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Understanding Candidate Expectations for 2024

As another new year begins, many job seekers start thinking about their career goals and plans for the coming months. While the economy remains uncertain, the job market is slowly improving and there are opportunities worth exploring. As an HR manager, it’s important to understand what factors are most important to candidates when evaluating potential employers and roles. Staying apprised of candidates’ priorities can help you attract and hire the best talent for your organization.

By exploring various topics candidates look for in their job search, we hope to provide helpful insight into how your company can position itself as an employer of choice and make the strongest possible impression on applicants.

In this blog, we’ll explore the key attributes that candidates consider in 2024.

1. Communicated Priorities

Having a clear understanding of their focus and goals can greatly motivate employees. It instills a sense of purpose and provides a clear direction, ultimately boosting their performance. That’s why job seekers often seek employers who effectively communicate concise and well-defined priorities. When employers have clear priorities, it helps employees structure their work, prioritize tasks, and stay focused on their objectives. Employers can promote clear priorities by creating a transparent environment where information flows freely. This builds trust within the organization and makes sure everyone is informed.

In addition to improving employee motivation and performance, effective communication of priorities can also lead to better decision making and overall success for the company. With this in place, employees can make informed decisions that align with the organization’s goals. This results in employee engagement, trust within the organization, and an inclusive environment.

2. Transparent Leadership

In today’s job market, candidates are increasingly seeking transparent leadership from potential employers. They want to work for leaders who are honest and open, and who demonstrate integrity in their decision making. It is crucial for employees to have a clear understanding of the company’s mission and objectives and how they individually contribute to those goals. Employers who are honest with their employees about challenges and opportunities can create a more collaborative environment where employees feel like they are working together towards a shared goal. This also fosters connection within a team and helps them feel valued.

Businesses can incorporate transparent leadership into their organization by promoting openness, collaboration, and mutual respect. It begins with open communication, where leaders are not only willing to share information but also actively seek input and feedback from their teams. This collaboration leads to better decision making and problem solving. When employees feel their opinions are valued, they are more motivated to contribute and take ownership of their work. This creates a positive and inclusive culture where everyone feels respected and heard. Overall, this leadership style fosters trust, boosts morale, and increases team alignment with organizational goals.

3. Autonomy in Work

In 2024, candidates are looking for greater autonomy in work and a sense of control over their own tasks. This is because they desire a break from the rigidity of strict micromanagement. Firstly, employees feel that micromanagement stifles creativity and hinders their ability to think outside the box. When given autonomy, employees are able to take ownership of their tasks and come up with innovative solutions that benefit both themselves and the company. This sense of ownership boosts their productivity and instills a sense of pride in their work.

Autonomy also fosters personal growth and skill development. When employees are given the freedom to make decisions and guide their work processes, they learn problem-solving and decision-making skills. This leads to reduced stress and greater job satisfaction as employees feel valued and trusted by their organization. By creating a culture of trust and allowing employees to take ownership over their work, businesses can experience increased innovation, greater employee retention, and a better overall bottom line.

4. Flexibility

In today’s workforce dynamic, it is of employers best interest to provide hybrid opportunities to attract and retain talent. Remote work first became popular at the start of the pandemic. Since then, employees have grown accustomed to working from home and having the flexibility to choose when, where, and how they work. According to recent data, “59% of US employees prefer hybrid or remote work and nearly a third of employees prefer working remotely outright.” As this shows, many workers are not ready to give up the benefits that remote work has provided. It allows them to maintain a healthier work-life balance, reduces commuting stress, and provides an opportunity to work in a conducive environment of their choice. This flexibility can lead to increased job satisfaction, productivity, and mental well-being.

For businesses, offering hybrid work arrangements is the happy medium between employees who want to work remote, and leaders who want them in person full-time. This flexibility has proven to increase efficiency and productivity. Employees who are no longer confined to a traditional 9-5 schedule can work during their most productive hours. As a result, they are able to eliminate distractions from the office, which allows them to focus on their tasks at hand. This helps them be more efficient in their work and produce better results. Overall, flexibility has become a highly valued attribute among job seekers in 2024 and will continue to be a key consideration when evaluating potential employers.

5. DEI

In 2024, candidates expect potential employers to have robust Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives in place. This shows them that the company is committed to providing equal opportunities. Employees want to work in a positive culture that is inclusive, diverse, and equitable. When they see that the company values diversity and actively works towards creating an inclusive workplace, it shows them that their employer cares about their well-being.

