What Is Your Company Known For?
Today, as some of our team was in a meeting discussing things we would like to roll out early next year, a very simple but profound statement came up; “We do two things, we sell and we hire”. It’s true, here at Award Staffing, we sell our services to local businesses and we help local residents find work (at those companies). Sure there are many moving parts to this, and they are not the only things we do per se, but those two things are our primary functions; they are what we are known for. That being said, if someone were to ask you what your company does, would you know what to tell them without giving a long, drawn-out explanation?
Many times in college marketing classes, students who are about to go out in search of their first real job, are taught how to craft an Elevator Pitch about themselves. An elevator pitch is a statement or description of a product or company that explains the concept in a clear way within a matter of seconds. Essentially, if you only had one elevator ride to tell someone what you did, what would you tell them? Although you may do a variety of things, this pitch is meant to highlight what’s most important so someone can decide if they are interested in working with you or your company. Truthfully, you never know where you’ll meet an ideal client or future employer or how much time you’ll have when you do. Therefore, being prepared for when that opportunity comes will put you at an advantage. Remember, though you and everyone at your company may be experts at what you do; the rest of the world isn’t as well versed. In order to market your company as one that others would want to work with, it’s important to be able to communicate your expertise in a prompt yet efficient manner.
There are a number of reasons it is important to explain what you do succinctly:
1. Your Website
People tend to have very short attention spans. When they are checking out your digital presence, you want to be able to capture their attention and understanding right away. If they can get an idea of what you do from reading just a few short sentences, you will give the first impression that you truly are experts, building a trust factor right away.
2. Conversation
Not only do you not know how much time you truly have to explain yourself when you are first meeting someone, but you also want the chance to make the conversation a dialogue. If you’re doing all of the talking in order to explain what you do, the other person won’t have a chance to ask questions or gage their understanding of what you do. You will look much more credible if you can explain what you do quickly and confidently.
3. Marketing
No matter what the medium, when you are marketing your company, product, or service, you need to be able to get your message across swiftly. Think of all of the most successful marketing and advertising campaigns out there…you likely remember them for their brevity and wittiness. A single quote, a new concept, a rising trend…Whether it’s the verbiage on a billboard or the 30 second pop-up advertisement, things are much more memorable when they are kept sharp and clever.
If your company is in need of employees, Award Staffing is here to help. Contact us here.