Don’t’ Throw Away Job Fairs: Part 2 – Companies
In Part 1 – Candidates, we discussed the benefits of job fairs for candidates, as well as mapping out a program to success. In Part II, we do the same from the company’s perspective.
Companies – Job Fair Benefits
· While job fairs are not by any means the sole or even the top recruiting angle for companies, they can still play an essential role in recruiting. Job Fairs offer companies the opportunity to:
· Meet face-to-face with multiple candidates without specific appointments.
· Meet talent they might otherwise have missed.
· Target specific talent for specific positions.
· Solidify your brand with potential candidates – this is a key opportunity to shine in your industry; to educate job seekers about your company’s brand and culture.
· Increase your level of diversity among potential candidates.
· Network with other corporations.
Companies – Job Fair Success
Gaining a high return on your job fair investment takes strategic planning. From the initial decision to follow-up every step is crucial.
· Evaluate: What are your recruitment goals? What positions are you seeking to fill? Participate in the fair that best accommodates your hiring needs; that targets the right audience for your company.
· Be proactive in your participation: Where your booth is located will have an impact on how well you do. Negotiate with the job fair
· Choose your team wisely: Choose employees not only understand the job descriptions of your open positions but also will be friendly, confident, and capable communicators who exhibit the company brand and culture.
· Market your participation: Go mobile. Post on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. Encourage your current staff to get involved in spreading the word and inviting both active and passive talent to attend.
· Prepare your questions: Have a clear understanding of the open positions and prepare your questions ahead. Consistency will help you measure candidates.
At the Fair
· Design an attractive booth: Create a space that aligns with your company culture and attracts industry candidates. Prepare recruitment brochures to send with visitors. Have a generous supply of business cards. Create a space for impromptu interviews. Set up equipment for scanning and uploading resumes.
· Get involved: Conduct a mini-seminar or give a talk at a designated time during the fair.
· Give-a-ways: Pass out merchandise gifts. Consider having a drawing for a door prize.
· Be professional: Welcome everyone who stops and treat them with respect. Remember, they are here to learn about your company as much as you are learning about them. Keep communication going both ways. Don’t present a narrow window of requirements to potential candidates.
· Find a balance: You want to talk to as many candidates as possible. You also want to gain enough information from each “interview.” Set a time frame for interviews.
· Take notes: Write notes during each interview and attach them to the candidate’s resume and business card.
Post Fair
· Contact every potential candidate immediately and coordinate the next steps. They stopped at multiple booths – be the open they remember.
· If possible, contact every candidate who talked to one of your staff and left a resume/business card, etc. Even if it’s a standard “We don’t have a place for you” letter, connecting will strengthen your brand.
· Organize an office meeting to discuss the fair. Discuss what went well and what needs to change in the future. Measure your success against your cost. Christina Pavlou, writer and researcher at Workable, suggests you ask the following questions.
· How many candidates did we source during the event?
· How many of them were qualified?
· How many did we interview for our company?
· How many did we hire?
· What was the overall time-to-hire?
While some companies may decide against the Job Fair scene, most will find that with strategic planning, careful delivery, and prompt follow-up, job fairs are beneficial and a vital part of successful recruiting. Learn how our Recruiting Specialist – Jared Fessler is being effective at Job Fair Recruiting.
If you’re looking to hire the best talent in the business, contact Award Staffing. We will be able to help you find the right employees for your unique business needs. If you’re searching for more tips and trick on how to improve your company’s workforce, check out our hiring solutions blog.
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