How to Network – Even When You Don’t Want to

If you’re like most working individuals, you have limited time in your day – dealing with work responsibilities, household tasks, or you may be going back to school too. With busy lives how is someone able to make time to network, also?

Most individuals recognize that the individuals who you know can be critical for finding your future job. When you are short on time, there are tactics for making the most of expanding your professional network – here is how:

Start Small, Then Work Your Way Up-

When most people think of networking, they tend to think of large events that take out a significant amount of time from their day. To some this may seem like the only way to meet new people, it isn’t the only way.

Start by focusing on something smaller that is easy to fit into your daily schedule. Try sending a message via social media to individuals who are working you in your industry. Doing this only takes a few minutes and can easily be inserted into a break throughout the day. Over time, small efforts like this do add up to get the most out of the impact of your efforts in just minutes a day.

Every Opportunity is an Opportunity to Network-

What is your perception of networking? If you have a negative mindset about networking, a simple change in your attitude is all it takes to fit more networking opportunities into your daily life. Start by keeping it basic when spending time at get-togethers with friends and family. These gatherings can be useful for networking to hone your networking skills. Ultimately starting with friends and family can help you build stronger relationships while may even leading to new job opportunities that you may have not ever thought of.

The key to most successful networkers is that they utilize a casual setting to meet new professionals. This may be as simple as getting a cup of coffee or being in an elevator with someone new – either way, these opportunities can be an excellent way for striking up conversations with new possible contacts. By making the saying the first “hello” you never know what a stranger does for a living unless you ask.

Make It a Routine-

As start seeking out small, easy ways for networking, make sure to commit yourself to those activities. Doing small, simple things every day, you will make networking a natural part of your life – establishing a pattern of positive actions that you don’t even think about.

If you’re looking for new employment opportunities, the hiring team at Award Staffing want to talk with you. Contact us today to see how our network with the best businesses in Minnesota can help you move your career forward.

Is It Okay to Turn Down a Warehouse Job Offer

Naturally, when looking for a new warehouse job, you’ll come across a wide variety of opportunities, and not the job will be the best fit for you. Maybe there are issues with the job duties, travel time, pay, or perhaps the company itself. No matter the reason, turning down a warehouse job offer can be a smart move. How can you be sure that it’s okay to turn down a warehouse job offer? Here are some things to think about before saying “no” to a warehouse job offer.

The Pay Doesn’t Make Sense-

When a company offers you a job with significantly lower pay than what you originally expected, it’s ok to continue your job search. If you can’t survive at that income level, in most circumstances it is the right decision to continuing your search. What happens if the pay is higher then what you were initially expecting?

Being offered more money than you were hoping appears to be a great thing, right? If something seems to good to be true, it usually is. You most likely want to find out why the company’s pay is so high before you say yes. For most businesses, the pay correlates to a position’s duties or work conditions. What happens if the workplace is hazardous, maybe the tasks are more challenging than you initially expected, or the hours are much longer than you hoped? By saying yes before getting all the details may require you to make sacrifices in the long run. If you feel that the sacrifices don’t fit your career goals, feel free to turn the job down.

The Company Has a Bad Reputation-

If a company has a poor reputation with both customers or employees, you should always consider that a red flag. Check to see if the company has a high turnover. This is usually an indication that the business is dysfunctional to some extent could mean that there will be issues with long-term job security. Before taking any warehouse type job, research the company’s reputation and if it is less then impressive, consider saying “no.”

Vague Job Descriptions-

Job descriptions are crucial to letting you know what the job involves and ensures that you are fully prepared for the position. If a company can’t provide you with proper details, consider it a sign that there could be trouble ahead. If a company doesn’t fully disclose what it is you may be doing, it is possible that your job may change significantly after you start: especially in ways you may not appreciate. If you are ever left with more questions than answers, strongly consider continuing your job search.

In the long run, it’s okay to turn down a warehouse job offer if the job doesn’t seem like a good fit. While that can feel terrifying, it’s better to find the right job based on your skills, abilities, and goals.

If you would like assistance finding a new warehouse job, the hiring team at Award Staffing can help you. Contact us to see what job openings we have in your area today.

Become The Most Promotable Employee in Minnesota

Just because you are happy with your current job doesn’t mean that you don’t want a new one that better, right? More times then not, if you love your current job, the thought of getting promoted is a fantastic opportunity. It lets you stay with the company you like while giving you the chance to advance in your career.

This sounds like a great proposition, right? Who wouldn’t want a promotion? To help get your next work promotion, here are some tips to get you started.

