Embrace the Unknown: 6 Ways To Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in a rut and don’t know how to break out of it? Does the thought of taking risks and pushing your boundaries fill you with dread? Our recruiter Maite has some words of encouragement, “Don’t be scared of trying something new even if you don’t have the necessary skills or knowledge.” Taking chances can lead to great opportunities, so why not push beyond your limits and discover what happens when you step outside your comfort zone? Remember, there is no growth without taking risks.

Here are 6 ways to take risks and push our boundaries when looking for a job.

1. Be Bold

Finding a job can be nerve-wracking and intimidating at times, but don’t let that stop you from achieving your goals. Be bold and get out of your comfort zone. Challenge yourself by taking the initiative to reach out to employers or to apply for roles that seem intimidating or outside of what you feel prepared for. Bravely take risks to show off your unique talents; having the confidence to do so will make all the difference in standing out from the crowd.

It’s important to remember that being brave by taking risks and pushing boundaries is an essential part of finding the right career path. You may surprise yourself with what you can learn and achieve when you step out of your comfort zone. Additionally, employers are often looking for candidates who are willing to take chances and demonstrate their initiative by reaching out to potential opportunities. So go ahead, seize the opportunity and push beyond your limits!

2. Take Risks

Taking risks can be scary, but there’s really no way to reach our full potential without experimenting and pushing ourselves. Taking risks allows us to explore uncharted territory, which gives us the chance to create opportunities for ourselves that we may not have known even exist.

Every risk is a learning opportunity, regardless of the outcome; the experience and knowledge gained from taking chances will open doors you may never previously imagined possible. To embrace the unknown, it’s important to remind ourselves of the amazing potential rewards that come with taking risks – the thrill of experiencing something new, the possibility of never having experienced success without taking a chance, or even discovering new passions that would otherwise remain invisible.

The unknown can be intimidating, but just remember that as long as you’re playing it safe you’ll never transcend boundaries. So take a deep breath and dive into the unknown, because embracing new experiences can bring great rewards.

3. Broaden Your Horizons

Expanding beyond your current industry or field in the job search process can be incredibly beneficial for countless reasons. Not only will it help you explore new opportunities and further develop your skills, but it could also open the doors to unique roles, experiences, and career paths that you may have never even considered before. By taking on the challenge of learning something entirely new, you could find yourself in a field that opened up avenues for career growth far beyond what you thought was possible. If you choose to challenge yourself by venturing into unfamiliar areas, you may just find yourself enjoying a job far more than if you had continued within what was comfortable.

4. Overcome Fear to Pursue Your Dreams

We all have fears that can hold us back from taking chances and pursuing our dreams. But it’s important to recognize these fears, face them head on, and push ourselves beyond the boundaries of our comfort zone. When it comes to job searching, this is especially true – if you don’t take risks and try something new or different, you may never find the perfect job for you. By recognizing your fear-based thoughts and actively pushing yourself out of your comfort zone during a job search, you can open up a world of possibilities that could lead to success in both career and personal satisfaction.

1. Acknowledge Your Fear: The first step to overcoming fear is to acknowledge it and accept that it exists. It is completely normal to feel anxious or apprehensive when taking risks and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. Instead of running away from this feeling, take the time to process why you are feeling scared. Is it because you don’t have the necessary skills or experience for a certain job? Is it because you are afraid of rejection and failure? Being honest with yourself about your fear is crucial if you want to move forward.

2. Believe in Yourself: The next step is to believe in yourself and your abilities. Even if you don’t have the necessary skills or experience right now, that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to learn and develop them later. Having self-confidence can help you take risks and allow you to explore new possibilities and potential opportunities.

3. Make the Move: Finally, it is important to take action and actively pursue your dreams. This can be done by applying for “reach” jobs, setting up informational interviews with people in the industry, attending networking events, and learning new skills. Taking these steps will help you gain more experience and knowledge which could ultimately lead to success in your job search.

5. Tackle Challenges One at a Time

When it comes to taking chances and pushing our boundaries, many of us feel overwhelmed by the prospect of taking on something that is outside our comfort zone. But tackling small challenges one at a time helps us not to be intimidated or discouraged from going after what we want. By breaking down your goals into manageable chunks, you can gradually build up your confidence and skillset until eventually, you are ready for bigger tasks. Taking it one step at a time can be of great help in overcoming the fear and apprehension associated with daunting tasks. Accomplishing small objectives will make large projects seem much more achievable.

6. Take Action and Have a Positive Attitude

Finally, in order to achieve success when exploring new opportunities and taking chances, it is essential to take action instead of just talking about it. By taking small steps that are achievable and realistic, we can make progress toward our desired outcome without feeling overwhelmed by the challenge ahead.

An example of taking action on new opportunities could be to start small and build up. For example, if you are looking to make a career change, you might take classes related to the field you want to move into in order to gain knowledge and experience. This will build your confidence and expertise before you take on the challenge of a new industry.

Having a positive attitude is also an important factor when embarking on new ventures. Believing in yourself and having faith that you can succeed will help you push through the uncomfortable moments of stepping out of your comfort zone. Although the comfort zone may offer a sense of security, it can also lead to stagnation and prevent growth. Therefore, it’s important to maintain a positive attitude and have confidence in your abilities. With the right mindset, you can succeed in anything you set out to do.


By taking risks and pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone, you are able to broaden your horizons, overcome fear, tackle challenges, and take action. Taking these steps can help improve both your personal growth as well as open up new opportunities in the job market. It is important to remember that while it may be intimidating at first, having the courage to step out of our comfort zones will bring more rewards than staying stagnant in one place. So don’t let fear hold you back from achieving success – start challenging yourself today! Check out our new job opportunities to get started.

How to Make a Meaningful Connection in the Hiring Process

Building a meaningful connection in the hiring process requires more than just submitting an application or attending an interview. In today’s highly competitive job market, establishing a strong connection is essential in the hiring process. Whether that be researching, applying for a position, or preparing to meet with future employers. Going the extra mile by reaching out shows that you’re interested and invested in the position. This direct communication makes them more likely to remember you and keep you in mind when it comes to next steps.

