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Decoding Job Postings: What Your Job Postings Say About Your Business

In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, a seismic shift has occurred in the job market, as employees around the world have raised their voices, clamoring for more than just a paycheck. This resounding chorus of dissatisfaction has given rise to two striking phenomena: “The Great Resignation” and “Quiet Quitting.” The once silent discontent has reached a crescendo, demanding change and pushing companies to reevaluate their approach to talent acquisition and retention.

Interestingly, amidst this evolving landscape, a new trend has emerged. Young professionals, often dubbed the “millennial” and “Gen Z” generations, are redefining what they prioritize in their professional lives. No longer solely motivated by the allure of high salaries and prestigious titles, they seek something more profound—a sense of control over their time, autonomy in their work, and a greater alignment between their personal values and their employer’s mission.

As hiring professionals, it is our responsibility to navigate these uncharted waters with finesse, understanding the profound impact that job postings can have on attracting top talent. Job descriptions have transcended their traditional role as mere informational tools; they have become powerful glimpses into an organization’s culture, values, and work environment. In this era of transparency and heightened employee expectations, job seekers meticulously scrutinize each word, sentence, and phrase, searching for clues that can either compel them to apply or send them running in the opposite direction.

To thrive in this new era of talent acquisition, we must recognize the pitfalls that lie in crafting job descriptions and avoid inadvertently repelling the very candidates we hope to attract. It is not enough to merely state the requirements and responsibilities of a position; we must understand the underlying messages and impressions that our words convey. Every phrase carries weight, every choice of vocabulary shapes perceptions, and every omission can speak volumes.

In this blog, we will delve into the phrases and expressions that have become red flags for job seekers, capable of sending potential applicants fleeing from our doors. We will explore the pitfalls of outdated terminology, the unintentional messages they convey, and the need for a more nuanced approach to capturing the attention and interest of the talent we seek. Together, we will unravel the mysteries of effective job postings that resonate with candidates and align with the evolving expectations of a new generation of professionals.

Phrases Can Scare Away Job Applicants

In today’s competitive job market, attracting and retaining top talent is a paramount concern for companies across industries. Job seekers are no longer content with simply securing a paycheck; they crave meaningful work experiences that align with their values and offer a healthy work-life balance. Job descriptions play a crucial role in shaping the perception of our organizations while capturing the attention and interest of potential candidates.

However, crafting job postings that strike the right balance between enticing and informative is no easy task. Job seekers have become more discerning than ever before, meticulously examining every word and phrase in search of red flags that signal potential pitfalls in the work environment. It is imperative that we navigate this challenge with finesse, understanding the impact that certain phrases can have on deterring highly qualified applicants.

A recent survey conducted by payroll processor Paychex Inc. delved into the preferences of U.S. adults who actively sought new job opportunities within the past year. The survey sought to identify phrases that had the potential to dissuade job seekers from applying. One common red flag in this survey is the use of phrases that hint at potential overwork. In a world where burnout is a growing concern, job seekers are increasingly cautious about organizations that may demand excessive time and energy. While it is important to create an exciting and vibrant work environment, it is equally vital to assure candidates that their well-being and work-life balance will be respected.

Notably, the findings revealed several phrases that topped the list of turn-offs for prospective candidates. These phrases included “Like a family,” “Self-starter,” “Willing to wear many hats,” “Must handle stress well,” and “Fast-paced.” The survey shed light on the evolving expectations of job seekers and emphasized the importance of carefully selecting language that resonates positively with prospective candidates.

Let us embark on this journey of discovery, exploring what not to say in job descriptions, and learning how to create engaging and compelling narratives that entice the best and brightest to join our ranks. Together, we can build organizations that cultivate meaningful work experiences and foster the growth and success of both employees and the company as a whole.

1. “Like a family”

In recent years, the phrase “like a family” has become increasingly prevalent in job postings, with its usage quadrupling according to data from Indeed.com. While the intention behind this phrase may be to convey a sense of camaraderie and support within the organization, its implications can be far more nuanced and potentially off-putting to job seekers. In this blog, we will explore the hidden dangers associated with using the “like a family” analogy in job descriptions, shedding light on how it can be misinterpreted and inadvertently deter top talent from applying.

