Tag Archive for: Work-Life Balance

Developing a Healthy Relationship with Your Job

Work is an inescapable part of our daily lives for the majority of people. Whether it turns out to be a positive or negative experience hinges on the nature of the job and the work environment. Irrespective of the kind of work one engages in, it is important to foster a healthy relationship with it.

Developing a healthy relationship with your job is paramount for several reasons. First and foremost, we spend a substantial portion of our time at work, making it a significant part of our lives. By cultivating a positive and healthy work relationship, we can enhance our overall job satisfaction and boost our morale. This, in turn, can lead to increased productivity and work quality, benefiting not just the individual but also the organization as a whole. Moreover, a positive work relationship also fosters an environment of open communication, collaboration, and mutual respect among colleagues, which is key to a thriving workplace. Lastly, a healthy work relationship can also contribute to better work-life balance and promote an individual’s well-being, both physically and mentally.

According to a study by Gallup, engaged employees – those who are enthusiastic about and genuinely committed to their work and workplace – are 59% less likely to seek a job outside of their current organization over the next 12 months.

However, an estimated 85% of employees worldwide are disengaged at work, siting a high level of dissatisfaction as the main factor. Nearly 70% of employees said they would work harder if they felt their efforts were better recognized.

In this blog, we will discuss 6 essential aspects of a healthy work relationship that will guarantee your job satisfaction and a fulfilling career.

1. Fulfillment

Your work should provide a sense of purpose and meaning in your life. Do you feel that you are making a difference with your work? Do you feel like you are contributing to a larger goal? If you are not getting this sense of fulfillment, it might be time to re-evaluate your career choices. If you are not happy with your job, you are likely to become less efficient, which can affect your job satisfaction. Achieving your goals is one of the critical ways you can get a sense of fulfillment in your work.

2. Emotional Leadership

Emotionally intelligent leadership is a crucial factor in fostering job satisfaction. Leaders who exhibit high emotional intelligence understand their team members’ emotional needs, thus creating a supportive and empathetic work environment. They can navigate and manage their emotions effectively, and harness them to inspire, motivate, and connect with their teams. These abilities make employees feel valued, respected, and heard, leading to higher job satisfaction. Furthermore, emotionally intelligent leaders are adept at managing stress, conflict and change, ensuring a harmonious, productive workplace. Therefore, the significance of emotionally intelligent leadership for job satisfaction cannot be overstated.

3. People-First Mentality

As an employee, do you feel valued and appreciated for the work you do? Feeling appreciated is one of the critical drivers of job satisfaction. When your employer values and respects you, you are more likely to feel motivated and committed to your work. Employers should prioritize their employees’ well-being and invest in creating a people-first culture that fosters a sense of belonging, inclusivity, and growth. This can be achieved through recognition programs, flexible work arrangements, transparent communication, and encouraging work-life balance.

4. Growing Skills

Do you feel that your current job provides you with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in your career? It is crucial for the work you do to be both challenging and capable of stretching your abilities, as this will contribute to your professional growth. If you find that your job lacks opportunities for personal development, you may start experiencing frustration and discontentment. In order to foster skill growth among employees, it is important for employers to offer access to comprehensive training programs, educational opportunities, and other forms of ongoing support. By investing in the growth and development of their workforce, companies can create an environment that empowers employees to reach their full potential and achieve long-term success in their careers.

5. Tools

Having access to the right tools and resources is not only important for job satisfaction but also critical for achieving optimal productivity. In a modern workplace, the frustration caused by outdated equipment can severely hinder the timely completion of tasks and projects. Employers should prioritize providing tools that are not only up-to-date but also easy to use, enhancing productivity and accessibility.

By considering factors such as ease of use, productivity, and accessibility, employers can empower their employees to become more efficient and effective in their work. This, in turn, fosters a healthy work relationship where employees feel supported and valued, leading to increased job satisfaction and overall success.

6. Workplace Flexibility

Workplace flexibility is an essential element for a healthy work relationship. It fosters an environment where employees have the freedom to balance their personal and professional lives effectively. This can manifest in various ways, such as offering flexible hours to accommodate personal commitments, providing remote working opportunities for increased autonomy, or granting employees the freedom to manage their own schedules based on their preferences and needs.

By embracing workplace flexibility, businesses can create a supportive culture that values individual well-being and work-life balance. This, in turn, reduces stress levels and empowers employees to perform at their best. When employees feel supported in managing their personal obligations alongside their work responsibilities, it enhances their commitment and loyalty towards the organization. In summary, workplace flexibility is not only beneficial but crucial for the maintenance of a healthy work relationship.

