Tag Archive for: award staffing

How to Provide Unsurpassed Service

One of the most important things to us at Award, is that we always provide our clients and associates with unsurpassed service. As the number one staffing agency in Minnesota, as well as one of the top 175 places to work in Minnesota for 6 years in a row; we are constantly striving to improve our processes to make them easier for both sides and to let our clients know that we value them.

Whether you are a client based company or a customer based company, there are a number of good ways to provide unsurpassed service. Here are our top recommendations for how you can provide your clientele excellent service.

1. Treat Your Employees Well & Create a Stellar Company Culture

You may be wondering what this has to do with your clients, and the truth is; everything. Good service starts with people who are excited to come to work every day and perform their best. If you are understanding about your employees’ needs and intentionally create a culture that they want to be a part of, it will create a trickle-down effect and in-turn, they will go above and beyond for clients. Showing concern for the well-being of your employees will also result in fewer call outs and less tardiness, meaning there will be consistency in which staff member your client is working with.

2. Be Timely and Responsive

There is nothing more frustrating from a customer’s perspective than trying to reach someone with a pressing question or concern, and not hearing back for days or weeks at a time. If a client is trying to get ahold of you, it’s for a reason. Being timely in your responses and on-time for meetings/events shows professionalism and that you respect your client’s time. Remember, your clients have more than one option for who they want to work with; if you want them to keep using your services, being timely and responsive is essential.

3. Show Up in Person

This is particularly important if you are local. In the current digital age, nothing compares with human-to-human interaction. If your client is having an issue, meeting them at their location to discuss how it’s going to be resolved will set you apart from other companies in your industry. It also shows your client that you genuinely care. Making an effort to do this regularly will also build a trust factor between you and your client, as they will get to know you on a more personal level.

4. Go Above and Beyond

Although it is a business relationship, if you want to be the company that your clients refer out, you’ll need to do something beyond just the duties that they hire you for. Every year, we at Award give our clients flowers and holiday cards, and we often provide lunch for our longest partnerships. This is what will separate you from your competitors and make your clients want to leave you good reviews. Any company can do what they were hired to do, but it’s only a select few that choose to take it a step further.

5. Communicate

Keeping in regular contact with your clients and checking in with them to see how everything is going is an important habit to get into. Even if everything seems like it’s going fine, keeping them updated and asking how everything is going is good practice. There is enough ghosting in this world as it is, don’t sign a new client, complete the job, and then disappear. Especially if you are a staffing agency that has associates working at your client’s sites.

If your company is in need of employees, we at Award are here to help. Contact us with your staffing needs here.

How to Build Connections in Your Community

One of our biggest priorities at Award is building meaningful connections within our community. Not only are we in the staffing industry where relationships are everything, we also value giving back and partnering with local organizations to make a difference within our community through our Award Cares Program.

Whether you are in the staffing industry or not, we highly recommend creating a solid foundation of relationships with other businesses. Doing so well help you build rapport and lead to a good reputation within your community. This will likely get you regular referral and marketing/publicity opportunities, which will make the surrounding businesses want to partner with you, in some capacity in the future.

Here are our recommendations for how to create connections in your local community:

1. Follow and Engage with them on Social Media

It’s no secret that having a social media presence is absolutely crucial in the world we live in. By leveraging social media, you have the chance to showcase your brand’s personality and share your company’s culture. Because all social media platforms are algorithm based, following and regularly liking/commenting their posts will give them more exposure. Also, by leaving positive comments on their page, their prospective customers and clients will automatically trust them more.

2. Send them Holiday and Checking-In Gifts and Notes

Building relationships is the first step to creating meaningful connections, but it is equally important to maintain them. Every so often, send the executives of the company a gift or note, letting them know you are thinking of them. The people who run businesses can be skeptical of partnering with other companies when they feel like the other company is only out to see what’s in it for them. Doing this will create a human-to-human connection. Also, it doesn’t have to cost money. Even an email just to check in every once in a while can go a long way.