Businesses can implement DEI efforts in numerous ways. It starts with creating a diverse and inclusive hiring process. This could involve using blind hiring practices to eliminate biases, or actively seeking out candidates from diverse backgrounds. Inclusion efforts can also extend to fostering a workplace culture that values and respects differences. This might involve training sessions on cultural awareness, or the creation of resource groups for underrepresented employees. Additionally, equity ensures everyone, regardless of their background, has access to the same opportunities for career growth and advancement. By focusing on DEI, businesses attract varied perspectives, skill sets, and experiences, fostering innovation and expansion.


Prioritize clear communication, flexible workplace policies, transparent leadership, autonomy in work, and diversity in 2024. Employers who offer this will go a long way in reducing employee anxiety around burnout and layoffs, as employees can find a work-life balance and feel more engaged in their work. Creating a better workplace for the future can be a win-win for both employers and employees, as it fosters happiness and helps companies grow and achieve their goals. As hiring professionals, it’s our duty to ensure the workplace has evolved into the best version it can be. Check out our services to see how we can aid your business in 2024.

Developing a Healthy Relationship with Your Job

Work is an inescapable part of our daily lives for the majority of people. Whether it turns out to be a positive or negative experience hinges on the nature of the job and the work environment. Irrespective of the kind of work one engages in, it is important to foster a healthy relationship with it.

Developing a healthy relationship with your job is paramount for several reasons. First and foremost, we spend a substantial portion of our time at work, making it a significant part of our lives. By cultivating a positive and healthy work relationship, we can enhance our overall job satisfaction and boost our morale. This, in turn, can lead to increased productivity and work quality, benefiting not just the individual but also the organization as a whole. Moreover, a positive work relationship also fosters an environment of open communication, collaboration, and mutual respect among colleagues, which is key to a thriving workplace. Lastly, a healthy work relationship can also contribute to better work-life balance and promote an individual’s well-being, both physically and mentally.

According to a study by Gallup, engaged employees – those who are enthusiastic about and genuinely committed to their work and workplace – are 59% less likely to seek a job outside of their current organization over the next 12 months.

However, an estimated 85% of employees worldwide are disengaged at work, siting a high level of dissatisfaction as the main factor. Nearly 70% of employees said they would work harder if they felt their efforts were better recognized.

In this blog, we will discuss 6 essential aspects of a healthy work relationship that will guarantee your job satisfaction and a fulfilling career.

1. Fulfillment

Your work should provide a sense of purpose and meaning in your life. Do you feel that you are making a difference with your work? Do you feel like you are contributing to a larger goal? If you are not getting this sense of fulfillment, it might be time to re-evaluate your career choices. If you are not happy with your job, you are likely to become less efficient, which can affect your job satisfaction. Achieving your goals is one of the critical ways you can get a sense of fulfillment in your work.

2. Emotional Leadership

Emotionally intelligent leadership is a crucial factor in fostering job satisfaction. Leaders who exhibit high emotional intelligence understand their team members’ emotional needs, thus creating a supportive and empathetic work environment. They can navigate and manage their emotions effectively, and harness them to inspire, motivate, and connect with their teams. These abilities make employees feel valued, respected, and heard, leading to higher job satisfaction. Furthermore, emotionally intelligent leaders are adept at managing stress, conflict and change, ensuring a harmonious, productive workplace. Therefore, the significance of emotionally intelligent leadership for job satisfaction cannot be overstated.

3. People-First Mentality

As an employee, do you feel valued and appreciated for the work you do? Feeling appreciated is one of the critical drivers of job satisfaction. When your employer values and respects you, you are more likely to feel motivated and committed to your work. Employers should prioritize their employees’ well-being and invest in creating a people-first culture that fosters a sense of belonging, inclusivity, and growth. This can be achieved through recognition programs, flexible work arrangements, transparent communication, and encouraging work-life balance.

4. Growing Skills

Do you feel that your current job provides you with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in your career? It is crucial for the work you do to be both challenging and capable of stretching your abilities, as this will contribute to your professional growth. If you find that your job lacks opportunities for personal development, you may start experiencing frustration and discontentment. In order to foster skill growth among employees, it is important for employers to offer access to comprehensive training programs, educational opportunities, and other forms of ongoing support. By investing in the growth and development of their workforce, companies can create an environment that empowers employees to reach their full potential and achieve long-term success in their careers.