Going Forward

Developing a healthy work relationship with your job requires effort from both the employee and the employer. A sense of fulfillment, good leadership, feeling valued, developing skills, having access to the right tools and resources, and having flexibility are all essential requirements for a healthy work relationship. Good employee relationships can lead to better job satisfaction, work performance, and retention. When you have a healthy work relationship, you are more likely to enjoy going to work and feel satisfied with the contribution you make to your team’s overall success. Are you looking for a job that is meaningful and fulfilling? Check out our current job openings today.

7 Tips for Achieving Work Life Balance

Whether you are just starting out or a seasoned professional- it’s important to find a career that you are passionate about, while also making time for yourself. Achieving this balance between your career and personal life is essential to your well-being. When you have a good balance, you feel more productive, motivated, and fulfilled. You also have more energy to put into your work and relationships.

Having a poor work-life balance can lead to stress, burnout, and dissatisfaction. When you’re not happy with your work life, it can spill over into your personal life and affect your relationships. You may find yourself constantly working or feeling guilty for not working enough. It’s important to find a healthy balance so that you can be productive and happy both at work and at home.

So how do you achieve this balance?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for achieving work life balance. What works for one person might not work for another. However, here are a few tips that can help you find the right balance for you:

1. Plan According to Values

The first step to achieving work life balance is figuring out what’s important to you. This way you are able to create a plan that aligns with your values and priorities.

This can be done by asking yourself some key questions, such as:

– What are my values and priorities in life?

– How do I want to spend my time outside of work?

– What are my goals and aspirations, both professionally and personally?

Once you know what’s important to you, it’s time to set concrete goals that align with those priorities. This may include making changes to your schedule, prioritizing your tasks, or setting boundaries around your work and personal time. For example, if your top priority is spending more quality time with your family, you might set a goal of working fewer hours each week or taking time off during the holidays to be with them. Remember that achieving work life balance takes time, patience, and commitment, but with the right approach it’s possible to create a healthy and fulfilling life.

2. Set Boundaries Between Work and Personal Life

It’s important to set limits so that neither your work or personal life takes over. When you’re at work, focus on work. When you’re at home, focus on your personal life. This can be tough if you work from home, but it’s important to set aside dedicated time for each area of your life.

Decide how much time you want to dedicate to each area, and stick to those boundaries. It can also be helpful to use a planner or calendar to track your time so that you can see where you’re spending the most time. You may also want to create a “no work zone” in your home where you don’t do any work-related tasks. This can help ensure that your personal time is truly free from work stress and pressure.

It’s also important to set boundaries at work, so you can focus on your responsibilities without getting overwhelmed. This means setting clear expectations with your boss and coworkers about what you are able to do and when deadlines need to be met. This also may involve being more selective about the projects and tasks you choose to take on, so that you are not working all hours of the day. Too much responsibility will only increase stressors. Therefore, by separating work and pleasure, you will feel much more at ease in your life.

3. Prioritize Job Tasks

Setting boundaries with your job is essential to achieve work life balance it allows you to manage your time more efficiently. Avoid getting caught in the trap of saying “yes” to everything, because it can make you feel overwhelmed and stressed. Instead, set priorities and manage your time by focusing on what’s important. If you feel you have too much on you’re plate, you may need to delegate responsibilities to others who can help.

Start by identifying tasks that are most important and focusing on those first, instead of being distracted by less urgent activities. High importance tasks should be given top priority, as they need to be completed immediately. Think of job responsibilities that need to be completed on a daily basis. These may include tasks such as responding to emails or making phone calls. Next, identify minor tasks that don’t require immediate attention. These can be saved for later when you have uninterrupted time to focus on them. Therefore by prioritizing urgent responsibilities, you will become more productive and decrease stress.

4. Avoid Overworking Yourself

When you have a heavy workload or deadlines to meet, it can be easy to overdo it. But, if you’re constantly overworking yourself it can lead to burnout and added stress. This then negatively effects productivity and motivation. When you’re constantly pushing yourself, it’s hard to take time for yourself and enjoy life.

You may find that you’re too tired to participate in activities you once enjoyed, or that you’re so stressed out that you can’t relax. To combat this, make sure to take regular breaks throughout the day. This gives your mind and body time to rest. Additionally, taking scheduled breaks helps you recharge and refocus, so that you’re able to reduce stress and stay productive for longer periods of time. Step away from your desk, take a walk, or just stretch your legs. It’ll help you clear your head and come back refreshed.