3. Provide Recommendations

When creating relationships, the best thing that you can do is come from a place of value. When communicating with other businesses, problems that they are facing will inevitably become a topic of conversation occasionally. Offer your unique perspective and solutions if you deem it fitting for the conversation. If nothing comes to mind right away, reach out later with a few ideas and resources. This shows that you were listening and that you genuinely care.

4. Refer and Connect Them

As networking is such a crucial part of any business, you will inevitably run into individuals and other companies who could use their services. If you know those people or organizations on a personal level, introduce them. If it is someone you are just meeting, give them your business associate’s contact information and ask that person or company to tell them that they were sent by you. People will be happy to return this favor.

5. Share their Needs and Wins with Your Network

Going back to social media, another great thing you can do for a business associate is spread the word about their needs and/or successes. If they post that they are hiring, share it your LinkedIn and Facebook connections. If they post about a recent win they had, help them celebrate by sharing their post. This will communicate genuine appreciation for their partnership and will incentivize them to do the same for you.

If your company is in need of employees, we at Award Staffing are here to help. Contact us with your staffing needs here.



What Is Your Company Known For?

Today, as some of our team was in a meeting discussing things we would like to roll out early next year, a very simple but profound statement came up; “We do two things, we sell and we hire”. It’s true, here at Award Staffing, we sell our services to local businesses and we help local residents find work (at those companies). Sure there are many moving parts to this, and they are not the only things we do per se, but those two things are our primary functions; they are what we are known for. That being said, if someone were to ask you what your company does, would you know what to tell them without giving a long, drawn-out explanation?

Many times in college marketing classes, students who are about to go out in search of their first real job, are taught how to craft an Elevator Pitch about themselves. An elevator pitch is a statement or description of a product or company that explains the concept in a clear way within a matter of seconds. Essentially, if you only had one elevator ride to tell someone what you did, what would you tell them? Although you may do a variety of things, this pitch is meant to highlight what’s most important so someone can decide if they are interested in working with you or your company. Truthfully, you never know where you’ll meet an ideal client or future employer or how much time you’ll have when you do. Therefore, being prepared for when that opportunity comes will put you at an advantage. Remember, though you and everyone at your company may be experts at what you do; the rest of the world isn’t as well versed. In order to market your company as one that others would want to work with, it’s important to be able to communicate your expertise in a prompt yet efficient manner.

There are a number of reasons it is important to explain what you do succinctly:

1. Your Website

People tend to have very short attention spans. When they are checking out your digital presence, you want to be able to capture their attention and understanding right away. If they can get an idea of what you do from reading just a few short sentences, you will give the first impression that you truly are experts, building a trust factor right away.

2. Conversation

Not only do you not know how much time you truly have to explain yourself when you are first meeting someone, but you also want the chance to make the conversation a dialogue. If you’re doing all of the talking in order to explain what you do, the other person won’t have a chance to ask questions or gage their understanding of what you do. You will look much more credible if you can explain what you do quickly and confidently.

3. Marketing

No matter what the medium, when you are marketing your company, product, or service, you need to be able to get your message across swiftly. Think of all of the most successful marketing and advertising campaigns out there…you likely remember them for their brevity and wittiness. A single quote, a new concept, a rising trend…Whether it’s the verbiage on a billboard or the 30 second pop-up advertisement, things are much more memorable when they are kept sharp and clever.

If your company is in need of employees, Award Staffing is here to help. Contact us here.

Why It’s Important to Keep Up with Trends in Your Industry

“Companies that will not change according to their environment will disappear. Follow trends and transform your business.”

In the ever-changing world that we live in, one of the best things your company can do is keep up with industry trends. Just like we all keep up with one another on social media, it’s important to do the same as trends emerge within your industry. While it can be tempting to stick with the tried-and-true things your company has done over the years, integrating trending things as they come up will set you apart and keep you in the know about your industry. Here are some reasons why it will benefit you to stay up-to-date on trends and how you can do so.