At first glance, describing a company as “like a family” may seem endearing and inviting. However, upon closer examination, this phrase can be read as a code for potential workplace issues that job seekers are keen to avoid. Some individuals argue that likening a workplace to a family can imply a tolerance for verbal abuse or a lack of clear boundaries within the organization. Job seekers may be wary of environments where the lines between personal and professional life become blurred, potentially infringing upon their personal well-being and work-life balance.

Additionally, job postings that boast about perks such as free meals and on-site entertainment alongside the “like a family” phrase can inadvertently signal that employees are expected to go above and beyond their regular working hours. This can create an atmosphere where employees feel compelled to stay late, sacrificing their personal time for the sake of the “family.” Such implications can dissuade candidates from seeking a healthy work-life integration and may push them to pursue opportunities where their personal lives are respected.

While families can be sources of love, support, and unity, they can also be riddled with dysfunctionality and blurred boundaries. This parallel can raise concerns among job seekers, especially those who value clear roles, expectations, and a healthy separation between their personal and professional lives. The “like a family” analogy may inadvertently imply a lack of structure, undefined responsibilities, and the potential for a challenging work environment.

Instead, consider highlighting aspects of your company culture that foster collaboration, support, and inclusivity without suggesting an all-encompassing family dynamic. Emphasize the importance of a healthy work-life balance, well-defined boundaries, and professional growth opportunities to demonstrate that your organization values the well-being and individuality of its employees.

2. “Self-starter”

In today’s dynamic job market, the term “self-starter” has become a common buzzword in job postings, seemingly praising individuals who take initiative and require minimal direction. While the intention behind highlighting a candidate’s self-starting abilities may be to attract proactive and motivated individuals, it can inadvertently send the message that the organization lacks proper guidance and support systems. Job seekers might interpret this as an indication that they will be left to figure things out on their own without the necessary resources and guidance to succeed.

Moreover, the term “self-starter” may unintentionally exclude individuals who thrive in collaborative environments or those who prefer a structured and well-defined role. By solely emphasizing the need for self-motivation, you might inadvertently discourage potential candidates who excel in team settings or require clear direction and feedback to perform at their best.

To create more inclusive job postings, it is important to strike a balance between acknowledging the value of self-motivation and highlighting the organization’s commitment to support and mentorship. Instead of solely focusing on self-starting abilities, employers can emphasize qualities such as initiative, proactivity, and the ability to work independently within a collaborative and supportive framework. By emphasizing the availability of resources, mentorship programs, and opportunities for professional development can help candidates understand that while self-motivation is valued, they will also receive the necessary guidance and support to thrive within the organization.

3. “Willing to wear many hats”

The phrase “willing to wear many hats” has become a popular descriptor, often used to convey the expectation of versatility and adaptability in potential candidates. On the surface, “willing to wear many hats” may appear as a positive attribute, suggesting that candidates should be open to taking on diverse tasks and responsibilities within the organization. It implies a level of flexibility and a willingness to step outside one’s defined role. However, it is essential to examine the potential consequences of relying heavily on this phrase in job descriptions.

By emphasizing the need for candidates to wear many hats, there is a risk of creating unrealistic expectations and work overload. Job seekers may interpret this phrase as an indication that the organization lacks clear role definitions and may require employees to constantly juggle multiple responsibilities without proper support or resources. This can lead to burnout and a lack of work-life balance, deterring qualified candidates who prioritize structure and clarity in their professional lives.

Additionally, the phrase “willing to wear many hats” can unintentionally undervalue specialized skills and expertise. Candidates with deep knowledge and proficiency in a particular area may feel that their unique contributions are not adequately recognized or valued within an organization that heavily emphasizes generalist capabilities. This can result in talented individuals seeking opportunities elsewhere, where their specific expertise is valued and utilized to its fullest extent. Instead of solely focusing on the need to wear many hats, it is crucial to emphasize the value of both versatility and specialization within the organization. This can be achieved by clearly defining roles and responsibilities while also highlighting opportunities for growth, collaboration, and the utilization of specialized skills.