5. Tools

Having access to the right tools and resources is not only important for job satisfaction but also critical for achieving optimal productivity. In a modern workplace, the frustration caused by outdated equipment can severely hinder the timely completion of tasks and projects. Employers should prioritize providing tools that are not only up-to-date but also easy to use, enhancing productivity and accessibility.

By considering factors such as ease of use, productivity, and accessibility, employers can empower their employees to become more efficient and effective in their work. This, in turn, fosters a healthy work relationship where employees feel supported and valued, leading to increased job satisfaction and overall success.

6. Workplace Flexibility

Workplace flexibility is an essential element for a healthy work relationship. It fosters an environment where employees have the freedom to balance their personal and professional lives effectively. This can manifest in various ways, such as offering flexible hours to accommodate personal commitments, providing remote working opportunities for increased autonomy, or granting employees the freedom to manage their own schedules based on their preferences and needs.

By embracing workplace flexibility, businesses can create a supportive culture that values individual well-being and work-life balance. This, in turn, reduces stress levels and empowers employees to perform at their best. When employees feel supported in managing their personal obligations alongside their work responsibilities, it enhances their commitment and loyalty towards the organization. In summary, workplace flexibility is not only beneficial but crucial for the maintenance of a healthy work relationship.

Going Forward

Developing a healthy work relationship with your job requires effort from both the employee and the employer. A sense of fulfillment, good leadership, feeling valued, developing skills, having access to the right tools and resources, and having flexibility are all essential requirements for a healthy work relationship. Good employee relationships can lead to better job satisfaction, work performance, and retention. When you have a healthy work relationship, you are more likely to enjoy going to work and feel satisfied with the contribution you make to your team’s overall success. Are you looking for a job that is meaningful and fulfilling? Check out our current job openings today.

3 Key Ways to Prioritize Employee Wellness

As staffing professionals, we recognize that employee wellness is an important concept for us to recognize and invest in. It involves more than just sick days but rather caring for our employees on a level that encourages continual growth and improvement throughout the company. By investing in employee wellness, we become united as a team, fostering a culture of appreciation and inclusion. Showing that employee well-being matters helps us succeed as a whole.

Fortunately, there are three simple methods to value your staff and ensure their health and well-being. This includes creating a wellness program, developing wellness breaks, and offering health benefits. By implementing these interties, you can reduce turnover rates, improve morale and engagement, and even save costs when done correctly. Studies have shown that initiatives that focus on employees’ physical and mental health can lead to a major boost in their success. The advantages of incorporating wellness plans into regular office practice are obvious; not only does it help retain optimal performance from staff members, but it’s also proven to increase their engagement in company operations, resulting in greater efficiency across the board. We have found that investing in your employees’ well-being is truly an investment in your business’s overall future success.

Here are our 3 top ways to prioritize employee wellness:

1. Create a Wellness Program

Creating a wellness program can help build a strong, healthy culture within your organization. By addressing the physical, mental, and emotional health of your employees, you can increase workplace engagement and productivity. Begin by assessing the needs of your specific workforce so that you can tailor and customize the program to suit them. Put measures in place to evaluate employee satisfaction with the wellness initiatives regularly and make adjustments where necessary. Ultimately, creating a successful wellness program encourages healthier decisions among staff members and helps create a sustainable, productive working environment.

A comprehensive wellness program should provide employees with resources to assist in maintaining their physical and mental health. This could include offering preventive health measures such as on-site health screenings or making recommendations for healthy lifestyle habits. Offering balanced nutrition counseling can be valuable, as well as discounts at fitness centers or access to fitness classes provided by the company. Additionally, subsidizing a mental health benefit may be worthwhile if you wish your staff to be able to seek out counseling at any time. The goal of any employer is to ensure that their workforce remains strong and confident when facing the challenges of the modern professional landscape.

2. Implement Wellness Breaks

In today’s fast-paced work environment, employee health and wellness have become an increasingly important issue for employers. Employee mental health is particularly vulnerable to the stress of long hours and tight deadlines, so business professionals must prioritize employee health in their organization.

One key way to do this is by offering employees regular wellness breaks throughout the day. Wellness breaks can help promote employee mental health by allowing them to step away and gain perspective while also relieving stress levels. For example, employers can offer group puzzle activities such as crosswords, Sudoku, or jigsaw puzzles for employees to work on together. Not only do these activities help employees take their mind off of work-related stress, but they also provide an opportunity to test analytical and problem-solving skills away from work activities.