5. Manage Your Time Wisely

Time management is key to a healthy work life balance. You need to make sure you’re using your time wisely and are not overcommitting yourself. This means setting realistic deadlines for projects and tasks, being organized, and tracking your progress so that you stay on track. Organization tools like calendars and to-do lists can help you manage your time more effectively.

Another tool for time management is being mindful of how you spend your days and weeks. Are you working too many hours? Are you taking on too many tasks? Are there things you can delegate or eliminate from your schedule? By being mindful of how you use your time, you can create more space for the things that are important to you.

6. Prioritize Your Well-Being

When you’re dedicating all your effort to other areas of your life, it can be easy to forget to take care of yourself. Be sure to schedule in some time for self-care, both physically and mentally. This will help you to destress and relax which will make you more energized and productive. Achieving this balance is different for everyone, so it’s important to find what works for you so you can avoid burnout and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Relax: It can be tough to find time to relax and rejuvenate when you’re always busy. However, it’s important to make time for yourself, even if it’s just a few minutes every day. This will help you to recharge and feel more productive.

Exercise: Exercise is a great way to relax and destress. It can also help to boost your mood and increase your energy level.

Eat healthy: Eating healthy can help improve your mood, energy level, and productivity. Be sure to include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet, as well as lean protein and whole grains.

Take breaks: When you’re working on a project, be sure to take breaks periodically to give your mind a chance to rest. This will help you stay focused and productive when you return to the task at hand.

7. Make Time for Yourself

It’s crucial to have time for yourself outside of your daily routine so you can be recharged and motivated. When you’re taking care of yourself, you’re more productive and fulfilled overall. Make sure to schedule in some “you” time each week, even if it’s just for an hour or two.

The first step to this is setting a schedule for yourself. This helps you set aside time that is only focused on you, and not your workload. Try to leave work at a reasonable time so you don’t bring your work home with you. This can help you destress after a long day and make time for things that you enjoy doing. Whether it’s reading, going for a run, or spending time with family and friends.

You may also need time to recharge outside of family obligations. Try finding an activity the helps you relax and rejuvenate. Some people find that reading, writing, or painting helps them achieve a sense of calm. Others prefer to take walks in nature, listen to music, or practice yoga or meditation. Whatever activity helps you distress and relax is a good choice for you.

So whatever it is that rejuvenates you, make sure to schedule regular time for yourself so you can stay motivated and productive. This will help you come back to your other responsibilities with fresh energy and perspective. By taking care of yourself first, you’ll be better equipped to handle whatever comes your way at work and at home.


Achieving work life balance is essential to living a happy and fulfilling life. Maintaining a healthy work life balance is essential for reducing stress levels, staying motivated, and being productive in all areas of your life. Remember to make time for what’s important to you, set clear boundaries, and manage your time effectively. By following the steps above, you can find the perfect balance between work and personal time.

If your looking for a job that promotes a healthy lifestyle, contact Award Staffing. View our open job opportunities to get started today!

How to Prepare Your Company for Gen Z

Two of the most preeminent qualities a company can have are adaptability and the willingness to evolve. As convenient as it is to stay the same, especially if certain systems and protocols have a proven track record of working well; for the continued success and expansion of your enterprise, it’s important to make adjustments with the times.

Just when you thought you had millennials and their approach to the workplace figured out, a new wave of individuals has entered the picture: Gen Z. If you have yet to experience them at your company, they will be arriving to the workplace before you know it. Born between the years of 1997 and 2012, and known as the most diverse generation in history so far, they are beginning to revolutionize the workforce by being the first true digital natives and bringing back the lost concept of in-person interaction.

Despite any preconceived notions of them being a generation that is glued to their phone or has a short attention span; studies and surveys say otherwise. Research has repeatedly shown that they are actually a group that values good, old fashioned hard work and longs to have a secure job that can offer long-term stability. Truthfully, having a few Gen Z ers on you team can be an asset to the mission of your organization. However, there are certain non-traditional values that they hold that need to be considered, if you want to attract them to your association. Here are some ways you can prepare to welcome Gen Z into your company.