4. “Fast-paced” and “Must handle stress well”

In the realm of job postings, two phrases that often make an appearance are “fast-paced” and “must handle stress well.” While these phrases may be intended to portray an exciting and challenging work environment, it is crucial for hiring professionals to consider the deeper implications and potential drawbacks associated with their usage.

The phrase “fast-paced” can be interpreted as an indication of an energetic and dynamic workplace, where tasks and projects move swiftly. However, it is important to recognize that a relentless emphasis on speed can create a high-pressure environment that may lead to burnout and decreased employee well-being. Job seekers who prioritize work-life balance and a more measured pace may perceive a “fast-paced” environment as one that sacrifices their personal lives and mental well-being.

Similarly, the phrase “must handle stress well” implies that the job entails significant levels of pressure and demands resilience in the face of challenges. While resilience is undoubtedly a valuable quality, emphasizing stress handling as a prerequisite for a role can discourage candidates who prefer a supportive and balanced work environment. It may attract individuals who thrive under constant pressure, but it could also deter highly skilled candidates who seek a healthier work-life integration and prefer environments that prioritize employee well-being.

To create more appealing and inclusive job postings it is essential to provide a comprehensive overview of the work environment by acknowledging both the challenges and the support systems in place. Highlighting opportunities for growth, mentoring, and resources that enable employees to effectively manage their workload can demonstrate that the organization values the well-being and professional development of its team members. Emphasizing a supportive and collaborative work culture, where stress is managed through open communication and teamwork, can attract candidates who thrive in environments that prioritize both productivity and employee well-being. Instead of focusing on the pace and stress levels of the role, it is better to highlight the organization’s commitment to work-life balance, flexibility, and employee support programs. By promoting a more holistic view of the work environment, you can attract diverse candidates who value both professional growth and personal well-being.


Navigating these challenges requires a thoughtful and deliberate approach to job postings. As hiring professionals, we must carefully consider the language they use and the messages they convey. It is crucial to be honest and transparent about the demands of the role while simultaneously assuring candidates of the organization’s commitment to work-life balance, employee well-being, and a supportive work culture.

By striking the right balance, we can craft job descriptions that not only attract top talent but also serve as authentic reflections of our organizations through two distinct characteristics – honesty and transparency. Honesty is the foundation of effective job postings. Clearly articulating the demands and expectations of a role helps set realistic expectations for candidates, reducing the risk of mismatched hires. However, honesty should not overshadow the need to highlight the organization’s commitment to work-life balance, employee well-being, and a supportive work culture. On the other hand, transparency is key in assuring candidates that while the role may come with its challenges, the organization is dedicated to creating an environment where employees can thrive. By emphasizing initiatives such as flexible work arrangements, professional development opportunities, and employee support programs, we demonstrate our commitment to fostering a healthy work-life integration.

By weaving honesty and transparency into our job postings, we can create a compelling narrative that attracts not only qualified candidates but also individuals who align with our organizational values and aspirations. This approach builds trust from the very beginning, setting the stage for meaningful connections between candidates and our organizations. Furthermore, job seekers today are more discerning than ever. They actively seek out companies that prioritize work-life balance, mental well-being, and a supportive work culture. By openly addressing these aspects in our job descriptions, we not only attract talent but also differentiate ourselves as an employer of choice in a competitive market.

Ultimately, our goal is not just to fill positions but to attract individuals who will thrive and contribute to the growth and success of our organization. A thoughtful and deliberate approach to job postings is an ongoing process. It requires us to continuously evaluate our language, consider the potential impact of phrases that can deter candidates, and adapt our approach to meet the evolving needs and expectations of job seekers. Through this process, we have an opportunity to reshape the way we communicate our organization’s values, goals, and culture. By placing honesty and transparency at the forefront of our job postings, we create a solid foundation for building relationships with potential candidates. We inspire trust, set clear expectations, and invite individuals who are genuinely excited about the opportunities and challenges our organization offers. Together, let us seize the power of words and create job descriptions that resonate, inspire, and ignite the imaginations of talented individuals who will shape the future of our organization. Check out our services today to see how we can help.