Studies have shown that employee wellness breaks increase employee productivity levels by up to 32%. Employee engagement levels also increased after taking wellness breaks, with a reported 21% improvement in employee focus and concentration. Furthermore, employee satisfaction levels were found to increase by 16% after taking regular breaks throughout the day. These findings demonstrate how employee wellness breaks can have a positive effect on employee health as well as the overall bottom line of an organization.

3. Offer Comprehensive Health Benefits

Comprehensive employee health benefits are essential to maintain employee retention. An effective employee benefits package can include paid time off, holiday pay, and health insurance coverage which all help to attract top talent to the company. However, the most important benefit of all is providing an Employee Assistance Program, which offers employees support in a range of stressful situations. This could include helping employees to find childcare, providing assistance during times of grief, offering legal options and advice, as well as managing stress. Offering comprehensive health benefits demonstrates that you are invested in the long-term well-being of your employees and will go out of your way to ensure their continued success.

Offering these health benefits to employees also sets your business apart from the competition in several ways. Most significantly, it demonstrates your commitment to valuing their wellbeing, which is a quality that job seekers are increasingly looking for when considering potential employers. Furthermore, the range of benefits offered can provide valuable assistance with everyday life and its associated challenges, as well as offer proactive support to manage stress and mental health.

Don’t forget to also communicate the benefits of your program clearly to potential and current employees. Making sure everyone is aware of the wide range of benefits you offer can go a long way in helping them feel valued. By investing in employee health, you are setting up your team for success and establishing a strong, supportive culture.

With the right mix of benefits, you can provide your employees with job satisfaction, improved overall health and wellness, and elevated longevity. Invest today and see how it can benefit your business in the future.

Why Employee Wellness is Good for Business

Ultimately, establishing and maintaining effective employee wellness initiatives is essential for businesses to stay competitive and create a high-performing work culture. When employees are supported and encouraged to take care of their physical, emotional, and mental health, it leads to increased engagement, morale, and productivity. Put simply, when employers invest in their people’s well-being, the benefits spread throughout the entire organization. From improved communication to enhanced energy levels, investing in employee wellness can yield financial returns in the form of savings related to absenteeism and retention.

Start developing these initiatives today – your team will thank you later. And if you’re looking for a purpose driven team that has made employee well-being a priority – view our services to see how we can help.

Redefining Employee Engagement and Experience

Did you know that employee engagement and experience are two of the most important factors for companies when it comes to attracting and retaining top talent? Even though employee engagement and experience appear to be similar, there is a few key differences. Employee engagement is the level of an employee’s psychological investment in their job. This includes factors such as how motivated they are and how committed they feel to the organization. Employee experience, on the other hand, is the journey that an employee takes while they are employed with a company. This includes everything from the onboarding process to how they are managed and developed.

Organizations need to focus on both employee engagement and experience in order to create a work environment that is attractive to top talent. By redefining employee engagement and experience, businesses can set themselves apart from the competition and better attract and retain employees.

Businesses need to redefine these concepts to stay competitive in today’s market. In this blog post, we will discuss what employee engagement and experience mean and how companies can go about improving them.

What is Employee Engagement?

Employee engagement is the level of an individual’s commitment to their organization and its goals. Employee engagement is critical to the success of any organization. A company with high employee engagement will see its employees go above and beyond to achieve goals, be more productive, provide better customer service, and are less likely to leave their employers. On the other hand, a company with low employee engagement will struggle to retain staff and may see high rates of absenteeism and turnover.

There are many factors that contribute to positive employee engagement, but there are five that are most important:

1. Meaningful Work

Employees who feel that their work is meaningful and that they are making a valuable contribution to the organization are more likely to be engaged and motivated. To create a culture of engagement, organizations need to ensure that employees have opportunities to connect their individual work to the company’s mission and goals. This can be done through regular communication from leadership about the organization’s strategy and how each employee’s role contributes to its success. In addition, employees need to be given autonomy and responsibility for their work and challenges that allow them to stretch and grow. When employees feel valued and empowered, they are more likely to be engaged in their work and committed to the organization’s success.