Research shows that making a meaningful connection with employers can drastically increase your chances of getting the job. According to a recent survey, applicants who followed up after applying were nearly 50% more likely to receive an interview invitation than those who did not follow up.

So, if you are looking for ways to make a lasting connection, here are 5 steps that will help:

1. Do Your Research

Researching a company is one of the best ways to make a meaningful connection with employers. By taking the time to learn more about an organization and its industry, job seekers can demonstrate their enthusiasm for the position and show that they are well-informed. You also gain insight into what skills or experience employers are looking for in a candidate. Which allows you to tailor your resume and application materials accordingly.

When conducting your research, make sure to read up on their website, search social media channels, and review recent news articles. This will not only provide you with a better understanding of the company’s mission, culture, and values but also help you demonstrate your knowledge when speaking to hiring managers.

Ultimately, by putting in the effort to make meaningful connections with employers, job seekers can increase their chances of standing out from the crowd. By taking these steps, you can be more confident in interactions and make a lasting impression.

2. Attend Networking Events

Networking events are also a great way for individuals to meet crucial recruitment personnel face-to-face. Many businesses attend these events such as career fairs and conferences, so you can get a lot of exposure by attending. This is also a great opportunity to make a lasting impression and build relationships with recruiters and other professionals.

When attending these events, it is important to remember that networking is all about making connections. Bring a few copies of your resume with you so that hiring managers can get an idea of who you are and what you have to offer. Additionally, make sure to practice your elevator pitch beforehand—as this will help you to communicate your value and experience in a concise way.

These events are also a great way to stay up-to-date on industry trends and get valuable advice from other professionals who have been in your shoes before. It’s important to come prepared with questions that demonstrate your interest in the field, as well as your knowledge of the latest developments.

By taking these steps, you are sure to stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of getting noticed by employers. With this approach, you can start making meaningful connections and get one step closer to landing your dream job. Don’t forget that forming relationships is just as important as submitting your application – so make sure to be proactive and take the initiative to make a great first impression.

3. Contact the Hiring Manager Directly

Making a meaningful connection with employers is essential to stand out in the application process. One of the most effective ways to do this is by reaching out directly to the hiring manager. By doing this, you will guarantee that your application is seen and prioritized by the right person.

Before submitting your application, reach out via email or social media (LinkedIn is a great resource). Start by introducing yourself and mentioning that you’ve applied for their position, as well as why you think you’d be an ideal fit for their team. This allows them to get to know you and puts a face (or rather name) behind an otherwise faceless application process—which could increase your chances of getting hired. Making the first point of contact shows them that you are motivated and willing to take initiative – which can make all the difference when it comes to making a decision.

Some other ways to make a lasting impression are through sending a personalized email or letter. Sending a personalized note makes a difference in the hiring process because it shows the employer that you have taken extra effort to make a meaningful connection. Not only does it demonstrate your commitment and enthusiasm for the position, but it also allows you to highlight important skills and experiences that may not necessarily be included in your resume. It gives employers a better insight into who you are as an individual and provides them with a better idea of how well you might fit within their company culture. Ultimately, taking the time to send a personalized note will help make sure your application stands out and increase your chances of landing your dream job!

4. Personalize Your Application

Taking the extra time to tailor your resume, cover letter, and other materials shows employers that you are truly interested in their position and have taken the initiative to make a personal connection with them. Personalizing your job application also provides employers with more information than what’s included on paper – allowing them to get a better understanding of who you are as an individual beyond just academic credentials. This solidifies your connection and proves why you are the ideal candidate.

In your application include why this specific role intrigues you. Be sure to highlight any experiences or skill sets that would be beneficial to the position and organization. Here is your opportunity to connect with their company culture and illustrate how you can contribute to their mission and goals. This shows that you are invested in their organization and are eager to be part of their team. Ultimately, by taking this step employers will be able to gain valuable insight into why they should hire you – making it easier for them to make an informed decision regarding your candidacy.

5. Follow-Up

Once you’ve submitted your application and connected with the hiring manager, don’t forget to follow up! Sending a personalized email or note are great ways to keep yourself on top of mind when it comes time for interviews or decisions about the next steps in the hiring process. Be sure to keep all correspondence polite and professional—and always thank them for their time. Finally, make sure you keep track of the details of each conversation and any information they provide—you’ll want to reference this in future correspondence.

Following up after an interview creates a meaningful connection by allowing job seekers to express gratitude and appreciation for their interviewers’ time. Additionally, it allows them to demonstrate their commitment to the role they are applying for and to show that they are truly interested in the job. This indicates that you are passionate about this particular role but also that you take initiative in pursuing what matters most.


Therefore, making a meaningful connection with employers can often be the deciding factor in the application process. Taking steps such as attending networking events, customizing your application, and using social media or email to follow up are all effective ways for job seekers to stand out from the competition and increase their chances of getting hired. Ultimately, taking these extra steps shows employers that not only are passionate about the role but also have strong communication skills which can make all the difference when it comes time for interviews or decisions about the next steps in the hiring process.

At Award, our core focus is to connect individuals through meaningful work. We want to help you find a position that you are passionate about. Our recruiters can help connect you with a great business that will match your long-term career goals and skills. Reach out to us or view our current open positions to find your next opportunity!

7 Tips for Achieving Work Life Balance

Whether you are just starting out or a seasoned professional- it’s important to find a career that you are passionate about, while also making time for yourself. Achieving this balance between your career and personal life is essential to your well-being. When you have a good balance, you feel more productive, motivated, and fulfilled. You also have more energy to put into your work and relationships.

Having a poor work-life balance can lead to stress, burnout, and dissatisfaction. When you’re not happy with your work life, it can spill over into your personal life and affect your relationships. You may find yourself constantly working or feeling guilty for not working enough. It’s important to find a healthy balance so that you can be productive and happy both at work and at home.

So how do you achieve this balance?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for achieving work life balance. What works for one person might not work for another. However, here are a few tips that can help you find the right balance for you:

1. Plan According to Values

The first step to achieving work life balance is figuring out what’s important to you. This way you are able to create a plan that aligns with your values and priorities.

This can be done by asking yourself some key questions, such as:

– What are my values and priorities in life?

– How do I want to spend my time outside of work?