Communicate More With Your Boss-

One of the simplest ways to understand what you need to do to get a promotion is to talk to your boss. Most likely they will tell you what you need to do in your current role to get promoted. By doing this, you are provided critical insights and feedback that relate specifically to the job you are looking to develop into.

Talking to your manager, you let them know that you have the motivation and what to grow within the organization. More times than not, managers don’t reach out to employees about work promotions, but talking your intentions will put you on their radar.

Seek Out New Job Duties-

Promotions aren’t just given; they are earned. You also have to demonstrate that you can handle the responsibilities that come along with the new job. The best way to make this happen is to ask for new responsibilities that align with the new job that you want.

By doing this, it provides you with the opportunity to experience what doing parts of that job is actually like in addition to showing management that you are capable of doing the work. The added bonus of this is that you’ll also be viewed as a self-starter and passionate about the job.

Focus on Productivity-

Minnesota companies want to give promotions employees who can handle a diverse set of responsibilities. To most employees, this means that putting in extra hours but believe it or not this can work against you, especially if it isn’t the norm for the position. Instead, try looking for ways to improve processes that can lead to enhance productivity. Accomplishing this is a cost-effective way to help the business.

Be a Leader-

As you seek being promoted, excellent leadership skills critical. If you have never held a job before that requires you to establish, let alone use leadership skills, find opportunities that allow you to take the lead for workplace activities or projects. Even a project that doesn’t correlate to your job, such as being apart of various workplace committees, can help you build your leadership skills while making a strong impression on others.

If you are interested in finding a new job opportunity, the hiring team at Award Staffing can help you get to where you want to be. Contact us today and see how our current job openings can help you find promotional opportunities in Minnesota. Want to learn more career tips and tricks – check our When Work Works blog.

How to be the “Lebron James” of Job Searching

Searching for a job doesn’t have to be long and tedious. Putting careful thought and planning into the process will maximize your job search in terms of time and effectiveness.

Start a Spreadsheet-

Make life easier on yourself by starting a spreadsheet. It’s crucial that you do this before beginning the job search so you can stay organized throughout the entire process. You may want to sort your spreadsheet by the name of the company, the position for which you are applying, a link to the job post, and the date you applied and then heard back from them.

Limit Your Job Search to 5 Sources-

Don’t drive yourself crazy by searching through a massive list of websites. Keep things simple by initially limiting your job search to your network, two or three pertinent job boards, and a reputable staffing agency, which specializes in your industry. This will help keep you in line and organized; you can always add more sources later on if you’re finding that you are unable to locate what you need.

Have Your Resume Ready-

If you want to maximize your job search, you need to have your resume ready to go as soon as you apply. There’s nothing worse than getting called for an interview and then frantically revising/editing your resume. It’s a surefire way to forget something important, make grammar errors, etc. Spend time in advance, so you’re ready to go by the time you start applying.

Is it time to start your job search? Contact Award Staffing. We will help you find a job that is a good fit – both professionally and personally. We will be able to match you up with interviews in your area so you can get the job opportunity you want. We have offices located in Bloomington, Chaska, Crystal, Delano, Maplewood, and Ramsey Minnesota to help you with your job search today! Want to learn more career tips and tricks – check our When Work Works blog.

Why It’s Import to Send a Handwritten Thank You

If you work with clients or customers on a regular basis, there are probably circumstances in which you would need to thank them for various reasons. While many people will want to send an e-mail due to quickness, you should make an effort to send a handwritten note instead if you can. Here’s why it’s essential to send handwritten thank you notes:

You’ll Make an Impact-

Handwritten notes are a rarity so if you send one to a client; you’ll definitely make an impact and stand out in their mind. It’s always a good thing to stand out in a client or customer’s mind because they will be that much more likely to remember you in the future when trying to choose a business or service to interact with or recommend to a friend.

They’ll Make Your Client Feel Good-

It feels good to receive a handwritten note because it lets that other person know that you were thinking about them at one point. Also, going the extra mile to handwrite the note shows that you care about them and how they feel and perceive you and your business. You may even find that you make your client’s day by sending them a handwritten note, which is so much better than an e-mail or a phone call.

You’re Saying Thank You-

Don’t underestimate the power of saying thank you. In today’s world, a lot of favors go unappreciated, so when someone says thank you, it’s a valuable moment of self-reflection and appreciation. When you say thank you on a regular basis, your business will be known as being kind, gracious, and appreciative . . . And who doesn’t want to choose a business with those three core traits?