1. Be Transparent/Tell Them What to Expect

Believe it or not, they actually want to be deeply invested in their company and the work that they do. They are truly willing to rise to any challenge. As a group that watched their parents struggle during the Great Recession, they value security. This is why it is important to tell them what they can expect when they come to work. It is important that they choose the right place. Be very specific about all of the assignments the job will entail, what the dress code, time-off, and attendance policies are, and what a typical day will look like. As a generation that was exposed to plenty of negativity with social media and quick access to news outlets, they are more skeptical by nature. The way to make them feel more comfortable with applying and accepting a position in your company is with transparency.

2. Offer Quick Responses

While this may seem a bit unreasonable to those of prior generations, are they really wrong for wanting quick access and on-the-spot responses? In the digital age we live in, we all literally have a phone and internet connection at our fingertips 100% of the time. (Adjusting with the times, remember?) Current technology gives us the ability to offer instantaneous responses, be it via social media, through email, or through text. If you want to attract the Gen Z generation to your company, this begins before they even apply. Have someone on your team who checks and responds to social media messages daily. If they submit an application/résumé, respond within a day or two. Getting them in the door begins with making a good first impression. 

3. Emphasize Wellbeing and Work-Life Balance

Although they want to be immersed in their jobs, they are not a group that will prioritize work over their personal wellbeing. In fact, 40 % of Gen Z ranks work-life balance as their number one factor when choosing a place to work. This means offering mental health days, being flexible with hours, and being sure they know they are not obligated to answer phone calls or respond to emails during their time off. This will benefit both them as employees as well as you as an employer, because allowing employees to take care of themselves outside of work will lead to more focus, drive, and greater productivity while at work. If you’re looking to attract high-quality employees from this generation, be sure to discuss this on your company’s social media pages.

4. Offer above Average Pay

Unlike their millennial counterparts, pay is at the top of their mind when choosing a place to work. While millennials value freedom and creativity, Gen Zers value security. The majority of this generation, although young, has already started a savings account and has been known to do whatever it takes to get ahead as early as possible. Similar to millennials, many of them have left or will leave college with a significant amount of debt that could take decades to pay off. They are also reaching adulthood in a time where cost of living is high no matter where you live. As a group that strives to be financially savvy, you will have much more luck attracting this generation with good pay verses good benefits or any other perks. They will even be willing to work longer hours as long as they are rewarded for it.

5. Offer Social Experiences and Face-to-Face Interaction

Does this one surprise you? The truth is, that while millennials are technology pioneers, Gen Z never experienced a point in time when they didn’t have some type of technology at their disposal. While they do tend to spend entire days on and off social media apps like Instagram and TikTok, only interacting with others through a screen has left them with high social anxiety and feeling isolated at times. Even if your company offers the option to work from home part of the time, team building and camaraderie are crucial for keeping Gen Zers happy. Be sure to host regular team meetings and make some of them in person. Also, offer after work outings, company get-togethers, and plenty of opportunities to collaborate via team projects, volunteering, event planning, etc.

Overall, Gen Z is a generation that will go the extra mile as long as they feel appreciated, listened to and feel that they are working for the right company. They know they are responsible for driving their own careers and want to be judged by their merit and contributions.

If your company is looking for new employees, we at Award Staffing are here to help. Contact us with your staffing needs, here.






Life Principles for Personal Excellence

Present times glorify hustle culture to the point that we have a tendency to think about our careers more than any other part of our lives. Whether you work from home or on-site/at an office, your job takes up 40+ hours of your week. Additionally, there is a ton of content in the online space that focuses on careers. Whether it discusses tactics for getting a job or how to do your best work on the job, what often gets missed is recommendations for personal life. Our professional and personal lives are intertwined and go hand-in-hand with one another. If we commit ourselves to personal excellence, it will show through in our professional lives and vice versa. Here are 10 principles to live by for personal excellence.

1. Develop Beneficial Habits

Habits are what will shape your life. It’s the things that you do consistently that will give you the results you’re looking for. Begin by deciding what you want in all areas of your life: money, relationships, health & fitness, etc. Then come up with habits that will get you closer to them. Habits can be hard to establish, but once you get through the initial forming of them, they will become a part of you. Choose wisely and you will notice them changing your life for the better.

2. Seek Knowledge, Not Just Results

Don’t get me wrong, we should always be striving to meet our goals. But we don’t want to get so focused on our results that we forget to do things for the experience, the pleasure, the experimentation, the exploration. Life is just as much about the memories and experiences as it is about making things happen for ourselves. Don’t burn out or miss all of the fun by always having an end in mind. You’re allowed to do things just because.