– What are my goals and aspirations, both professionally and personally?

Once you know what’s important to you, it’s time to set concrete goals that align with those priorities. This may include making changes to your schedule, prioritizing your tasks, or setting boundaries around your work and personal time. For example, if your top priority is spending more quality time with your family, you might set a goal of working fewer hours each week or taking time off during the holidays to be with them. Remember that achieving work life balance takes time, patience, and commitment, but with the right approach it’s possible to create a healthy and fulfilling life.

2. Set Boundaries Between Work and Personal Life

It’s important to set limits so that neither your work or personal life takes over. When you’re at work, focus on work. When you’re at home, focus on your personal life. This can be tough if you work from home, but it’s important to set aside dedicated time for each area of your life.

Decide how much time you want to dedicate to each area, and stick to those boundaries. It can also be helpful to use a planner or calendar to track your time so that you can see where you’re spending the most time. You may also want to create a “no work zone” in your home where you don’t do any work-related tasks. This can help ensure that your personal time is truly free from work stress and pressure.

It’s also important to set boundaries at work, so you can focus on your responsibilities without getting overwhelmed. This means setting clear expectations with your boss and coworkers about what you are able to do and when deadlines need to be met. This also may involve being more selective about the projects and tasks you choose to take on, so that you are not working all hours of the day. Too much responsibility will only increase stressors. Therefore, by separating work and pleasure, you will feel much more at ease in your life.

3. Prioritize Job Tasks

Setting boundaries with your job is essential to achieve work life balance it allows you to manage your time more efficiently. Avoid getting caught in the trap of saying “yes” to everything, because it can make you feel overwhelmed and stressed. Instead, set priorities and manage your time by focusing on what’s important. If you feel you have too much on you’re plate, you may need to delegate responsibilities to others who can help.

Start by identifying tasks that are most important and focusing on those first, instead of being distracted by less urgent activities. High importance tasks should be given top priority, as they need to be completed immediately. Think of job responsibilities that need to be completed on a daily basis. These may include tasks such as responding to emails or making phone calls. Next, identify minor tasks that don’t require immediate attention. These can be saved for later when you have uninterrupted time to focus on them. Therefore by prioritizing urgent responsibilities, you will become more productive and decrease stress.

4. Avoid Overworking Yourself

When you have a heavy workload or deadlines to meet, it can be easy to overdo it. But, if you’re constantly overworking yourself it can lead to burnout and added stress. This then negatively effects productivity and motivation. When you’re constantly pushing yourself, it’s hard to take time for yourself and enjoy life.

You may find that you’re too tired to participate in activities you once enjoyed, or that you’re so stressed out that you can’t relax. To combat this, make sure to take regular breaks throughout the day. This gives your mind and body time to rest. Additionally, taking scheduled breaks helps you recharge and refocus, so that you’re able to reduce stress and stay productive for longer periods of time. Step away from your desk, take a walk, or just stretch your legs. It’ll help you clear your head and come back refreshed.

5. Manage Your Time Wisely

Time management is key to a healthy work life balance. You need to make sure you’re using your time wisely and are not overcommitting yourself. This means setting realistic deadlines for projects and tasks, being organized, and tracking your progress so that you stay on track. Organization tools like calendars and to-do lists can help you manage your time more effectively.

Another tool for time management is being mindful of how you spend your days and weeks. Are you working too many hours? Are you taking on too many tasks? Are there things you can delegate or eliminate from your schedule? By being mindful of how you use your time, you can create more space for the things that are important to you.

6. Prioritize Your Well-Being

When you’re dedicating all your effort to other areas of your life, it can be easy to forget to take care of yourself. Be sure to schedule in some time for self-care, both physically and mentally. This will help you to destress and relax which will make you more energized and productive. Achieving this balance is different for everyone, so it’s important to find what works for you so you can avoid burnout and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Relax: It can be tough to find time to relax and rejuvenate when you’re always busy. However, it’s important to make time for yourself, even if it’s just a few minutes every day. This will help you to recharge and feel more productive.

Exercise: Exercise is a great way to relax and destress. It can also help to boost your mood and increase your energy level.

Eat healthy: Eating healthy can help improve your mood, energy level, and productivity. Be sure to include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet, as well as lean protein and whole grains.

Take breaks: When you’re working on a project, be sure to take breaks periodically to give your mind a chance to rest. This will help you stay focused and productive when you return to the task at hand.

7. Make Time for Yourself

It’s crucial to have time for yourself outside of your daily routine so you can be recharged and motivated. When you’re taking care of yourself, you’re more productive and fulfilled overall. Make sure to schedule in some “you” time each week, even if it’s just for an hour or two.

The first step to this is setting a schedule for yourself. This helps you set aside time that is only focused on you, and not your workload. Try to leave work at a reasonable time so you don’t bring your work home with you. This can help you destress after a long day and make time for things that you enjoy doing. Whether it’s reading, going for a run, or spending time with family and friends.

You may also need time to recharge outside of family obligations. Try finding an activity the helps you relax and rejuvenate. Some people find that reading, writing, or painting helps them achieve a sense of calm. Others prefer to take walks in nature, listen to music, or practice yoga or meditation. Whatever activity helps you distress and relax is a good choice for you.

So whatever it is that rejuvenates you, make sure to schedule regular time for yourself so you can stay motivated and productive. This will help you come back to your other responsibilities with fresh energy and perspective. By taking care of yourself first, you’ll be better equipped to handle whatever comes your way at work and at home.


Achieving work life balance is essential to living a happy and fulfilling life. Maintaining a healthy work life balance is essential for reducing stress levels, staying motivated, and being productive in all areas of your life. Remember to make time for what’s important to you, set clear boundaries, and manage your time effectively. By following the steps above, you can find the perfect balance between work and personal time.

If your looking for a job that promotes a healthy lifestyle, contact Award Staffing. View our open job opportunities to get started today!

What You Should Consider Before Quiet Quitting

A trend currently circulating the internet and gaining much attention from employees and businesses alike is the concept of quiet quitting.

Quiet quitting is when an employee does not outright quit their job, but rather they’re quitting the idea of going above and beyond. In other words, they are still performing their duties but no longer subscribing to the company culture and the future of the job itself.