If you are in need of a new job, contact Award Staffing. We will be able to help you find a job that will put your skills and job experience to good use. We will be able to match you up with interviews in your area so you can get the job opportunity you want. We have offices located in Bloomington, Chaska, Crystal, Delano, Maplewood, and Ramsey Minnesota to help you with your job search today! Want to learn more career tips and tricks – check our When Work Works blog.

How to Be Minnesota Nice at Work

The concept of “paying it forward” has been around for a while and refers to when someone does something good for someone else. The hope is that when enough people pay it forward, that it will eventually come around full-circle. If done effectively, the concept of “paying it forward” at work can actually be quite successful.

Pick up an Employee’s Shift-

If you don’t have plans, pick up an employee’s shift. If they ask you whether or not you are available to take it, say yes as often as you can. They will remember you in the future when you have a favor to ask of them. Also, you will be helping to create a workplace environment in which employees are only at work when they are physically and emotionally able to be present.

Help out a Supervisor-

It’s a fair assumption to make that your supervisor is always pretty busy, especially with helping and leading fellow employees such as yourself. If you have the time in your schedule to do so, ask him or her what you can do to help. If they say nothing, just start helping anyway. Your supervisor will likely remember your enthusiasm and affinity for hard work.

Stay Later than Asked-

Staying later at work can be a drag, depending on why you’re staying there. However, if you voluntarily stay later at work to get a little extra done, it can be exhilarating and empowering. Your supervisors and co-workers will definitely notice if you’re putting in some extra time, especially if it’s to get ahead on a project that would help them out as well.

Compliment Your Colleagues-

Sometimes, we take our friends and colleagues for granted. Take a minute out of your day to give some compliments to your colleagues. These compliments can be anything from providing praise of their most recent work accomplishment to pointing out something you like about their attitude. Regardless of which form you choose, your good cheer and sense of camaraderie will infectiously spread throughout the workplace. Once you start implementing all these tactics, you will be surprised at how easily and quickly these will come back to you. You will also find that your workplace will be a much more positive place for you to get work done.

If you’re looking for a new job at a company the appreciates Minnesota Nice, contact Award Staffing. We will be able to help you find a new job opportunity that lets you take advantage of your abilities and prepare you to turn the interview into your dream offer. Want to learn more career tips and tricks – check our When Work Works blog.

Why You Need to Have a Wide Range of Job Experiences

If you are deciding whether or not to leave a particular job, there might be some merit to applying for a new career. You might even want to consider applying for a new job or position that is in a different field than your previous job. Here are the reasons why you should have a wide range of job experiences:

You Will Be Versatile in the Workplace-

If you learn a wide variety of different skills, you have the luxury of being versatile in the workplace. That means you can handle several different tasks or positions as opposed to just one task or position. This alone makes you a valuable and indispensable employee, which reduces your chances of being laid off or fired. 

You Will Learn What You Don’t Want-

If you have a wide range of job experiences, you can quickly learn what you don’t want in a future job. You can build your career around the experiences you enjoyed the most and try to stay away from the experiences you didn’t particularly enjoy.

You Will Find Parallels between Jobs-

If you work at many different jobs, you will eventually start being able to make parallels between jobs. This is useful because you will be able to apply certain tasks and problem-solving skills to two jobs that aren’t seemingly related at all. This will make you more easily adaptable to any situation in which you are placed.

You Can Keep Your Options Open-

When you have a lot of job experience, you are able to keep your options open in terms of career paths. You can work different jobs and then eventually return to the job in which you feel the happiest. You can also change career directions if one aspect of your life changes due to outside factors such as marriage or relocation.

If you would like to have a wide range of job experiences, contact Award Staffing. We will help place you in a job or series of jobs that will serve to give you more experience. We will also help you diversify your job experiences when applying for jobs with our company in the future.

The 5 Hardest Interview Questions that You’ll Ever Answer

Many interviews have similarities in that the hiring manager or boss fundamentally wants to know the answer to some of the same questions. Therefore, regardless of where you’re interviewing, prepare answers to the following questions.

What’s Your Greatest Weakness?

This is a common question for a reason: employers genuinely want to know what your biggest weakness is, especially when it comes to you working for them. Prepare a genuine answer that isn’t a cop-out, but also show the steps you are taking overcome and turn it into a strength.

Why Did You Leave Your Last Job?

Bosses are always curious why you left your last job. Obviously, leaving a job that you were at for five years with glowing recommendations is a very different situation than leaving a job you were at for less than six months with not-so-great recommendations. The key, especially in the negative case, is to take responsibility and never bad mouth the previous employer or business.

