The Real 6 Reasons Employees Quit (And How You Can Prevent It)

If you’re like most business owners, you’ve probably experienced some turnover in your employee base recently. Unfortunately, it’s a trend that only seems to be rising in today’s workforce.

In fact, it’s estimated that about one-third of all employees will leave their job within the first year, and nearly 50% of employees quit within the first week. Thankfully, by understanding the reasons behind this you can prevent it from happening in your business.

Here are 6 reasons employees are quitting and what you can do to prevent it:

1. Burnout

Employee burnout is one of the main factors of high turnover. When employees feel overwhelmed by their work load, work long hours, or have a lack of control over their job, they may experience burnout. This can lead to decreased motivation and productivity, as well as feelings of exhaustion and detachment from the job. Which ultimately leads to decreased job satisfaction and causes them to find work elsewhere.

To help alleviate these issues, communication is key. Make sure to engage in regular check-ins with employees to get a feel for what their workload is like and how they are coping with it. If it seems like an employee is struggling, try to lighten their load where possible. In addition, open communication can help ensure that employees feel like they have a voice and that their concerns are being heard.

Flexibility is also important. Where possible, try to be flexible with work hours and allow employees to take breaks when they need them. Employees who feel like they have some control over their work schedule are usually more productive and less stressed.

Finally, remember that not all employees are the same. Some people thrive under pressure while others find it overwhelming. It’s important to treat each employee as an individual and tailor your approach accordingly to reduce turnover.

2. Undervalued

One of the top reasons employees quit is because they feel undervalued and not appreciated in their role. This could manifest in a lack of recognition for their hard work or feeling like their contributions are not valued by management.

Showing that you value their input and efforts can go a long way in preventing them from wanting to leave the company. Furthermore, a culture of appreciation benefits businesses by empowering their employees. This could involve recognizing employees for a job well done, providing feedback, or simply thanking employees for their contributions.

Another way to provide value is by giving employees autonomy over their work. This could mean allowing them to make their own decisions, or helping them see how their work contributes to the overall goal of the company. Employees feel more driven and valued when their work is given importance.

3. Lack of Advancement

For others, a lack of career development and opportunities is the main driver of leaving their current role. This could be due to feeling stuck or stagnant in their position.

One of the most important things businesses can do to prevent employees from quitting is to invest in their career development. One way is to develop regular performance evaluations and check-ins with employees to identify any potential roadblocks in their career development. This provides a clear career path and presents opportunities for growth.

Other effective ways to promote career development include offering mentorship opportunities, providing access to training and development resources, and encouraging employees to take on new challenges. By taking steps to invest in employee career development, businesses can send a strong message that they are committed to helping their employees grow and succeed. In turn, this can lead to increased job satisfaction and loyalty, and ultimately help to reduce turnover rates.

4. Unclear Expectations

When expectations are unclear, employees may feel like they are working in the dark. This can lead to frustration and a lack of motivation. Additionally, it can be difficult to meet goals or deadlines when you’re not sure what they are- causing employees to feel like they are not able to do their best work.

In order to prevent this and maintain retention, it is important for management to clearly communicate job responsibilities and expectations. This includes setting measurable goals and providing necessary resources or support for employees to complete tasks effectively. Regular check-ins with employees can also assist in ensuring they understand their role and are able to meet expectations. Employees are much more likely to stay when clear expectations are outlined and reported.

5. Poor Work/Life Balance

Overworking employees and depriving them of a work-life balance will often result in them quitting their job altogether. This is because when workers feel overburdened, they tend to also be unhappy at their place of employment. Consequently, they begin seeking alternative positions that offer a more agreeable work-life balance. Additionally, when employees are overworked, they may not be able to focus as well on their work tasks and may make more mistakes.

Companies can promote a better work-life balance for their employees by offering flexible schedules, remote opportunities, and the ability to work from home. When employees have more flexibility in their hours, it allows them to better manage their time outside of work. Additionally, when employees are able to work remotely, it can help reduce traffic congestion and allow them to get more done during the day. And finally, working from home can help employees save money on transportation costs and childcare expenses.

6. Not The Right Fit

When employees feel they are not the right fit for the job or company culture, it can lead to problems with productivity and decreased morale. They may struggle to perform their tasks effectively and may not mesh well with their coworkers. This can result in failed projects and a decrease in overall team performance.

To prevent this issue and retain employees, take time to get to know them. This will help to address if they will mesh with company culture. Begin by accessing their values and what drives them in their work. For some, this includes feeling like they are contributing to a larger goal and job satisfaction. When employees feel like they are a part of something larger or that their work is important, it can give them a sense of purpose and motivation. A positive work environment that employees feel comfortable in is more likely to make staff want to stay at the company.

Now that you know the top reasons why your employees are quitting, you can ensure higher retention and effectively reduce turnover. To recap: beat burnout with frequent and clear communication to address workload and find solutions. Provide value by empowering employees and creating a culture of appreciation. Utilize training and development to improve employee skills. Set measurable goals to define expectations. Allow for a flexible schedule to provide work/life balance. Lastly, find what motivates employees to determine a good culture fit.


At Award Staffing we are experts on workplace management. One of the ways we do this is by providing meaning and satisfaction to our employees. Reach out to our sales team or check out our services to learn more.