There are a few reasons why someone may choose to engage in quiet quitting. Perhaps they have already found a new job and are just biding their time until they can leave. Maybe they are burned out and no longer feel invested in their work. Perhaps they may simply be tired of their current job and ready for a change but don’t want to go through the hassle of resigning formally. Or, it could be that they simply do not believe in the company’s mission anymore.

When someone decides to quiet quit, they are only doing the bare minimum required in order to keep their job. This means that they are not motivated to do their best work. This can also have a negative impact on the company overall as others are forced to compensate. This may result in termination as they are concerned about employee productivity and maintaining a positive environment.

Quiet quitting has many implications that can be seen as both good and bad. Here are 6 things to consider before making a decision.

1. Evaluate Your Current Situation

It’s important to take a step back and evaluate your current situation before quiet quitting. Consider your workload, stress levels, commute, and relationship with your boss and co-workers. Also, think about how much you’re getting paid and whether you feel you’re being compensated fairly.

If you’re unhappy with your current situation, it may be time to move on. Consider the following factors before making your decision:

-Are you generally unhappy with your job?

-Are you feeling unappreciated or undervalued?

-Do you feel like you’re not able to do your best work?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it might be time to move on. On the other hand, if you’re having a bad day or week, it’s probably best to stick it out. Everyone has off days, and it’s unlikely that your situation will improve if you are not taking charge.

Consider Your Financial Situation

Before partaking in quiet quitting, it’s important to consider your financial situation and have a backup plan. If your employer notices your lack of engagement or unwillingness to go above and beyond, they may decide to let you go.

Do you have another source of income lined up? Do you have enough savings to cover your expenses for a few months? If not, you may want to reconsider disengaging from your work to prevent losing your job and source of income.

2. Weigh the Pros and Cons

In any job, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. The same is true for quiet quitting your job. It affects not only you but the people around you- including family and professional relationships. Consider the following pros and cons before making your decision:


– Time and energy gained you can use for something else

– You may be less stressed out since you’re not putting in extra effort.

– Less extra work for minimal rewards.


– Creates a negative work environment.

– Your employer may notice and decide to let you go.

– Loss of income to support family.

– Damages your reputation and makes it difficult to find new employment.

If you’re considering quiet quitting your job, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons carefully before making a decision. There are potential risks and rewards, so it’s important to consider both before making a decision.

3. Plan for the Future

No matter what you decide, it’s important to have a plan for the future. If you’re considering quiet quitting your job, start by evaluating your career goals and making a plan for how you’ll achieve them. What steps do you need to take to reach your goals? What skills do you need to develop? How can you make sure you’re on the right track?

Asking yourself these questions will help you develop a plan for the future – no matter what decision you make about your current job. So if you’re thinking about quiet quitting your job, take some time to consider your long-term career goals and make a plan for how you’ll achieve them.

4. Think About Your Long-Term Career Goals

When making the decision to quiet quit your job, it is important to consider your long-term career goals. Putting less effort into your work may sound tempting, but this can have a negative impact on your future prospects. If you are hoping to move up the ladder in your field, it is important to maintain a positive relationship with your current employer.

Another thing to consider is that your boss may take notice of your lacking investment. This means they are less likely to give you a pay raise or promotion. Those who are contributing and making themselves known within the company are more likely to get noticed and be rewarded for their hard work.

So, if you are considering quiet quitting, think about how this affects your long-term goals and future. By unsubscribing to company culture and doing less work, you will make it harder to progress in your career. This not only negates your accomplishments so far but hurts your reputation for future jobs.

5. Impact on the Company

When you engage in quiet quitting, it’s not just your career that’s affected – it can also have a significant impact on the company. In some cases, this can leave the company in a difficult position. If you are in a leadership role or are otherwise integral to the company, quiet quitting can cause disruptions.

When you engage in quiet quitting this sends a message to your colleagues that it’s acceptable to do the same. A major consequence of this is that this creates a toxic work environment. Tension and frustration amongst colleagues increase as some put in their best effort and others do not. This is even worse if they have the same job title and pay.

So, if you’re considering quietly quitting your job, weigh the potential impact on the company and those you work with before making a decision. Doing so will help you make the best decision for your career.

6. Alternatives to Quiet Quitting

Quiet quitting seems like an attractive option when you feel the work you’re putting in outweighs the benefits. You become uninterested in your work, stop believing in the company mission, and do the bare minimum required. However, these methods often lead to resentment from management and coworkers and may not be sustainable in the long term.

Instead, talk to your boss about your concerns. It may be possible to negotiate a better situation with your current employer. If you’re unhappy with your current role, try discussing the possibility of changing roles or responsibilities. They may not be aware of your workload, schedule, or other problems and can help address these issues to improve your experience. Additionally, opening up a dialog helps you find common ground, strengthening your relationship. Maintaining a good relationship with your boss is important if and when you decide to look for work elsewhere.

Another alternative to quiet quitting is to find a new position that is a better fit for you. Consider what motivates you and gets you excited. These are the things that will make you feel engaged and fulfilled in your work and in your life. Also, consider new positions that use your skills, provides career opportunity, and aligns with your long-term goals.

If you’re feeling uninterested or uninspired in your work, consider these steps to improve your outlook and overall experience. These solutions may be difficult, but they offer the potential for a better future both at your current job and elsewhere.

Find Your Future

Award Staffing is the perfect place to find your next job. With locations all across the Twin Cities, we can help you find a perfect position. We have a wide variety of jobs available, and our team of experts will work with you to find the perfect match.

Don’t wait any longer – check out our current job opportunities to start your search!

6 Signs Your Career Provides Meaning in Your Life

Finding meaning in your career is essential to leading a satisfied and fulfilling life. We all want to feel like we’re making a difference in the world and that what we do matters. No matter what your job is, there is meaning behind it. You just have to learn to look for it. Even if your work has the smallest of scopes, it affects someone somewhere somehow. Finding meaning in your work is important because it creates a positive outlook and gives our lives a purpose.

