Tag Archive for: Items to Bring to an Interview

5 Items that You Need to Bring to Any Job Interview

When you’re going on job interviews, there are several things you need to bring with you to help ensure a successful interviewing experience.


Your interviewer will often ask you for a copy of your resume (even if you sent one earlier) Bring several copies with you in case there is more than one person sitting in the room with your interviewer. Make sure to print out your resume on quality neutral-toned paper so it can stand out from the crowd. 


Have copies of your references on hand, so you can easily hand it over to your interviewer. The less work, your interviewer, has to do on your behalf, the better chances you have of getting the job.

Notepad and Pen-

You may not need it, but it’s important to be prepared. Appearing over prepared as opposed to being underprepared is always a plus


Don’t have your papers and pen floating around loose in your hands, bag, or pocket. Make sure you bring a nicely-organized folder and keep your belongings inside of it. Your interviewer will likely take note of your organization and will be impressed. 


You never know when you’re going to need to cough, clear your throat, or sneeze. It’s important to bring water so you can remain hydrated and have a solution in case any of these uncomfortable situations arise during your interview.

If you need help finding jobs, contact Award Staffing. We will be able to help you line up interviews for job opportunities that are a good fit for your personality, work experience, and future career goals. Want to learn more career tips and tricks – check our When Work Works blog.