2. Opinions are Valued

In any work environment, it is important for employees to feel that their voices are heard and that their opinions are valued. When workers feel like they are part of a team and that their contributions are appreciated, they are more likely to be motivated and invested in their work. Additionally, companies that encourage open communication and feedback are better able to identify potential problems and make changes that will improve the workplace for everyone. It is essential to create an environment where employees feel comfortable speaking up and sharing their ideas to create an effective and thriving workplace.

3. Understanding of Contributions to Company Goals

It is essential that employees have a clear understanding of the organization’s goals and how their work fits into the bigger picture. Otherwise, they will quickly become disengaged, and their work will suffer. A clear understanding of the organization’s goals helps to motivate employees and gives them a sense of purpose. It also helps them see how their work contributes to the overall success of the organization. Without this understanding, employees are likely to feel like they are just going through the motions without any real sense of direction. Therefore, it is essential that managers take the time to explain the organization’s goals to their employees and help them to see how their work fits into the bigger picture.

4. Opportunities for Growth

It’s no secret that happy employees are more productive employees. But what often goes overlooked is the fact that employees also need to feel that they have the opportunity to grow and develop within the organization. When employees feel stagnant, they become less engaged and are more likely to start looking for new opportunities. On the other hand, employees who feel that they are constantly learning and developing are more likely to be satisfied with their current situation. Therefore, it’s essential for organizations to provide their employees with opportunities for growth. This can include formal development programs, mentorship relationships, and even simply encouraging employees to take on new challenges. By investing in the growth of its employees, an organization can create a more positive and productive work environment.

5. Feeling Appreciated and Supported

A recent study by the Society for Human Resource Management found that employees who feel appreciated by their managers and colleagues are more engaged in their work and have a stronger sense of commitment to their organization. The study also found that when these factors are present, employee engagement will be high, and organizations will thrive. These findings underscore the importance of creating a workplace where employees feel appreciated and supported.

When managers take the time to express appreciation for their employees’ hard work, it not only boosts morale, but it also increases employee engagement and loyalty. In addition, when employees feel like they are part of a supportive team, they are more likely to go above and beyond to help the organization achieve its goals. Creating a workplace where employees feel appreciated and supported is essential to organizational success.

What is Employee Experience?

Employee engagement is a person’s dedication to their company. Employee experience, on the other hand, is the totality of an individual’s interactions with their employer. It’s important for organizations to focus on creating a positive employee experience from the very beginning to attract and retain top talent. This starts with the onboarding process and extends to day-to-day activities and interactions with colleagues. By creating a positive employee experience, organizations can increase employee engagement and loyalty.

It’s important to note that employee experience goes beyond just engagement – it also includes factors such as company culture, work/life balance, and development opportunities. Investing in employee experience is therefore essential for ensuring the long-term success of any business.

Here are three ways to improve your company’s employee experience:

1. Invest in Employer Branding

As any business owner knows, attracting and retaining top talent is essential to success. One way to do this is to invest in employer branding. Employer branding is the process of creating a positive reputation for your company as a great place to work. This can be done through things like social media, job postings, and employee referral programs.

But why is it so important?

By creating a positive employer brand, you’ll be able to attract more high-quality candidates. And once you have them, you’ll be able to retain them longer. In fact, studies have shown that companies with strong employer brands have 25% lower turnover rates. So if you’re looking to improve your employee experience, investing in employer branding is a great place to start.

2. Create a Clear and Concise Onboarding Process

It’s no secret that employees are the backbone of any successful company. That’s why it’s so important to make sure that new recruits are properly onboarded and oriented to the company’s mission and values. The onboarding process should be designed to foster a sense of belonging and help new employees feel comfortable asking questions and seeking help when needed. By taking the time to orient new employees to the company’s culture and goals, you can ensure that they will be productive, engaged members of the team from day one. In turn, this will lead to a healthier, more successful business.

Organizations with a clear and concise onboarding process see 89% less turnover in their first year. In addition, new employees who go through a structured onboarding process are 69% more likely to be with the company after three years. Therefore, a clear onboarding process will help reduce turnover and retain employees.

3. Focus on Communication

Excellent communication is essential for any workplace. It helps build trust and understanding and can prevent misunderstandings and conflict. When employees feel like they can openly communicate with their managers and team members, it fosters a sense of teamwork and camaraderie.