But how do you go about finding meaning in your work to lead a fulfilling life? Here are a few signs to look for:

1. Your Work Helps You Help Your Family

Most people work to make a living. But for some, their work is more than just a paycheck. It’s a chance to help their families in ways they never could otherwise. Whether it’s providing for basic needs or being able to afford luxuries and experiences, financial stability can make a huge difference in the lives of our loved ones.

While money alone isn’t what brings true happiness, it does enable us to engage in activities and pursue interests that bring us joy, and allows us to share those moments with our families.

Whether it be family trips, enjoying good food, engaging in team sports, or whatever you enjoy doing together- your work allows you to engage in these opportunities for meaningful bonding.

Therefore your work is able to provide you with financial stability, which allows you to engage in meaningful activities with your family.

2. Your Work Allows You to Use Your Talents

Another way to finding meaning is through your ability to use your skills and talents. This also contributes to your sense of purpose in your life, as it can make your work feel more fulfilling and driven. So think about what you excel at or what you enjoy doing – this could lead you towards a career that truly allows you to shine.

Of course, it’s important to also consider the job market and practicality when making career decisions. But by focusing on what makes you satisfied and using your strengths, you can increase the likelihood of finding a fulfilling career path.

Additionally, don’t be afraid to take risks and pursue opportunities that will allow you to use those skills and talents in your work. There’s always the potential for finding something great if you go into new experiences with an open mind.

3. Your Work Supports Something Bigger

No matter what you do, your work has an impact on someone somewhere. Whether it be directly or indirectly. Recognizing this impact can bring significant meaning and purpose into your life.

Think about the company or organization you work for and what their mission is. How does your role support that?

Do some research on how your industry helps society as a whole- it may surprise you to see just how meaningful and important your job can be.

Or perhaps consider volunteering with organizations whose missions align with your personal values, to further contribute and make a meaningful impact in the world.

By recognizing how your work impacts and contributes to society, you feel a sense of connectivity to the world around you. And how your contributions make a difference. Which gives your life more direction and purpose in the long run.

4. Your Work Lets You Help Others

We all want to feel like we are contributing to society in some way. Whether it be through your organization’s mission or through volunteering opportunities. However, if your still struggling, Simply offering your assistance through your work can also bring meaning and fulfillment to your life.

To start, helping others is one of the best ways to find meaning in your work. When you feel like your job has purpose and value, it can make all the difference in how you feel about coming to work each day. And when you’re happier at work, it often translates into better performance as well.

But meaningful work doesn’t just come from what you do for a living. It can also come from helping others in their own pursuits. Whether it’s through recruiting/ training initiatives, helping a co-worker with a new project, or simply a small act of kindness can go along way. So if you’re struggling to find meaning in your current job, consider ways that you can help support others both at work and outside of work. It’s one of the best ways to find fulfillment in what you do.

5. Your Work Lets You Practice Gratitude

Finding meaningful work isn’t always easy, but it’s worth the effort and exploration. It can bring us a sense of purpose, value, and contribute to our overall happiness and well-being. So start reflecting on what brings you purpose and meaning in your work, and in your life.

You can start practicing gratitude by saying thank you often. Thanking the people in your life who have done something nice for you goes along way. It not only makes them feel good, but it also makes you feel happier and more grateful as well. This also sparks positivity and allows us to appreciate and value the moments we have in our work.

Another way to practice gratitude is by acknowledging your accomplishments and progress, no matter how small they may seem. This helps build confidence, boosts morale, and ultimately contributes to feeling satisfied in your life.

6. Your Work Lets You Be Yourself

Feeling comfortable and confident in who you are at work leads to discovering meaning in your life. When we feel accepted and encouraged to be ourselves, it allows us to fully engage and invest in our job tasks. This comes from our interactions with others. It’s no surprise that most of us derive meaning through connectivity. When we are able to share who we really are, it helps us feel valued and appreciated. This then leads to increased job satisfaction and a sense of purpose in our lives.

So if you feel like you need to hide or change parts of yourself at work, it may be worth considering a job or work environment that allows you to fully show up as your authentic self.

Remember, being true to ourselves and feeling accepted for who we are can make a huge difference in finding meaningful work and happiness in our lives.

Leading a Satisfied Life

Finding meaning in your work is one of the most important things you can do to find fulfillment in your life. When your work provides funds to spend quality time with family, lets you use your talent and skills, helps you contribute to society, allows you to practice gratitude, and supports who you are – it becomes more satisfying. Consider how these points apply to your current job or a new opportunity you are seeking. If the job doesn’t currently meet all of these criteria, don’t worry! What matters most is that you take the time to assess what is truly important to you and then go out and find a job that lets you live a satisfied life.

If your looking to build a meaningful career that brings gratification in your life, Award Staffing can help. Review our open positions or contact us today!

5 Tips to Leverage Your Network: Finding Your Next Job

Networking is one of the most important things you can do when looking for a new job. It’s how you meet people who can help you find the right position, and it’s also a great way to learn about companies and their culture. When you network, you connect with other professionals in your field who can help you make connections and find the right opportunity. Where do you meet these people? Professional organizations, job fairs, and even social media are great platforms to meet new people and provide many helpful resources to get you started.

But how can you leverage your network to find your next great position? Here are five tips:

1. Get Involved in Professional Organizations

One of the best ways to network is to get involved in professional organizations related to your field. These organizations often host events where you can meet other professionals and learn more about what’s going on in your industry. They can also be a great resource for job opportunities, and can provide you with a wealth of resources.

Professional organizations offer many resources, such as job boards, career guides, resume tips, and interview advice. These resources can help you find a job that is meaningful and fulfilling. You can also take additional training and education courses through these organizations. This help you stay up-to-date on the latest trends in your industry. Additionally, by gaining expertise in your field through added training, you will stand out from the competition. This helps you get your foot in the door when networking with other professionals. Therefore these types of organizations can help you connect with potential employers, and achieve success in your job search. So if you’re looking for a fulfilling job, be sure to join a professional organization and take advantage of all they have to offer!

2. Attend Job Fairs

Job fairs are a great way to connect with potential employers. At job fairs, you can meet with representatives from various companies and learn more about their organizations. You can also submit your resume and learn about job openings.