1. Forecasting

If you stay in the loop by implementing the latest trends into how your business operates, it will be much easier to predict things that are to come in the future for your industry. When you can make predictions based off of findings from your own research, observations, and conversations, you will be better equipped to plan for the future from all angles.

2. Be Seen as a Leader/Build Credibility

When you go first and are the first to integrate trending industry things into your operations, other businesses will view you as an authority. They will see your organization as “in the know” and not afraid to try new things. This will make them want to keep up with you on all platforms and model some of their business decisions in a similar way.

3. Better Business and Branding Ideas

By keeping up with trends, you’ll constantly be learning; new tools, new events to participate in, new ways to be efficient. This will give you a wider variety of things to work with- therefore, you will be able to experiment with more things and use them to generate new ideas. This ensures that anything you come up with will be modern and up-to-date.

4. You Won’t Be Caught Off-Guard

New trends within your industry are going to come up in conversation regularly. If you want to be seen as a leader, you’ll want to be able to take part in those conversations and discuss your experience with trending tools and topics. By staying on trend, you won’t get caught in awkward conversations where you’re the only who doesn’t know what everyone else is talking about.

5. New Opportunities

By participating in trends as they come up, you’ll be introduced to new people, new skills, new events, etc. This will inevitably present you with new opportunities more frequently. By having these connections and skills; you will have more to offer clients and will be able to charge more of a premium for your services.

6. Growth

As things in the world change, it is crucial to change with them. Although it can be difficult to want to change, especially when things are going well as they are, change means evolution, therefore is a good thing. You will never truly know how efficient or effective you can actually be if you don’t try new things. Don’t deprive yourself the opportunity to reach even more success by being closed off to the idea of implementing new trends.


Ways to Keep Up with Trends in Your Industry

1. Sign up for email lists

2. Take advantage of trainings and webinars

3. Keep up with your competitors on social media

4. Find an industry “buddy” that you regularly talk to

5. Subscribe to an industry publication

6. Follow industry exports across all platforms


If your company is in need of employees, we at Award are here to help. Contact us here with your staffing needs.


How Music Boosts Productivity

In both your personal and professional life, productivity is an important factor. When most people think of productivity, they think of commonplace productivity hacks such as limiting phone usage and having a designated time to check emails. But did you know that listening to music while you’re working can increase your productivity as well? Depending on the type of music among just a few other factors, music is something that fills ones environment with substance. When working in an office that is completely silent or working at a site where you hear nothing but machinery, it can make for a very dull day- leading to boredom, therefore decreasing productivity. Here is a list of ways listening to music can benefit you while you’re working.

“Without music, life would be a mistake.”Friedrich Nietzsche

1. Improves Mood

Particularly when you’re listening to music you like, music releases the feel-good chemical dopamine. It can also help reduce stress and anxiety, which we all have at times when in the workplace. If the music you’re listening to is upbeat, it can also serve as a motivator on days when you’re dragging. (We all have those days).

2. Narrows Focus

Music, especially classical music, is known to help your brain both absorb information and ease your mind. When you feel less consumed with all of the information your brain tries to process daily, you can zoom in on the tasks you’re doing which allows you to produce your best work.

3. Helps with Problem Solving

Music improves cognition and enhances both memory and learning. This leads to ideas and innovative solutions to problems. It also gives you the fluidity to see problems from multiple perspectives instead of having rigid thinking.

4. Makes Tasks More Pleasurable

All of us have components of work that we are not particularly thrilled about. Depending on the position, some of us may have tasks that are repetitive and monotonous. Music will give you a rhythm to what you’re doing, making it feel faster instead of dragging. It also slightly divides your attention so you’re not solely thinking about how badly you don’t want to do a task.