Summer Safety Update

As we all know, the weather in Minnesota can be highly unpredictable, with the summertime being no exception. In the industrial space, one of the main concerns this time of year is employee heat-related safety. Heat stress is a genuine concern for workers and can cause severe illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke if not prevented. Due to the nature of this concern, you can download heat stress safety documents below to help inform employees of the potential risks associated with working in extreme temperatures.

7 Tips for Writing Job Ads that Attract Top Candidates

Job ads are essential for attracting top talent to your company. However, writing an effective job ad is not always easy. You want to include enough information to give potential candidates a good idea of what the job entails, but you don’t want to have so much detail that the ad becomes cumbersome to read. In addition, you need to strike a balance between sounding professional and approachable. The good news is that you can follow a few simple tips to write an effective job ad.

Here are seven tips to help you write job ads that will stand out from the rest:

1. Use keyword-rich titles

In today’s job market, it’s more important than ever to have a catchy title for your open position. With so many candidates to choose from, you need to ensure that your job listing stands out from the rest. A generic title like “Account Manager” is likely to be overlooked. Still, a more specific and attention-grabbing title like “Social Media Marketing Expert” is more likely to grab a candidate’s attention. Be sure to use keywords that accurately describe the role and its responsibilities to attract the right candidates. With a little effort, you can ensure that your job listing gets the attention it deserves.

2. Highlight the company’s culture

Candidates are increasingly interested in company culture when considering job offers. To attract top talent, it’s essential to paint a picture of your company culture in the job ad. Describe the values that guide your business, the way team members work together, and the atmosphere of the manufacturing facility. For example, if you have a casual dress code and allow employees to bring their dogs to work, be sure to mention that in the ad. Candidates will appreciate knowing what to expect if they accept a position at your company. By conveying a strong sense of company culture, you can set your business apart from the competition and attract the best candidates for the job.

3. Describe the role in detail

The body of a job ad is the most crucial part of the ad, as it gives candidates a clear understanding of what the role entails. The duties and responsibilities section should be concise and to the point, highlighting the most critical responsibilities of the position. The required qualifications and skills section should be equally brief, outlining the minimum qualifications and skills needed for the role. By including this information in the body of the job ad, candidates will be able to quickly determine if they are a good fit for the position. As a result, you will save time by only receiving applications from qualified candidates.

For example, if you are looking for a candidate with strong writing skills, be sure to mention that in the job ad. The more specific you can be about the qualifications and skills you are looking for, the easier it will be for candidates to determine if they are a good fit for the position.

Finally, include information about how to apply for the position and who to contact if they have any questions. By following these tips, you can ensure that your job ad attracts qualified candidates who are a good fit for the position.

4. Offer competitive compensation

Compensation is always a hot topic for candidates during the interview process. Candidates want to know that they will be fairly compensated for their work, and employers want to ensure they are paying a competitive salary. The best way to set expectations is to list a competitive wage or salary range in the job ad. This helps to attract qualified candidates who are willing to work for the offered compensation. It also allows employers to weed out candidates who are not a good fit. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule, but in general, listing a salary or salary range is the best way to ensure both parties are on the same page from the start.

5. Use persuasive language

Job ads are a form of marketing, so use persuasive language to sell the role to candidates. Include action words and phrases that paint a picture of what it would be like to work in the role. For example, instead of saying, “The candidate will be responsible for managing social media accounts,” try “The candidate will be responsible for growing our social media following and engagement.” The latter is more likely to grab a candidate’s attention and pique their interest.

Whenever possible, use a first-person point of view when writing job ads. This makes the ad more personal and relatable, allowing candidates to imagine themselves in the role. For example, “You will be responsible for managing social media accounts” is more effective than “The candidate will be responsible for managing social media accounts.”