There should be channels for both formal and informal communication. Formal communication channels include things like company newsletters, memos, and emails. Informal communication channels include regular team meetings, one-on-one check-ins, and even just casual conversations in the break room. Feedback should be encouraged at all levels. employees should feel comfortable giving feedback to their managers and vice versa. As a result, open communication is essential for a thriving business. When everyone feels like they are able to freely express themselves, it leads to a better work environment and, ultimately, better results.

Putting it All Together: Improving Employee Engagement and Experience

Employee engagement and experience are two of the most important factors in any organization. Engaged employees are more productive, more satisfied with their work, and less likely to leave the company. Likewise, a positive employee experience leads to higher levels of satisfaction and decreased turnover. Yet, many organizations struggle to improve these two areas.

So, how can companies redefine employee engagement and experience? There are a few ways to do this:

1. Focus on Employee Wellbeing

Focusing on employee wellbeing contributes to a positive work environment and makes employees feel valued. There are a few ways to do this. First, focus on creating a healthy work-life balance. Encourage employees to take regular breaks and provide flexible scheduling options when possible. Secondly, invest in workplace amenities that will make employees’ lives easier. For example, on-site childcare or dry-cleaning services can help employees save time and reduce stress. Finally, offer wellness programs that promote physical and mental health. Things like fitness classes, meditation rooms, and employee assistance programs can all help employees feel their best.

When you focus on employee wellbeing, you create a workplace that employees want to be a part of. By making your employees’ lives easier and investing in their health and wellbeing, you can create a more engaged and positive workforce.

2. Creating Online Employee Experiences

As the world increasingly moves online, companies are starting to follow suit by creating online employee experiences. From Zoom-driven team-building parties to fitness and yoga classes, mindfulness sessions, and more, there are a number of ways to keep employees engaged and connected virtually. Not only do online experiences provide a convenient way for employees to connect with each other, but they can also be customized to fit the needs and interests of your workforce. Here are some examples of employee-based online experiences:

 Fitness and Wellness Classes

Promote physical and mental health with online fitness and wellness classes. From yoga to HIIT to meditation, there are a number of options to choose from.

Mindfulness Sessions

Mindfulness can help reduce stress and promote focus and productivity. Offer employees a chance to de-stress with regular mindfulness sessions.

Employee Assistance Programs

Employee assistance programs (EAPs) provide a variety of services to employees, from counseling and financial planning to legal assistance. By offering an EAP, you can help employees with a range of needs.

By offering these types of online experiences, you can improve employee engagement and create a positive employee experience. These types of experiences are convenient, cost-effective, and can be tailored to the needs of your workforce.

3. Life Experience Benefits

In the past, HR benefits have largely been about providing employees with perks that make working for a particular company more attractive. However, we are now starting to see a shift towards benefits that focus on life experiences. This trend is being driven by a number of factors, including the rising cost of living and the increasing importance of work-life balance.

As a result, we are likely to see more companies offering benefits that help employees to save money, such as discounted travel and free or reduced-priced access to leisure facilities. We are also likely to see more companies offering flexible working arrangements and extended leave policies. This shift represents a recognition of the fact that employees value experiences more than ever before, and it is likely to be one of the most significant HR trends in the years to come.

For example, companies could offer each employee a $100 bonus to spend on a party and presents for their families. Another example of this sending food deliveries straight to employees’ homes, so they don’t have to spend time cooking and grocery shopping. Bonuses like these demonstrate to employees that a company cares and supports them through hard times by deed, not by word.

What matters to employees has changed, and companies need to change with them. By offering benefits that focus on life experience, businesses can show their employees that they understand what matters to them. In turn, this can help to improve employee engagement and retention.

Creating Positivity for Your Employees

There are many ways to improve employee engagement and experience. Some companies invest in employee development programs, while others offer more flexible work schedules or perks and benefits. Whatever the approach, the goal is always the same: to create a positive and healthy work environment where employees feel valued and supported.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but it’s clear that companies need to focus on redefining employee engagement and experience to better attract and retain employees. The benefits of improving employee engagement are clear. Companies with engaged employees see lower turnover rates, higher productivity, and improved customer satisfaction. In today’s competitive marketplace, these are essential ingredients for success. Improving employee experience by creating a positive environment helps to reduce turnover and retain employees. Company culture, clear onboarding process, and open communication are key examples of this.

If you’re looking for a company that understands the importance of employee engagement and experience, Award Staffing is the perfect choice. If your business is looking for employees that will help take your business to the next level, we can connect you with top talent that will bring you success. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you attract and retain the best employees.