5. Improves Creative Process

Music is known to promote divergent thinking. This is when you have many thoughts and ideas flowing to you at once. This is often when you come up with your best ideas because your stream of consciousness is open and you begin to make unexpected connections.

6. Blocks Out Other Distractions

If you’re listening to music while working, it will block out other sounds around you, such as: conversations of co-workers, constantly ringing phones, or people walking by. Hearing multiple noises happening all at once burns energy as your brain sees it as data that needs to be processed. Instead of involving yourself in those conversations or turning around to see what the noise is, you are honed in on what you’re doing and are able to keep at it.


Because music helps you elevate your mood, it can help get you moving faster and more “in the zone”. When you feel happy, you are less likely to make errors.  Also, when you are in a good mood, you have better interactions with colleagues, clients, and customers.


Things to Consider:

1. Are you an introvert or extrovert?

Just like all things, music affects introverts and extroverts, as well as different personalities differently. Listening to tracks during work may not be the best option for everyone. Some introverts may do better working in silence. It is entirely dependent on the person.

2. Lyrics

Music with lyrics can be distracting, especially if you choose to listen to songs that you know all of the words to. Before you jump straight to your favorite tracks, try listening to non-lyrical or karaoke versions of the songs you like.

3. Listening Habits

If you are someone who listens to music all the time and with every task that you do, adding it to your work day will feel only natural. If you are someone who only listens to music occasionally, it may take some getting used to.

4. Difficulty of Tasks

If you are doing a task that requires all of your focus, like crunching numbers or writing documents, music is not something you will want to add to the mix. Instead, listen to it on your lunch or take a few short breaks during the day and play a few minutes of upbeat or calming music then.

If you or someone you know is looking for a new job, we at Award Staffing are here to help. We update our job listings daily, check out our latest opportunities here.

Life Principles for Personal Excellence

Present times glorify hustle culture to the point that we have a tendency to think about our careers more than any other part of our lives. Whether you work from home or on-site/at an office, your job takes up 40+ hours of your week. Additionally, there is a ton of content in the online space that focuses on careers. Whether it discusses tactics for getting a job or how to do your best work on the job, what often gets missed is recommendations for personal life. Our professional and personal lives are intertwined and go hand-in-hand with one another. If we commit ourselves to personal excellence, it will show through in our professional lives and vice versa. Here are 10 principles to live by for personal excellence.

1. Develop Beneficial Habits

Habits are what will shape your life. It’s the things that you do consistently that will give you the results you’re looking for. Begin by deciding what you want in all areas of your life: money, relationships, health & fitness, etc. Then come up with habits that will get you closer to them. Habits can be hard to establish, but once you get through the initial forming of them, they will become a part of you. Choose wisely and you will notice them changing your life for the better.

2. Seek Knowledge, Not Just Results

Don’t get me wrong, we should always be striving to meet our goals. But we don’t want to get so focused on our results that we forget to do things for the experience, the pleasure, the experimentation, the exploration. Life is just as much about the memories and experiences as it is about making things happen for ourselves. Don’t burn out or miss all of the fun by always having an end in mind. You’re allowed to do things just because.

3. Learn Something New Every Day

Doing so will improve your life in more ways than one. The more knowledge you have, the better equipped you are to handle what life throws at you. You will also naturally start to have more confidence in yourself. It can also spark your interest in what will become a lifelong hobby or new career path. You will catch yourself starting to think outside the box and randomly being able to use the information you’ve learned as situations come up.


4. Lack of Planning Results in Less Than Achievement

No one is saying that you have to obsessively plan, but you will save a lot of time if you start your days with a plan instead of trying to wing everything. You also need to know what you’re working towards so you can break it down into small steps to create it. Planning will look different for everyone, do it in a way that works for you. The most important thing is just to have a plan and stick to it as often and as best as you can.