Keep in mind that job ads are not the place to get creative with your language. Instead, stick to using straightforward language that everyone can easily understand. This will ensure that your job ad reaches the widest audience possible, and it will also help avoid any confusion on the part of the reader.

6. Include a call to action

A job ad is designed to do one thing: get candidates to apply for the role. Everything else, from the tone and content of the ad to the way it is marketed, should be geared towards this goal. An essential element of a successful job ad is a strong call to action. This is what encourages candidates to take the next step, whether it’s submitting an application or scheduling an interview. Even the most well-crafted ad is likely to fall flat without a call to action.

A call to action can be as simple as “Click here to apply now!” or “For more information, please visit our website.” Including a call to action makes it clear to candidates what the next step is and shows that you are serious about filling the position. If you want to get the most qualified candidates to apply for your open role, include a call to action in your job ad.

7. Proofread the job ad

When you’re writing a job ad, it’s essential to take the time to proofread and edit your work. A well-written and error-free ad are more likely to attract qualified candidates than an ad full of typos and grammatical errors. Also, remember that candidates will use your job ad to gauge their interest in the position and your company, so you want to make sure that it presents a professional image. Here are a few tips for proofreading your job ad:

  • Read your ad aloud to catch any errors.
  • Have someone else read it over to get a fresh perspective.
  • Use spell check, but don’t rely on it entirely – it won’t catch every error.
  • Take your time, and don’t rush the proofreading process. A few extra minutes of effort can make a big difference in the quality of your ad.

Keeping everyone in mind

When you’re writing a job ad, it’s important to keep the needs of both parties in mind. Of course, you want to write an ad that will attract qualified candidates, but you also want to make sure that it accurately reflects the role and your company. By following these tips, you can write a job ad that does both.

If you take the time to craft a well-written and persuasive job ad, you’ll be one step closer to finding the best candidate for the role. And remember, proofreading is essential – even a tiny mistake can discourage candidates from applying. With these tips in mind, you’re ready to write a great job ad that will help you find the perfect candidate for your open position.

We’re here to help

Writing an effective job ad is essential to attracting the right candidates for your open positions. But with so many elements to consider – from the job title and salary range to the required qualifications and preferred skills – it can be challenging to know where to start. Fortunately, Award Staffing is here to help. Our account management team has years of experience writing job ads that attract qualified candidates, and we’re always happy to share our expertise. So if you’re looking for more tips on writing job ads, or need help filling an open position, don’t hesitate to contact us today. We’ll be happy to assist you in any way we can.

Why Job Descriptions Need to Be Absolutely Accurate

As an employer, you want to be completely in control and productive with your hiring process. Part of this process is writing accurate job descriptions that potential employees can look at before being hired. Consider these pertinent reasons why accurate job descriptions are important.

You Are Creating a Guideline For the Position

Creating an accurate job description is more than a formality; it’s a blueprint for the skills and duties, which you want the position to embody. Creating an accurate job description will require you and your management team to consciously think about and define the exact job description for that position. This will help you clearly state what you need and expect from the person you eventually hire.

You Are Attracting Appropriate Candidates

When you release an accurate job description, you will attract the appropriate candidates for that position. When job descriptions are too vague or inaccurate, the wrong selection of potential employees often apply because they feel like they fit inside the needs of the position no matter what skills they possess. In terms of time or money, this isn’t effective. Eliminate the fluff and stick with the relevant, applicable information to attract excellent candidate options.

You Are Eliminating The “Surprise” Factor

Many potential candidates will not be happy if they walk into an interview or job, and they are expected to do tasks that weren’t listed in the job description. This could lead to reduced productivity, low morale, and eventually, high employee turnover. If you create an accurate job description that details all of the potentials within the position, you will successfully eliminate the surprise factor and reduce the risks that are hazardous to your business. Ready to find qualified candidates for your business needs?

Bring your job descriptions to Award Staffing. We will use these job descriptions with our other resources to attract the ideal employees for your open positions.



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