What Do You Need from a Boss?

If your future boss or hiring manager asks you this question, it’s a good sign. The reason being is that they likely are concerned with you as a person and not just as a potential employee. Make sure to be honest here, because this may determine whether or not you are a good fit for the company.

Are You a People Person?

It’s okay if you aren’t a people person, but you do need to be honest in answering this question. The reason being is that your hiring manager may or may not recommend you for a different position depending on how you answer this question.

Why Do You Want to Work for This Company?

This is your chance to stand out from the other candidates. Too many job-seekers float through the process without really considering what company would be the best fit for them, which is a mistake. If you can give a good reason why you would be a good fit for that specific company, you will impress your hiring manager and give yourself a decent chance of getting the job.

If you’re looking for a new job, contact Award Staffing. We will be able to match you up with interviews in your area so you can get the job opportunity you want. We have offices located in Bloomington, Chaska, Crystal, Delano, Maplewood, and Ramsey Minnesota to help you with your job search today! Want to learn more career tips and tricks – check our When Work Works blog.

How to Conquer Your First Day of Work in 285 Words

The first day on a new job can be nerve-wracking. You have to figure everything out from the commute to the coffee situation to safe navigation of office politics. On top of that, you need to step off on the right foot with the coworkers and bosses who will define your success at this career stop and help you move on to the next promotion. Here’s how you can conquer your first day of work:

Prepare to Sound Intelligent with Everyone You Meet-

Jacquelyn Smith of Business Insider recommends you “get ready to give a 30-second explanation of who you are, where you were before, and what you’ll be doing in this new position.” You should also be familiar enough with your new company to discuss it intelligently with anyone you meet, particularly new bosses.

Be Engaged at All Times-

Make sure to learn at least one thing about everyone you meet. Keep your body language positive. And turn your cell phone off in the parking lot. Don’t let anything distract you from making a great first impression.

Show Up Ready to Learn-

John Coleman of Harvard Business Review advises “don’t “fake it until you make it” by trying to appear more knowledgeable than you are. People will expect you to face a steep learning curve on a new job and most will be willing to help you settle in. Take advantage of this time to ask questions and learn things.

If you are looking for a place to land on your feet the first day, contact Award Staffing. We are experts at matching people who are prepared to succeed with the best companies. We will be able to match you up with interviews in your area so you can get the job opportunity you want. We have offices located in Bloomington, Chaska, Crystal, Delano, Maplewood, and Ramsey Minnesota to help you with your job search today! Want to learn more career tips and tricks – check our When Work Works blog.

How to Prove that You’re a Hardworking Employee

Work advancement is often dependent on your ability to show your willingness to work hard whenever necessary. But you have to do more than just manage your job; you also have to make sure that you stand out.

It is a common notion that this means working longer hours than their co-workers. This may seem like a valid approach, but working more extended hours than your co-workers does not mean that you are a hard worker. Believe it or not, it may actually hurt your career development.

Do Longer Hours Mean Better Success at Work?-

Staying late without being asked, you may be telling your boss that you can’t complete your work responsibilities within a reasonable time frame. This could leave a bad impression with your manager, particularly if this results in overtime costs for the company.

However, if you are putting in extra hours because you want to take on other responsibilities, then it can have a positive effect on your reputation. Be aware that pushing yourself can cause your overall performance to go down – in the end doing more harm than good.

Understand How Performance is Measured-

Employee performance in a manufacturing environment is usually tied to specific metrics. It could be the fulfillment of a certain number of orders, or packaging a particular amount of products. Regardless of what is being measured, take time to understand what exactly is being a measure to determine your job success. Having the ability to meet performance standards shows that you are performing as they need while demonstrating your reliability. This allows your boss to plan future activities based on your capabilities to manage the tasks at hand.

Be Your Own Advocate-

If you are meeting your day-to-day job duties, and you feel you can do more, talk to your boss about how you can contribute more. This may allow opportunities for you to work ahead, or add additional capacity to escalating production needs.

By directly asking your boss what you can do, you guarantee that your performance is on their radar by indirectly telling your boss that you want to provide more value to the company. Showing your current capabilities and your desire to contribute more can prove that you are a reliable, hardworking employee.

If you are interested in finding a new job opportunity in Minnesota that can help develop your career, Award Staffing works with some of the leading companies in the Minneapolis – St Paul metro areas. Contact one of our six offices located in Bloomington, Chaska, Crystal, Delano, Maplewood, and Ramsey Minnesota to help you with your job search today!