Job fairs are a great opportunity to network with other professionals in your field. By talking to representatives from different companies, you can learn more about the industry and what kinds of jobs are available. You can also submit your resume and find out what the company is looking for in a candidate. This is a great opportunity to stand out from the competition and make a good impression on potential employers. Thus, you’re able to find a great position by meeting with employee representatives at job fairs.

3. Utilize Social Media

Social media is a great way to connect with other professionals in your field, even if you’re not able to meet in person. LinkedIn is a particularly useful platform for networking, as it allows you to reach out to people you may not know personally and request informational interviews. You may not know it, but many companies host webinars through LinkedIn. Webinars are a great way to learn more about a certain topic without having to leave home. They’re also a great way to meet people who might be able to help you advance your career.

Surprisingly, Facebook can also be a great resource. There are lots of community groups you can join depending on your industry, area, or interests. These groups are a way for employers and those looking for their next great opportunity to connect. Recruiters often post their new positions in these forums so you can easily find and start communicating with them. Make sure to check back often as new positions are added!

4. Stay in Touch With Your Contacts

Once you’ve made a connection with someone, it’s important to stay in touch. This doesn’t mean that you need to be best friends; simply sending an email every few months or meeting up for coffee once in awhile will suffice. Staying in touch will ensure that your relationships stay strong and that people will be more likely to think of you when an opportunity arises.

Meeting up with your contacts is a great way to expand your professional network. The more people you know, the more opportunities you’ll be exposed to. Your contacts may be able to introduce you to their friends or colleagues who are looking for someone with your skillset. They may also know about job openings before they’re even advertised. Second, meeting new people can help you learn new skills. Every person you meet has different experiences and knowledge that they can share with you. You never know what you might learn by talking to someone new.

5. Ask For Help When You Need It

There’s no shame in asking for help, especially when it comes to something as important as finding a job. If you need help finding an opportunity or making connections, reach out to your network and see if anyone can point you in the right direction.

Reaching out to your network can help you find a job in a number of ways. For example, if you’re looking for an opportunity in a specific field, talking to people who work in that field can help you learn more about the industry and what kinds of jobs are available. You can also ask your contacts for advice on how to improve your resume or networking skills.

Your network can also help you get face to face time with potential employers. If you know someone who works at a company you’re interested in, they may be able to put in a good word for you or set up an informational interview. Finally, staying in touch with your network will ensure that people will be more likely to think of you when an opportunity arises. So reach out to your contacts and see how they can help you find your next great job!

Consult a Staffing Agency

Networking is essential to build your prospects whether your starting a new career or looking to advance. By getting involved in professional organizations, attending job fairs, utilizing social media, staying in touch with your contacts, and using your network, you’ll be well on your way to making the connections you need to find the perfect opportunity.

Award Staffing is a great resource to help build your network. Our recruiters find you the best position by connecting you to the right people. We partner with many local businesses to find you a position that fits your needs, experience, and lifestyle. So, don’t wait: check out our current job opportunities today!

7 Signs That You Should Consider a Career Change

Making a career change can be a daunting prospect. After all, it’s not easy to up and leave a job that you’ve been doing for years, even if it isn’t necessarily one that you’re passionate about. If your work doesn’t get you excited-then it might be time for a change. Additionally, if you’re not excited about work, there are probably other reasons that something is wrong. Are you unhappy, under appreciated or even underpaid? This post will discuss how to identify these issues and how the right position gives you purpose and adds meaning to your life.

Here are 7 signs that you should consider a new career:

1. You’re Unhappy at Work

This is perhaps the most obvious sign that it might be time for a change. If you find yourself dreading going to work every day, it’s probably because you’re not doing something that you love. And that’s okay! It’s perfectly normal to feel like your current job isn’t exactly what you want to be doing for the rest of your life. But if that feeling of unhappiness persists, it might be time to start thinking about making a change.

It’s important to find a job that makes you happy because you’re likely to spend a lot of time doing it! There are a few key sings that indicate that you’re in the wrong job.

  1. Feeling constantly stressed or anxious
  2. Dreading going to work
  3. Don’t feel fulfilled or motivated

When you notice these things about yourself, then you know it’s time to make a career change and ultimately improve your mental and physical wellbeing.

2. You’re Not Challenged Enough

If you’re the type of person who likes to be constantly challenged and pushed to learn new things, then a lack of challenge in your current job can be extremely frustrating. Conversely, if you find yourself feeling bored at work, it might be time to start looking for something new. Signs you’re not being challenged enough include day dreaming, scrolling on your phone, or simply finding yourself with extra time. Additionally, if you’re not being challenged than you’re not learning or growing in your career. It’s important to keep developing your skills and expand your experience to fulfill your goals and get to where you want to be in the future. So, if you’re not being challenged enough, then it could be a sign that you’re not on the right career path and it’s time for you to make a change.

3. You’re Underpaid

Being underpaid can be frustrating, especially if you feel like you’re working hard and not getting recognized for it. If you’re considering a career change, here are a few things to keep in mind. First, take a look at your skills and experience. Are you being paid what you’re worth? If not, it may be time to move on. Secondly, consider your goals. What do you want to achieve in your career? If you’re not being paid what you’re worth, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to reach your full potential in your current role. Finally, think about your happiness. If you’re not being paid what you deserve, it’s unlikely that you’ll be happy in your current position. If any of these things resonate with you, it may be time to start looking for a new career.

4. You’re Underappreciated

If you’re feeling underappreciated at your job, it may be time to explore other options. Starting a new job that values you will ultimately make you a lot happier. By knowing that your contributions are worthwhile, you will feel more fulfilled and purposeful. Remember you are worth more than how your boss or coworkers make you feel. You deserve to be recognized when you put in your time and effort. Go for that new opportunity where your talents and skills will be put to use. Don’t let yourself stay in a situation where you’re not being appreciated- make a change and find a job that values you.

5. You Want More Flexibility or Work-Life Balance

Many people today are looking for more flexibility and work-life balance in their careers. If you find yourself yearning for more time outside of work, or more control over your schedule, those could be signs that it’s time for a change. There are a number of ways to add more flexibility in your life. You might look for a job with a company that offers flexible hours or remote working options. Work from home options are especially popular these days as businesses are looking for ways to add value for their employees. It also provides more flexibility as it lets you choose your own hours. Also consider a night shift position. These positions add a lot more flexibility as you are able to get more done during the day. Whatever route you choose, remember that it’s important to do what’s right for you. Consider your goals and values, and make a decision that will help you lead a happy and fulfilling life.