Creative Ways to Keep Your Employees Happy

Something that isn’t often a regular discussion among decision makers in most companies is employee happiness. Of course, most places do their best to meet the standard of a good workplace; but in today’s nation-wide situation of employee shortages, businesses must go beyond that.

 As a leader within your organization, when was the last time that you looked into new ways to boost employee happiness and gain a reputation of one of the best companies to work for?

Right now, many businesses in the Light Industrial and Warehouse sectors are concerned because they can’t offer the new trends of working remotely or start time flexibility, due to specific deadlines and operational equipment being necessary to do the job(s).

These factors give them the impression that they have no chance of making their employees as happy as organizations that can provide those options, discouraging them from even trying.

However, in a 2021 analysis of employee surveys and feedback, Costco and H.E.B., two places that require both in-person work and manual labor made the list of the year’s Top 25 Major U.S. Companies with the Happiest Employees.

It just goes to show that any company can be a good place to work if you are listening to the needs of your employees and offering them a good wage, benefits, and working environment.

Here is a list of our recommendations on how to create a happy workplace for your employees:

1. Encourage Camaraderie and Relationship Building at Work

One of the things consistently mentioned by employees of the happiest companies to work for is engagement between team members. In past times, employees were discouraged from getting to know each other too well and from having idle conversations during the work day. Present times are different. Employees who feel comfortable with one another and know each other’s work styles and habits will work better together. This will also lead to more employee retention and fewer call outs, as employees will enjoy coming to work every day.

Some ways you can encourage camaraderie are: hosting daily team-wide coffee breaks, setting aside time each week to host fun activities, and even just being ok with chit-chat throughout the day.

2. Address All Employees Individually

At times, it can feel like giving recognition to an entire department is enough; but if you want to ensure your employees are happy, you must see all employees as individuals. If someone regularly keeps to themselves, or doesn’t ever complain/offer feedback, it’s easy to assume they must be perfectly content. However, this is how many managers end up surprised when someone on their team quits unexpectedly.

Make time to check-in with each of your employees 1:1, even if it’s just for a few minutes every few weeks. Also be sure to praise each person personally when something has been accomplished. All employees deserve to be noticed and will remember that you set aside time for them.

3. Implement Resolve

From an employee perspective, it is very frustrating when an issue comes up and nothing is done to ensure it doesn’t happen again. As an employer, you’re not expected to have all of the answers or come up with a solution on-the-spot. But, it’s important that you give your employees a timeline for when you will address the problem and follow up with them when that time comes.

Many times, this means that new policies or standard operating procedures need to be implemented. Putting something in place will reassure your employees that you care about them and that all situations will be handled accordingly.

4. Offer In-House Perks

This especially applies to companies that don’t have the ability to offer remote work. If you want to keep the employees you do have, they must have reasons to want to come in.

Consider integrating things such as a healthy snack and beverage bar that is unlimited and available to employees at all times. Some companies have gone as far as building in a kombucha on tap bar.

Other options could be having an in-house gym for employees to use or putting massage chairs in the break room. Perks like this may seem like a big investment, but are likely necessary if you want to compete with other companies.

It’s important to note that if you choose to provide these things, they must be maintained. This means snacks always fully stocked, the gym regularly cleaned, and the massage chairs in good condition and fixed right away if they get broken.

All employees will be excited when you initially offer these perks, but that excitement will quickly dwindle if they are not consistently maintained.

If your company is in need of employees, we at Award are here to help. Contact us with your staffing needs here.

Creating a Positive Workplace

Being considered a good place to work by your employees involves a lot of components. It’s a known thing in these times that a positive company culture is one of the most crucial aspects of a quality work environment, along with location and time flexibility as well as purpose.

With people having many options for where to work right now, standing out as an ideal workplace can be competitive. Just like your products and/or services; you want to keep up with market and industry trends that your clients and employees value, while at the same time differentiate yourself enough to catch the attention of the people you’re trying to call in.

Something that has not been considered by many companies as of yet is the power of positivity and availability.

It’s inevitable that no matter what industry you’re in or line of work you do, moments of challenge and frustration come up, and can sometimes last for seasons. However, it is in how these moments are handled that differentiate your company as the one that people want to work for and stay at.

