like you are contributing to a larger goal? If you are not getting this sense of fulfillment, it might be time to re-evaluate your career choices. If you are not happy with your job, you are likely to become less efficient, which can affect your job satisfaction. Achieving your goals is one of the critical ways you can get a sense of fulfillment in your work.

2. Emotional Leadership

Emotionally intelligent leadership is a crucial factor in fostering job satisfaction. Leaders who exhibit high emotional intelligence understand their team members’ emotional needs, thus creating a supportive and empathetic work environment. They can navigate and manage their emotions effectively, and harness them to inspire, motivate, and connect with their teams. These abilities make employees feel valued, respected, and heard, leading to higher job satisfaction. Furthermore, emotionally intelligent leaders are adept at managing stress, conflict and change, ensuring a harmonious, productive workplace. Therefore, the significance of emotionally intelligent leadership for job satisfaction cannot be overstated.

3. People-First Mentality

As an employee, do you feel valued and appreciated for the work you do? Feeling appreciated is one of the critical drivers of job satisfaction. When your employer values and respects you, you are more likely to feel motivated and committed to your work. Employers should prioritize their employees’ well-being and invest in creating a people-first culture that fosters a sense of belonging, inclusivity, and growth. This can be achieved through recognition programs, flexible work arrangements, transparent communication, and encouraging work-life balance.

4. Growing Skills

Do you feel that your current job provides you with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in your career? It is crucial for the work you do to be both challenging and capable of stretching your abilities, as this will contribute to your professional growth. If you find that your job lacks opportunities for personal development, you may start experiencing frustration and discontentment. In order to foster skill growth among employees, it is important for employers to offer access to comprehensive training programs, educational opportunities, and other forms of ongoing support. By investing in the growth and development of their workforce, companies can create an environment that empowers employees to reach their full potential and achieve long-term success in their careers.

5. Tools

Having access to the right tools and resources is not only important for job satisfaction but also critical for achieving optimal productivity. In a modern workplace, the frustration caused by outdated equipment can severely hinder the timely completion of tasks and projects. Employers should prioritize providing tools that are not only up-to-date but also easy to use, enhancing productivity and accessibility.

By considering factors such as ease of use, productivity, and accessibility, employers can empower their employees to become more efficient and effective in their work. This, in turn, fosters a healthy work relationship where employees feel supported and valued, leading to increased job satisfaction and overall success.

6. Workplace Flexibility

Workplace flexibility is an essential element for a healthy work relationship. It fosters an environment where employees have the freedom to balance their personal and professional lives effectively. This can manifest in various ways, such as offering flexible hours to accommodate personal commitments, providing remote working opportunities for increased autonomy, or granting employees the freedom to manage their own schedules based on their preferences and needs.

By embracing workplace flexibility, businesses can create a supportive culture that values individual well-being and work-life balance. This, in turn, reduces stress levels and empowers employees to perform at their best. When employees feel supported in managing their personal obligations alongside their work responsibilities, it enhances their commitment and loyalty towards the organization. In summary, workplace flexibility is not only beneficial but crucial for the maintenance of a healthy work relationship.

Going Forward

Developing a healthy work relationship with your job requires effort from both the employee and the employer. A sense of fulfillment, good leadership, feeling valued, developing skills, having access to the right tools and resources, and having flexibility are all essential requirements for a healthy work relationship. Good employee relationships can lead to better job satisfaction, work performance, and retention. When you have a healthy work relationship, you are more likely to enjoy going to work and feel satisfied with the contribution you make to your team’s overall success. Are you looking for a job that is meaningful and fulfilling? Check out our current job openings today.