6. Feeling Disconnected to Company Culture

If you don’t feel like you fit in with your co-workers or your company culture, it might be time to find an organization that is a better match for your values and personality. Feeling like an outsider can make going to work each day feel like a chore, so finding a job where you feel like part of the team can make all the difference. One way to distinguish company culture is by observing the employees that work there. Do they seem happy? A good company culture will foster an environment where employees feel valued and engaged. This will help you feel more motivated and excited about the work you’ll be doing. By taking the time to assess the company culture, you can get a better sense of whether this new position would be right for you. Therefore providing you with fulfillment and greater opportunity.

7. Lack of Support at Work

It can be tough to stay motivated at work, especially if you’re not getting the support you need from your superiors. This is the perfect time to consider a change. A new career can offer opportunities for growth and allow you to use your skills in a more fulfilling way. Look for if they provide regular feedback. Both positive and constructive feedback helps you grow professionally and reflects the progress you’re making. Regular communication means that you’ll be up to date on the latest happenings and know where you’ll be heading in the future. Therefore, this will help you feel more comfortable at work when you’re in the loop.


For any reason that you might be looking to change careers, Award Staffing is here to support you! Whether you want to start your career or level up, we can help you find the right position for you. Our goal is to make work meaningful-that gets you excited and motivated. To get started, contact us today or visit our open opportunities.

5 Ways To Get To Know Yourself: Finding The Right Fit

Job searching can be tough. Not only do you have to find the right job, but you also have to make sure you’re the right fit for it. Thankfully, getting to know yourself is a great way to find the perfect job for you. Knowing your strengths, values, and work preferences will help define your ideal career path and make the job hunt a lot less stressful. Here are five ways you can get to know yourself to find the right fit:

1. Understand Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is essential for finding a job that’s the right fit for you. You don’t want a job that relies heavily on a skill you’re not good at, but you also don’t want a job where you’ll be bored because you’re not challenged. Instead, look for a job that plays to your strengths and offers opportunities to improve upon your weaknesses.

For example, if you’re a people person and have good communication and active listening skills, look for a position where this is a main focus. A position in customer service or HR might be a good fit because it fulfills your social needs and the ability to effectively communicate is a must. On the other hand, if you prefer to work independently and have high attention to detail, then a job in data entry or accounting might be right for you. Taking the time to understand your strengths and weaknesses can help you determine if a position is right for you.

2. Know Your Values

Your values are what guide you through life, so they should also guide you in your career choices. Understanding your values will help you find a position that matches what is important to you.

This could include things like family, community, creativity or personal growth. If family is important to you, look for a position that offers a flexible schedule and time off. If helping the community is important to you, you might want to find a job that allows you to give back in some way. Knowing what is most important to you will help you find a career that gives you meaning.

3. Understand Your Work Style Preferences

Trying to figure out what you want to do with your life can feel like a daunting task. There are so many options and it’s hard to know where to start. But understanding your work preferences is a good place to begin. Knowing what kind of working environment you thrive in, can help you narrow down your search and find a position that is right for you.

For example, if you prefer to work independently, you might look for a job that allows you to do most of your work on your own. Or if you prefer to work with others, you might look for a job with more opportunities for collaboration. Ask yourself if you prefer a fast-paced environment or a slower paced one. Do you like having a lot of variety in your workday or do you prefer more structure? You can find a job that compatible with your needs by taking the time to understand your work preferences.

4. Determine What Makes You Happy

Everyone derives happiness from different things so it’s important to figure out what makes you happy at work. After all, you’re going to to be spending a lot of time at work, so you might as well enjoy it! There are a few different ways to figure out what makes you happy. One way is to think about the things you loved doing as a child. What were you naturally good at? What did you enjoy doing? Another way to figure out what makes you happy is to look at your current hobbies and interests. What do you like to do in your free time? What are you passionate about? Once you have a good idea of what makes you happy, you can start looking for jobs that align with your interests.

Finding The Right Fit

At Award Staffing we know how vital it is that your position fits into your lifestyle and needs. That’s why our recruiters take the time to get to know you when assisting your job search. Contact us today to get started or view our open opportunities.

How To Manage Confrontation in the Workplace: 5 Tips For Success

Confrontation makes you want to run and hide. We get it! Don’t worry. Confrontation is a natural part of life and is especially common in the workplace. You may not know that confrontation can actually be a good thing. Effectively managing confrontation can help you build stronger relationships with your co-workers and maintain a healthy work environment. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some tips to help you manage confrontation. These tips will help you resolve any conflicts that may arise and maintain an environment everyone will enjoy.

Here are 5 tips for success to manage confrontation in the workplace:

1. Stay Calm

Dealing with confrontation can be difficult, especially in the workplace. The key to managing confrontation is to stay calm. Learning to stay calm in the face of conflict is essential for maintaining a professional demeanor. When you’re feeling calm, it’s easier to think clearly and make level-headed decisions. The next time you’re facing a confrontation at work, try these tips for staying calm:

1. Take a deep breath and count to 10. This will help to slow down your heart rate and give you a chance to collect your thoughts.

2. Focus on the other person’s body language. Are they clenching their fists or standing up straight? Relaxing your own body language can help to diffuse the tension. You can do this by relaxing your face, keeping your hands open, and uncrossing your arms and legs. Also avoiding sudden movements shows the other person you are not a threat.

4. Keep your tone of voice calm and collected. Avoid raising your voice or speaking in an aggressive tone. Instead, use a clear and confident voice that conveys your respect for the other person.

5. Stay focused on the issue at hand. Don’t get sidetracked by personal attacks or irrelevant details. Focusing on the problem will help you find a constructive solution.

2. Be Respectful

When conflict arises at work, it can be difficult to know how to respond. However, behaving in a respectful manner is often the best way to diffuse the situation. By speaking calmly and avoiding personal attacks, you can help to create an environment in which both sides can feel heard and respected. When you show respect for your coworkers, they are more likely to reciprocate. This can help to diffuse tension and prevent arguments from escalating.

