Tag Archive for: customer service

Minnesota Nice is Customer Service at Its Best

Customer service is often a thankless job that gets a lot of attention if it isn’t performed correctly but usually is unrewarded when executed right. If you want to make an impact on a customer, you need to go above and beyond to provide that experience for them. Here are some tips about how to be the best at customer service:


While this seems simple, many people underestimate the value of a smile. Your customers have likely had a stressful day, and just smiling at them before you interact with them can change their entire mood for the better. Once you have set the mood to provide a good experience, you can move on to some of the other steps that will make you a customer service pro.

Compliment Them

Compliment your customers. Most likely, this will throw them off – many of your customers will be in a hurry or frazzled or in the middle of something else. By complimenting them, you are forcing them to be present to reflect on the compliment you have paid them. It’s essential that the compliment is not forced or a lie because this will show in the way you deliver your compliment. By providing a real compliment, you will make their day and encourage them to have a moment of relaxation before heading back into their busy day.

Ask if They Need Help Before They Need It-

The number one way to be a pro at customer service is to anticipate and ask if they need help before they need it. For example, if you see a customer ordering four drinks, go ahead and get out that drink holder for them before they have to come back to you and ask for it. By anticipating the needs of your customer before they realize it, you’re reducing the number of problems they may have, but you’re also displaying thoughtfulness, which is the hallmark of customer service.

If you’re a customer service pro and are looking for a job in which your talents can be appreciated, contact Award Staffing. We will be able to help you find a new job opportunity that puts your talents and strengths to good use so you can benefit a company and start helping your new customers.

Why Customer Service should always be the Top Priority

Part of owning a business is choosing your business’s priorities. Many business owners choose profitability or visibility as a priority and are surprised when their business has problems. No matter what type of business you run, customer service is a value that extends into other aspects of the business and promotes overall well-being. Here’s why customer service should always be the top priority:  

Keeps Employees Focused

Giving your employees a top priority to keep in mind will help them to remain focused throughout the day. This will help them shape all their decisions, interactions, and thought processes throughout the day. If your customers know that the highest goal you have in mind is to provide excellent customer service, they will spend their time at work striving to meet and exceed their standards from the previous day.

Keeps Customers Happy

When you’re focused on customer service, your customers will be happy. When you have happy customers, you are more likely to have repeat customers. Make it known to your customers and the public that customer service is the highest priority for you. This will make you extremely competitive amongst other similar businesses.

Promotes Positive Image of the Business

By making customer service a top priority, you’re letting people know that they matter. This will promote a positive image of your business because ultimately, your customers are people. When you spend the time listening to a customer or fixing an issue, your customer will appreciate that so much. If your customers feel honored and respected, they want to come back.

Promoting a Positive Image Helps Profitability

If you are promoting a positive image of your business, this is going to translate into more customers walking in your doors. More customers walking in your doors leads to increased profitability. Owning and operating a profitable business is a cycle, but it all begins with customer service – how highly you can prioritize your customers.

If you want to hire employees who have been well trained in customer service procedures and policies, contact Award Staffing. We have a database of reputable employees who have a long history of working in customer service jobs and who will be able to add to your company’s overall image.



Want to learn more about how Award Staffing can help your organization with your staffing and employment needs? Start by providing our team with a few pieces of information about yourself, and we will take care of the rest.

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Train Your Employees to Maximize Customer Service

Customer service is imperative in almost every line of business; therefore, it makes sense that your employees should know how to maximize their customer service skills. Here are a few of our favorite tips for training your employees to maximize their customer service skills.

Encourage Smiling-

Smiling is a universal way of being friendly. In almost every culture, a smile can show another person that you’re friendly, ready to help, and perceptive of their needs. Therefore, you need to remind your employees to smile when they’re interacting with your customers, even if they aren’t necessarily “happy.

Encourage Positive Reinforcement-

Another pinnacle of customer service is ensuring that the customer feels like they’re being heard. One way in which your employees can accomplish this is by practicing positive reinforcement. For example, if a customer is complaining about something, your employee can repeat what they’re saying back to them and acknowledge it.

Encourage “The Customer is Always Right”-

No matter what, the customer is always right. You need to train your employees to adopt this mindset – even when interacting with particularly difficult customers. It will reduce conflict and encourage customer loyalty. Employees who tend to be impatient are not a good fit for customer service roles.

If you need to hire a new employee to handle customer service relations, contact Award Staffing. We will be able to match you up with someone who is friendly, engaging, outgoing, and driven.



Want to learn more about how Award Staffing can help your organization with your staffing and employment needs? Start by providing our team with a few pieces of information about yourself, and we will take care of the rest.

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