Here are some things to consider when trying adding more positivity and openness to your company:

1. It Starts with Leadership

Everything has a trickle-down effect. If the company executives and managers exemplify a positive approach to everything they do, it will make employees more comfortable and they will also begin to demonstrate positivity. Make it a priority for everyone on your leadership team to learn how to have positive interactions with all employees.

2. There are Many Ways to Exhibit Positivity

From the language you use in your company-wide emails to the way you deliver news and explain concepts in one-on-one meetings, there is always a way to communicate in a more uplifting and/or encouraging manner. While it may take a bit of effort to tweak your communication style, it will pay off in the long run in the form of longer employee tenure, better performance, and better energy in the office or on-site.

3. It’s ok for Moments to get Personal Once in a While

As a manager, there will be things that your employees go through that affect their work in both a positive and negative way. This goes for attendance, time-management, communication, etc. While it used to be looked down upon for work and personal matters to be mixed, realistically sometimes that’s what needs to happen for a better understanding. If an employee chooses to share something from their personal life that is affecting their work life, coming from a place of empathy (instead of pushing the matter away) will give you more insight. Having perspective about why something is happening will give you and your employee the chance to come up with a solution together.

4. The Ability and Willingness to Listen is Crucial

Part of offering a positive working environment is letting employees be heard. Whether they’re coming to you with a question, concern, or suggestion; hearing them out and actually considering what they’re saying will lead to better output on their part and could even benefit the rest of the company.

If your company is in need of employees, let us at Award help you. Contact us here with your staffing needs.

How To Increase Employee Engagement

In any place of employment, keeping employees motivated and engaged must be a priority, because it’s what will lead to employee commitment and longevity. Studies have consistently shown that only about 15% of the workforce is entirely engaged in their position and company. When employees are engaged, they will put their best effort into doing anything they can to help the business thrive. It can mean the difference between someone who does just enough to get by and the person who goes the extra mile when they see the opportunity.

1. Give Recognition, Incentives and Rewards

Every employee will be more inclined to go above and beyond and more likely to remain with a company if they know that their efforts are appreciated by others. It can be as simple as a “thank you” or “nice work”, email. That being said, words can only go so far for so long. If you truly want your employees to show up their best every day, it is important that they get something in return other than a paycheck. If incentives and rewards become a known part of your business model, you as a company will also get the reputation of a good place to work. It can also add a little friendly competition into the mix. Some good incentives are: gift cards, cash, PTO, bonuses, etc. Also items like flowers and baked goods on birthdays can go a long way.

2. Offer Feedback in Real Time

Especially when an employee does something commendable, nothing feels more gratifying than getting recognized on the spot. Additionally, if an employee is doing something that could use a little tweaking or improvement; sharing how they can change it in real time is what will have the most impact. In both cases, they will know exactly what scenario you are referring to versus having to remember is because it was something that happened weeks ago.

3. Provide Mentoring

Every employee wants to feel like they have a personal relationship with their colleagues and management. There will also be times when employees have questions or concerns but are reluctant to bring them to your attention. Having scheduled meetings/mentoring sessions with your employees both formal and informal will give employees the opportunity to voice their concerns and share ideas. Ideally, it should be in both a group setting and a 1:1 setting for all employees and it can be both while working and a designated time set aside to offer feedback and listen to concerns. 

4. Give Individual Attention

Believe it or not, part of being an inclusive company is giving employees individualized attention. No one wants to be seen as just a number or a cog in the machine. Every employee is important to the business in some capacity, therefore must be treated as such. Employees will perform their best when they are able to bring a part of who they are into the organization. It is part of your job as an employer to make them feel welcome and comfortable enough to do so. Some ways you can do this are: schedule 1:1 meetings with each employee (even if they’re short), make sure every employee knows they are welcome to offer feedback and/or ask questions, check in with every employee to make sure they are updated on the latest company news, and acknowledge every employee when they come in and leave for the day.

5. Invest in Employee Development

There is nothing that can dull a job quicker than an employee doing the same remedial tasks every day.  Eventually they’ll start to feel like their job is insignificant and they are not a big enough contribution to the common goal. Feeling like they are growing and expanding on both a personal and professional level will keep them feeling emotionally connected. This can look like cross-department collaboration, paying for continuing education or courses employees are interested in, offering to increase their responsibilities and job description, and keeping them updated on advancement opportunities.

If your company is looking to bring on more employees, we at Award are here to help you. Contact us here with your staffing needs and questions.