Additionally, it is important to be willing to compromise. Rather than digging in your heels and insisting on your own way, try to find a solution that everyone can agree on. This doesn’t mean that you have to give up your principles; it simply means that you are willing to work together for the greater good. Making an effort to be respectful can go a long way towards managing confrontation in the workplace.

3. Communicate Openly and Honestly

Communication is essential to any successful relationship, whether it be personal or professional. When communication breaks down, problems are sure to follow. This is especially true in the workplace, where people with different backgrounds and personalities must interact on a daily basis. However, with open and honest communication, conflict can be managed in a constructive way.

Honest communication means being upfront about your needs and wants, and listening to the needs and wants of others. By simply communicating our needs and feelings in a respectful way, we can avoid misunderstandings and help to resolve conflicts quickly. Additionally, by hearing the other person’s perspective, we can gain a better understanding of their motivations and find a common ground. In this way open and honest communication builds stronger relationships and fosters a positive work environment.

4. Don’t Bottle Things Up

Bottling things up is never good when dealing with confrontation in the workplace. Whether you’re dealing with a difficult customer or a challenging co-worker, learning how to manage confrontation is essential to success. One of the worst things you can do in a confrontational situation is to keep your feelings to yourself. Not only does this prevent you from finding a resolution, but it can also lead to resentment and boil over into a full-blown argument. It’s important to be assertive and express your needs clearly, even if it feels uncomfortable. By doing so, you’re more likely to find a middle ground that satisfies everyone involved. So next time you’re feeling upset at work, resist the urge to keep it to yourself. Instead, speak up and see where the conversation takes you.

5. Seek Professional Help

Confrontation is a common occurrence in the workplace, and it can often be difficult to know how to handle it effectively. Professional help can be a great asset in learning how to manage confrontation in the workplace. A professional can provide impartial guidance and support, and can help you to develop strategies for dealing with difficult situations. They can also offer advice on how to communicate effectively with co-workers, and can help you to resolve conflict in a constructive way. If you are struggling to deal with confrontation in the workplace, professional help may be just what you need. With their expert guidance, you can learn how to navigate difficult conversations and build better relationships with your co-workers.

Path to Success

At Award Staffing we want to start your path to success. By managing confrontation effectively, you will build stronger relationships and maintain a positive work environment in any position. We can find your next opportunity to make that possible. Begin your next career move by contacting us today or review our current job openings.

The Top 4 Benefits to Working Night Shifts

As you look for the perfect opportunity in your job search, consider working the night shift! It may be a surprise that working overnight can actually have some benefits. For one thing, you have the chance to make more money. Many employers will offer a premium to those who work during less desirable times. Second, it will give you more flexibility in your schedule. Since people are usually less busy at night, so you can get a lot of work done without interruption. Third, it can also give you the chance to sleep in and start your day feeling well-rested. Lastly, working the night shift helps to reduce your commute time. Of course there are always some challenges. But for those who are willing to make the effort, working the night shift can be a great way to get more out of your day. Here are 4 benefits to working the night shift:

1. You’ll Make More Money

If you’re looking for a way to boost your income, working a night shift may be the perfect solution. While most people are asleep, businesses and factories are still running, and that means there’s a demand for workers to cover the overnight hours. Businesses want to hire employees to work night shifts for a variety of reasons. For one, night shift workers are often able to complete tasks more quickly and with fewer disruptions than those who work during the day. This means they are able to keep productivity running even at night time. Lucky for you, due to the unusual hours many people are not willing to take these shifts. As a result, employers typically offer a pay premium as an incentive to gain employees during these odd times. By taking advantage of this opportunity, you will be able to make more money than working during the day. So if you don’t mind working when most people are asleep, it could be a great way for you to earn some extra cash.

2. Flexible Schedule

For many people, the traditional 9-to-5 workday is the only option. But for those who are willing to work a little differently, the night shift can offer a number of advantages. Most notably, it can provide more flexible hours. This gives you more time to do things during the day like pursue interests or take care of personal errands or appointments. This may include making returns, going grocery shopping, or mailing important correspondence at the post office. Since most other people will be held up at work during the day, this will give you an opportune time to get these things done.

Additionally, a flexible schedule can allow you to spend more time with friends and family. Parents that work during the day are not always able to stay at home or invest in day care options. However, if you make the switch to night shifts you can stay at home with your kids and spend more time together during the day. For this reason you can also save money on childcare costs. If you have elderly family members this can allow you to be available during the day All in all, by taking a night shift position, you can free up your schedule to get things done and spend time with loved ones.

3. Get More Sleep

When you work overnight shifts, you’ll have more time to sleep than if you worked regular daytime hours. This is because most people are asleep during the overnight shift, so you won’t have to compete with noise and distractions for your sleep time. This also helps to improve your sleep quality by preventing you from being disturbed by daytime activities like noisy neighbors or the sun shining in your window. When you’re alleviated from these distractions, you get higher quality sleep.

Additionally if you’re not a morning person, working night shifts could be a good option for you. You get more time to sleep if you work later in the day. This means you will be more well rested for the day ahead of you. Working nights can also prevent you from feeling sluggish and exhausted. This can happen when you don’t get enough sleep. Therefore by working the nigh shift, you will get more sleep which will leave you feeling better overall.

4. Less Commute

Imagine not having to fight the morning rush hour traffic just to get to work on time. For many people who work the overnight shift, this is a reality. While there are some drawbacks to working odd hours, one of the biggest benefits is that it can help you avoid the headaches that come with a long commute. If you live in a city with heavy traffic, working an overnight shift means that you can avoid spending hours stuck in your car or on public transportation. So if you’re looking for a way to reduce your commute, consider working the overnight shift.

Getting Started

If you’re looking to make the change to night shifts, Award Staffing is here to help. Many of our clients offer multiple different shift options including night shifts. Our top priority is the find the position that is right for you. We will work with you to understand your needs and career goals. Because we believe that work is not just a paycheck. It is engaging, motivating, and brings a sense of purpose. That’s what we at Award Staffing like to call Meaningful Work. Make sure to check out our current job opportunities to get started today!