5. Distraction is the Enemy of Productivity

There are so many things in life that require your attention. Be sure that the majority of your time is being spent focused on building the life you want. Also, make it a point to eliminate things that are taking from you. Chores, long commutes, lack of planning, time-wasting habits, etc. This doesn’t mean that you can’t ever mindlessly scroll through social media, but do it intentionally instead of letting two hours go by and then wondering why you have no time left in your day for the important things.


6. Ability is Mostly about How You Spend Your Time

It’s easy to fall into the comparison trap and believe that someone else is talented at the thing you want or want to do. While ability can definitely give you the upper hand in some cases, working on your craft regularly is what will set you apart. Natural talent is only a part of it, don’t discourage yourself from trying and working at something just because you didn’t start out as skilled as someone else.

7.It’s Never Too Late to Be Great

Too many people choose not to act on something that they want because they fear that they started or are starting too late. If you choose to start now, you will surprise yourself with how far you’ve come in a year; especially if you’re consistent. If it’s something that you’ve been considering for a while now, it will keep coming up until you act on it. Start now, today it’s not too late, but someday it will be.

8. Do One thing that Scares You a Day

Taking small steps daily will help you diminish your fears and give you the courage to purse the bigger things that scare you. Doing one thing that scares you a day will help you grow as a person and see that we are much more capable than we ever imagined ourselves to be.

9. Take Your Sleep, Nutrition, and Exercise Seriously

You have two places to live, the earth and your body. When we’re younger, we like to believe that we’re invincible and can eat whatever we want, go without exercise, and run on just a few hours of sleep per night. As you get older this becomes less and less of the case and will start to affect your work performance and quality of life. You don’t have to treat life like a fitness competition, but you definitely want to make sure you’re taking care of yourself.


10. Do What YOU Want

In this lifetime, there are so many (and will continue to be) expectations put on us by society, family, and everyone in between. Especially if you decide to do something unconventional or even just outside of your usual, people are going to say something. You get one life to live, do it your way. If you choose to listen to everyone else instead of yourself, you will be missing out and constantly wondering what it would have been like if you had just done what you wanted. You’re the only one that has to live with yourself, no other explanation needed.

If you or someone you know is looking for a job, check out our latest job postings here.

Thriving in a Gig Economy

It used to be that working for a decent salary at a prestigious company was seen as the ultimate honor. But now, over the past few years, more and more people have jumped on the bandwagon of working for themselves. Since many jobs only require a secure internet connection and we are living in a world that is hyper- connected via smart phones and social media, people have realized that everything they have previously done for a company, they can now do for themselves and charge a premium.

Additionally, as more and more employees have experienced the luxury of no commute and not having to get dressed up to go to the office; combined with the ability to be location independent given that work gets done, people have begun to see the value in using their area of expertise to freelance or start their own service-based companies instead of working for someone else. This can be seen in self-created positions such as:

*Freelance Writer

*Virtual Assistant

*PR and Marketing Strategist

*Video Editor

*Social Media Consultant

Although we still have the same 24 hours in a day that we always have, modern life has us busier than ever. With people feeling like they need to do everything and be everywhere because FOMO, the desire to keep up on social media, two working people in most households, and staying in shape by going to trendy fitness classes five days per week, it’s no wonder that it’s nearly impossible to keep up with the rat race.

Due to the new awareness that they have options, people these days crave autonomy and have no desire to be in a physical location for 8+ hours per day just for a paycheck and a respectable title. What’s appealing to modern day workers is the ability to take on as much or as little work as they would like, be able to work from anywhere with a Wi-Fi connection, and be able to negotiate deadlines based on your their workload. People these days want to do everything on their own time. This is why self-employed is the new status symbol.

As difficult as it can be to accept, the gig economy is the future of business and is here to stay. Especially after the pandemic, many people’s lifestyles have changed and as a result, their views of employment as well as their work habits have shifted. People now value convenience more than ever and want the option of work-life integration, which would enable them to go about their daily lives and pick up their work in times that are most convenient. As a result of this desire, more and more people have steered away from applying for traditional jobs and instead have opted for offering their services as a freelancer or have become entirely self-employed. Today more than 1/3 of workers identify as independent and it is projected that by 2027, the majority of American workers will be freelancing.