3. Learn Something New Every Day

Doing so will improve your life in more ways than one. The more knowledge you have, the better equipped you are to handle what life throws at you. You will also naturally start to have more confidence in yourself. It can also spark your interest in what will become a lifelong hobby or new career path. You will catch yourself starting to think outside the box and randomly being able to use the information you’ve learned as situations come up.


4. Lack of Planning Results in Less Than Achievement

No one is saying that you have to obsessively plan, but you will save a lot of time if you start your days with a plan instead of trying to wing everything. You also need to know what you’re working towards so you can break it down into small steps to create it. Planning will look different for everyone, do it in a way that works for you. The most important thing is just to have a plan and stick to it as often and as best as you can.

5. Distraction is the Enemy of Productivity

There are so many things in life that require your attention. Be sure that the majority of your time is being spent focused on building the life you want. Also, make it a point to eliminate things that are taking from you. Chores, long commutes, lack of planning, time-wasting habits, etc. This doesn’t mean that you can’t ever mindlessly scroll through social media, but do it intentionally instead of letting two hours go by and then wondering why you have no time left in your day for the important things.


6. Ability is Mostly about How You Spend Your Time

It’s easy to fall into the comparison trap and believe that someone else is talented at the thing you want or want to do. While ability can definitely give you the upper hand in some cases, working on your craft regularly is what will set you apart. Natural talent is only a part of it, don’t discourage yourself from trying and working at something just because you didn’t start out as skilled as someone else.

7.It’s Never Too Late to Be Great

Too many people choose not to act on something that they want because they fear that they started or are starting too late. If you choose to start now, you will surprise yourself with how far you’ve come in a year; especially if you’re consistent. If it’s something that you’ve been considering for a while now, it will keep coming up until you act on it. Start now, today it’s not too late, but someday it will be.

8. Do One thing that Scares You a Day

Taking small steps daily will help you diminish your fears and give you the courage to purse the bigger things that scare you. Doing one thing that scares you a day will help you grow as a person and see that we are much more capable than we ever imagined ourselves to be.

9. Take Your Sleep, Nutrition, and Exercise Seriously

You have two places to live, the earth and your body. When we’re younger, we like to believe that we’re invincible and can eat whatever we want, go without exercise, and run on just a few hours of sleep per night. As you get older this becomes less and less of the case and will start to affect your work performance and quality of life. You don’t have to treat life like a fitness competition, but you definitely want to make sure you’re taking care of yourself.


10. Do What YOU Want

In this lifetime, there are so many (and will continue to be) expectations put on us by society, family, and everyone in between. Especially if you decide to do something unconventional or even just outside of your usual, people are going to say something. You get one life to live, do it your way. If you choose to listen to everyone else instead of yourself, you will be missing out and constantly wondering what it would have been like if you had just done what you wanted. You’re the only one that has to live with yourself, no other explanation needed.

If you or someone you know is looking for a job, check out our latest job postings here.

How to Build a Good Work-Life Balance? Read This

When you work a time-consuming job, it’s hard to find a good work-life balance. Often, employees find that they end up working more hours than normal or working off the clock to accomplish their tasks and goals. It’s important to have a good work-life balance, though, so you can be energized and renewed at work every day.

Set Clear Boundaries for Yourself-

One of the easiest ways to ensure you have a work-life balance is to set clear boundaries for yourself. Depending on your job and the tasks you have to perform, there are a variety of ways you can do this. One good example is to turn off your cell phone or not answer e-mails when you’re not at work. While it can be hard to disengage initially, you’ll find that taking this initial step will help in setting up your work-life balance.

Exercise Regularly-

Work can be stressful, and it’s easy to spend extra time at your workplace to catch up or get more done. This can often be counter-productive; increasing your stress, which in turn, reduces your productivity. Physical exercise combats stress. Make a point to schedule regular workouts. Once you get into the swing of working out, you will be more motivated to go on a regular basis.

Prioritize Self Care-

One reason why people struggle with a healthy work-life balance is that they don’t prioritize self-care. Self-care could include taking vacations, doing fun things on the weekend, or spending more time with family. When you start prioritizing self-care, you will develop a healthier work-life balance because you’ll have more of an incentive to do so.

If you are looking for a new job, which will allow you to prioritize a work-life balance more easily, contact Award Staffing. We will be able to help you find a job opportunity that is respectful of your time and outside commitments while still taking your skills and work experience into account. Want to learn more career tips and tricks – check our When Work Works blog.