Minnesota Nice is Customer Service at Its Best

Customer service is often a thankless job that gets a lot of attention if it isn’t performed correctly but usually is unrewarded when executed right. If you want to make an impact on a customer, you need to go above and beyond to provide that experience for them. Here are some tips about how to be the best at customer service:


While this seems simple, many people underestimate the value of a smile. Your customers have likely had a stressful day, and just smiling at them before you interact with them can change their entire mood for the better. Once you have set the mood to provide a good experience, you can move on to some of the other steps that will make you a customer service pro.

Compliment Them

Compliment your customers. Most likely, this will throw them off – many of your customers will be in a hurry or frazzled or in the middle of something else. By complimenting them, you are forcing them to be present to reflect on the compliment you have paid them. It’s essential that the compliment is not forced or a lie because this will show in the way you deliver your compliment. By providing a real compliment, you will make their day and encourage them to have a moment of relaxation before heading back into their busy day.

Ask if They Need Help Before They Need It-

The number one way to be a pro at customer service is to anticipate and ask if they need help before they need it. For example, if you see a customer ordering four drinks, go ahead and get out that drink holder for them before they have to come back to you and ask for it. By anticipating the needs of your customer before they realize it, you’re reducing the number of problems they may have, but you’re also displaying thoughtfulness, which is the hallmark of customer service.

If you’re a customer service pro and are looking for a job in which your talents can be appreciated, contact Award Staffing. We will be able to help you find a new job opportunity that puts your talents and strengths to good use so you can benefit a company and start helping your new customers.