Although this is new to most companies, there are actually many benefits of a gig economy if you choose to allow freelance employees to be a part of your business model. Here are some:

1. Save on Labor Costs

By using contract employees, you will save on labor costs by not having to pay for benefits or PTO. You can then take these savings and re-invest them into your business or put them towards a different department.

2. Hire as Needed

Instead of onboarding a full time employee, you can hire contract workers as projects come up, on an on-demand basis. Not only does this save you time, but it also gives you the option to work with someone again or not based on whether or not you like the work that they produced. Also, by hiring someone who is likely working on many projects for a variety of companies, you are likely to get someone with plenty of experience and a wide skillset.

3. Save on Space, Supplies, and Utility Costs

The fewer full-time employees that you have, the less you will spend on things like a larger space to accommodate them and/or electricity from having them and their workspace in the office. If you hire an independent contractor to do things like graphic design or marketing, they can be located anywhere and will already have their own materials. In the long run, you will be spending significantly less money on space and items like computers, desks, and phones.

4. Quicker Onboarding

These days, no one wants to commit, but everyone still needs to make an income. The biggest thing companies are struggling with right now is finding employees. By posting ads for specific projects instead of for full-time employees, (which typically comes with a rigid schedule, dress code, etc.) you will definitely get more applicants. Once you find someone, it’s just a matter of describing your needs and drawing up a contract that works for both of you. You will not have to invest time or money into orientation or training. You also won’t have to worry about factors like culture fit or time and attendance.


5. Quality Work

Whether you’re hiring someone to plan a company party, manage your social media, or write content for your different platforms; you will be hiring someone whose sole job is to complete these projects for your company. This means it is his/her area of expertise and they likely have a lot of experience and know what they’re doing. Typically companies designate such tasks to employees whose niche is an another area. Or, they invest the time into training a specific employee to do the job in the hopes that when the time comes they do a satisfactory job. By hiring people specifically in this niche, you have a better chance of seeing the exact results you envision.

If you are currently looking for new employees, we at Award Staffing are here to help. Feel free to contact us with your staffing needs and questions here.

Star Tribune’s TOP 175 Workplaces 2021

Award Staffing is so excited to announce that for the 6th year in a row, we have made the list of Star Tribune’s Top 175 places to work in Minnesota.  This award is intended to recognize companies that are engaged, well-managed, and employee-friendly; and is eligible to any company in the state that has at least 50 employees. When an organization decides to participate in this recognition program, they allow their employees to participate in a 24 question survey to be completed between the months of January and April. It asks questions about 7 factors:

1. Alignment

2. Effectiveness

3. Connection

4. Management

5. Employee Engagement

6. Leadership

7. Pay, benefits, and flexibility

The companies with the highest rankings across all sectors are then ranked in order. This year we were honored to take the place of 15th  in the small business category.  In addition to giving your company a chance to be recognized, it also gives you a snapshot of what is and isn’t currently working in your company. When we received an overview of our results, we discovered that nationally, we landed in the top 5% of all staffing agencies for meaningful work, cross-department teamwork, and employees feeling well-informed. Our administrative positions indexed in the 99th percentile for overall job satisfaction.

When we received the anonymous comments from our employees, we noticed a pattern that our employees felt supported in their career growth and look forward to coming to work every day. Over 80% of our team members are engaged with over 50% being enthusiastically engaged.

Overall, it was evident that our employees feel a sense of collaboration and community when they come to work every day. They feel like they have a lot of potential to grow and are appreciated for what they do every day.

As a top 150 workplace for 6-years in a row, we know the importance of creating a great environment to attract the right talent. If you are looking for a staffing partner that can help you showcase your job openings and company culture to rising talent, reach out to our account management team today!


