Temp Jobs and Temping: Good – or Bad – Career Move?
With job mobility at an all-time high and job security seemingly at an all-time low, more people are taking temp jobs than ever. Taking a temp job feels like a short-term decision, but you have to factor every step you take into your longer-term goals. Here are some impacts temp jobs can have on your career goals:
Short-Term Financial Goals of Temp Jobs.
Obviously, money is a critical factor in any job search. Temp jobs can help you maintain a steady income stream while you continue working on long-term plans. Temping isn’t just a way to pay this month’s bills. Temping can improve your career prospects while keeping your job history and income steady through life’s little twists and turns.
How Will Temping Impact Me?
So many people work temp jobs at least once in their career! Prospective employers won’t bat an eyelash at short term contracts on a resume. You can even turn them into a strength by detailing valuable skills and training you picked up at each stop.
Will Long-Term Employment Be Affected by Temp Jobs?
You can still apply for other jobs while temping. Most companies take applications online and start the interview process through introductory e-mails and phone calls. They will respect that you have current work to schedule around and rarely make that an issue.
Can Temping Be a Launchpad?
A lot of companies prefer hiring temps and transitioning them to full time after they have proved their worth. Temp jobs are also a great way to improve your network in your field or to learn new skills and gain new knowledge.
If you’re looking for a new job, contact Award Staffing. We can help place you in a temp job that is a good fit for your career goals and matches up what you’re currently seeking.