Star Tribune’s 2020 Top Workplace in Minnesota

Star Tribune Names Award Staffing as a 2020 Top 150 Workplace in Minnesota

Bloomington, MN June 28th, 2020— For the 5th year in a row Award Staffing has been named one of the Top 150 Workplaces in Minnesota by the Star Tribune. A complete list of those selected is available at StarTribune.com/topworkplaces2020 and will also be published in the Star Tribune Top Workplaces special section on Sunday, June 28.

Produced by the same team that compiles the 29-year-old Star Tribune 100 report of the best-performing public companies in Minnesota, Top Workplaces recognizes the most progressive companies in Minnesota based on employee opinions measuring engagement, organizational health and satisfaction. The analysis included responses from over 76,000 employees at Minnesota public, private and nonprofit organizations.

The rankings in the Star Tribune Top 150 Workplaces are based on survey information collected by Energage, an independent company specializing in employee engagement and retention.

Award Staffing was ranked 32 of 70  on the small company list.    

Star Tribune Publisher Michael J. Klingensmith said, “The companies in the Star Tribune Top 150 Workplaces deserve high praise for creating the very best work environments in the state of Minnesota. My congratulations to each of these exceptional companies.”

Why Award Staffing as a Top Workplace in Minnesota?

“Of all the national and local awards we receive, this one is the most important because the judges are our employees. We are honored to be included in the list of Top Workplaces.” – Tom Thissen, Owner, and CEO

We continue to hold firm to our signature approach to service – reinforce connections between the people and the places we serve. Our role is to fulfill gainful employment by serving both job seekers and businesses alike. These awards would not be possible without the efforts of our recruiters, our associates, our clients, and every candidate who has walked through our doors.

To qualify for the Star Tribune Top Workplaces, a company must have more than 50 employees in Minnesota. Over 3,000 companies were invited to participate. Rankings were composite scores calculated purely on the basis of employee responses.

Star Tribune’s 2019 Top Workplace in Minnesota

Star Tribune Names Award Staffing as a 2019 Top 150 Workplace in Minnesota

Bloomington, MN June 13th, 2019—Award Staffing has been named one of the Top 150 places to work in Minnesota by the Star Tribune for the fourth year in a row. A complete list of those selected is available at StarTribune.com/topworkplaces2019 and was also published in the Star Tribune Top Workplaces special section on Sunday, June 16.

Produced by the same team that compiles the 28-year-old Star Tribune 100 report of the best-performing public companies in Minnesota, Top Workplaces recognizes the most progressive companies in Minnesota based on employee opinions measuring engagement, organizational health, and satisfaction. The analysis included responses from over 140,000 employees at Minnesota public, private and nonprofit organizations.

The rankings in the Star Tribune Top 150 Workplaces are based on survey information collected by Energage, an independent company specializing in employee engagement and retention.

Award Staffing was ranked 59 of 70 on the small company list.

Star Tribune Publisher Michael J. Klingensmith said, “The companies in the Star Tribune Top 150 Workplaces deserve high praise for creating the very best work environments in the state of Minnesota. My congratulations to each of these exceptional companies.”

Why Award Staffing as a Top Workplace in Minnesota?

“Of all the national and local awards we receive, this one is the most important because the judges are our employees. We are honored to be included in the list of Top Workplaces.” – Tom Thissen, Owner, and CEO

We continue to hold firm to our signature approach to service – reinforce connections between the people and the places we serve. Our role is to fulfill gainful employment by serving both job seekers and businesses alike. These awards would not be possible without the efforts of our recruiters, our associates, our clients, and every candidate who has walked through our doors.

To qualify for the Star Tribune Top Workplaces, a company must have more than 50 employees in Minnesota. Over 2,000 companies were invited to participate. Rankings were composite scores calculated purely on the basis of employee responses.